Global Poverty Campaigns Weekly Update June 4, 2018

June 4, 2018

Global Poverty Campaigns

Weekly Update | Week of June 4, 2018

Quote of the Week

"I believe that with tuberculosis, the biggest challenge we face is not scientific or medical, it’s political."

– Dr. Joanne Carter, executive director of RESULTS and Vice-Chair of the Stop TB Partnership, speaking June 4 at the civil society hearing in advance of the UN High Level Meeting on Tuberculosis

Quick Action

Take Action: Ask Senators & Reps. to Cosponsor and Lead on the Reach Act! 

Saturday, June 9 National Grassroots Webinar: Prepare to Persuade Congress in July

Join us for the National Grassroots Webinar for Global Campaigns this Saturday, June 9 at 2 pm ET. We'll hear from lots of advocates and you'll get what you need to prepare for the International Conference in July. Login: Or to join by phone only, dial (201) 479-4595, meeting ID 30204806.

On the agenda:

  • What we can accomplish in DC at the International Conference

  • How to make the most of the Conference and Advocacy Day meetings

  • How you and your community can impact our issues from home. 

Updates on the RESULTS International Conference 

Not long now! The RESULTS International Conference is roughly six weeks away. Are you ready? 

  • Book Your Hotel Space Before the RESULTS Room Block Discount Expires on June 10. For more information, go to the conference website

  • *New* Bob Dickerson Award Nominations. Bob Dickerson of Seattle was a grassroots advocate with RESULTS for more than 15 years. He was tireless in his advocacy and generous in his financial support. Bob epitomized this the best of what it means to be a grassroots volunteer. In your nomination, tell us who from the grassroots you want to nominate. Include how the volunteer has achieved the mission of RESULTS, why they are a powerful citizen advocate, and how they inspire you. Make your nomination! Deadline: June 22

  • *New* Pre- and Post-IC Intensives. Coming to the IC early and interested in a Saturday morning intensive on running for office? Does a post-IC intensive on building advocacy training skills to engage Your community sound good? Register your intention to attend! 

  • *New* Booking Advocacy Day Prep Calls. Please speak with your group members to coordinate and select the times that you are all available, if this is applicable. To facilitate the scheduling process, please have one person from your group fill in the this Doodle poll for global poverty-focused groups and be sure to include your state abbreviation (e.g., AK) along with your name. If you have any questions, please contact Advocacy Assistant Susan Fleurant at [email protected]. Susan will be in touch with groups to finalize the call time. 


Passing the Reach Act: #LettersGetLOUD June Blast to Create Champions in Congress and Community

The Reach Every Mother and Child Act (H.R.4022, S.1730) will make U.S. efforts on maternal and child health the best they can be through coordination, efficiency, and bold goals. It's time to pass this legislation. We need supporters (cosponsors), but we also need advocates, leaders, and champions in Congress to move this bill. Get senators and representatives to cosponsor the Reach Act, yes, but if they are already cosponsors, move them up the Champion Scale by asking them to advocate for and lead on the issue.

  • #LettersGetLOUD June Blast. Set yourself up for some champion-building in Congress – and for some fresh summer outreach – through the #LettersGetLOUD June Blast. Use this help sheet to aid you in setting a #LettersGetLOUD outreach goal to be accomplished between June 1 and June 30.

  • June Action Sheet and Meeting Guide. Once you've set your outreach goal, use this helpful guide to create a powerful Education and Action Meeting in your community, utilizing the energy of #LettersGetLOUD to enroll new members in taking action. Your group can learn more about RESULTS and about the Reach Act, creating letters that can be packed in suitcases to be delivered to senators' and representatives' offices during the International Conference. These letters will be a clear call from your community: Congress must get the Reach Act passed! 

  • Getting Published. Have you written a letter to the editor on the Reach Act? Do you have 20 minutes? Raise your voice! Get published and influence Congress so that they champion maternal/child health. 

Advocate Welcome Series and Resource Page – New For You!

Welcome Series. RESULTS has a brand new process for welcoming, training, and connecting new advocates to our movement! This will replace our current Introductory Call process. This will give new advocates the chance to get to know RESULTS at their own pace. It also creates a new opportunity for all new advocates to attend a live training webinar with RESULTS staff to learn more about our issues, our advocacy model, and to start advocating so they can hit the ground running when they come to your RESULTS meeting. This is a resource for your group as you recruit new advocates locally! It should not replace your personal conversations, relationship building, and welcoming at the local level, but it should help.
To enroll new people in RESULTS and the Welcome Series, have them sign up online. If you want to invite someone to the Welcome Series who is already signed up in our national database and receiving our communications, send them to our "Raise Your Voice" page to get them started. At the end of the series, they will be invited to sign up for an orientation (dates and times are listed on our online calendar.  Questions? Contact Global Grassroots Expansion Manager Amanda Beals.
Same Resources Link, But Better! We also have reorganized the Resource Page for Advocates. You can find most everything you need here. If you have additional questions, contact RESULTS staff

Fundraising Campaign Extended. And Please Update Advocacy Reporting!

Extended Through June: Raising Funds to Support RESULTS' Advocacy for Moms. The RESULTS Spring Friends and Family Fundraising Campaign has been extended! Check out the campaign online and help fundraisers reach their goals. Questions? Mea Geizhals, Grassroots Fundraising Manager, stands ready to help. 

You've Been Busy. Tell Us The Stories. We wish to have information that is as accurate as possible through May.  

Upcoming Opportunities and Calendar Items 

Throughout June. New Member Orientations. Contact Amanda Beals, Global Grassroots Expansion Manager, for more details.

June 9, 2 pm ET. National Webinar/Conference Call for Grassroots. Login: Or to join by phone only, dial (201) 479-4595, meeting ID 30204806. Theme: The International Conference – Power in DC and Power Back Home. (View recordings of past webinars on our website.) 

June 18, 1 pm ET and 8 pm ET. RESULTS Global Free Agents Webinars (choose one). Login: Or to join by phone only, dial (201) 479-4595, meeting ID 35703902.

July 14-17, 2018. RESULTS International Conference.

Resources at Your Fingertips

Subscribe to the Weekly Update

2018 IC Resources

Resources to Help You Run Your Group Smoothly 

Advocacy Resources to Help You Take Action (Weekly updates, action sheets, online action alerts, and more)

Resources for Brand New Advocates Getting Started

Global Poverty Campaigns Backgrounders and Global Grassroots Calendar

Skills Center for Learning Advocacy Best Practices and More 

Fundraising Tools

Report 2018 Actions 

115th Congress Congressional Scorecard: See global poverty actions your members of Congress have taken. 

Contact the Grassroots Board Members of the RESULTS Board. Also, you can view the most recently published minutes from Board meetings on the RESULTS website, as well as download RESULTS’ most recent Annual Report.


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