Statement regarding a 2024 RESULTS International Conference

From RESULTS Executive Director Joanne Carter:

Though we were very much hoping we’d be able to have an in-person International Conference in DC for 2024, we are sadly unable to do so. Instead, we will look for several other interactions and opportunities for engagement during 2024. This was a difficult decision because we know the value of connecting in person and being on Capitol Hill. In lieu of an in-person IC for 2024, we want to strategize with you about other powerful ways to bring people together and make the most of our advocacy in an election year. We genuinely welcome your ideas and input and look forward to the number of opportunities for engagement throughout 2024. We appreciate your dedication and commitment to our mission, to each other, and to the work we are all part of driving.

Typically, each year we host a weekend of learning, action, and connecting with advocates across the country and around the globe. In 2022, we hosted a special program followed by a month of advocacy, with coordinated, powerful advocacy meetings with members of Congress.

For 2022, our RESULTS International Conference programming ran virtually – with plenary speakers, workshops, and networking June 4-5, 2022. We were thrilled to welcome author and professor Jelani Cobb of The New Yorker as a keynote speaker.

For those who have joined our International Conference before, 2022 looked a little different. Rather than one mega conference and advocacy day in DC, we planned a big virtual conference in June, and several separate smaller DC convenings for in-person congressional advocacy throughout the year. Alongside our international partners, we also laid plans for our collective advocacy with the World Bank, aiming for key moments in the spring and fall.

Read about past conferences

What attendees said…

“A beautiful experience!”

“It was inspiring and motivating to see folks from around the world fighting for the same vision of a more equitable world.”

“Great to feed off the energy of so many inspired people.”

“I felt wonderful camaraderie with the other participants around our mutual efforts to create the political will to end poverty.”

“I felt empowered afterwards!”

“If you want to meet incredible advocates from all over the country and the world, if you want to learn new skills and sharpen the ones you have, and if you’re eager to take the issues you care about straight to your members of Congress, there is no better opportunity than the International Conference.”
TIffany Wood, former RESULTS Fellow
“The people at the International Conference were so amazing. Before that, I wasn’t really aware of the way different government policies impacted me. But RESULTS gave me a whole new perspective.”
Yaseer Khanani, RESULTS Group Leader for Los Angeles and Orange County
“I was so inspired at the International Conference. There were such amazing speakers and everyone there was so supportive. To see people my age caring about these issues was awesome.”
Minh Nguyen, former RESULTS Fellow and Election Fellow
“When I attended the RESULTS International Conference for the first time, I had no advocacy experience. Now, I walk into meetings with members of Congress feeling confident, informed, and empowered.”
Kaylee Rogers, former RESULTS Fellow
“At the International Conference, a lot of like-minded people come together to change lives, change their environment, and change the world. That’s what is so exciting to me. Some people say they want to do this or that, but they never take the action to do it. But at the International Conference, you get that motivation to go back home and do what you said you’re going to do.”
Tamara Bates, former RESULTS Fellow and Expert on Poverty

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