Global Poverty Weekly Update March 18, 2019

March 20, 2019

Quote of the Week

“[People] need leaders who help them shine, who help them fulfill their potential . . .”

~ David Rock, Quiet Leadership ~

(Check out our calendar to find out when the Quiet Leadership book club is meeting next. Hint: March 21!)


Appropriations: Don’t Quit Near the Finish Line!

The House Subcommittee on State and Foreign Operations has set a deadline for appropriations requests from representatives as March 28. (Information on the Senate timeline is forthcoming.) This means individual House offices are beginning to close down the process of receiving appropriations requests so they can consider and compile and meet the March 28 deadline. We even have a laser talk to help you specifically make your requests. Don’t hesitate to send in your requests to your legislators! Don’t wait!

  • FY20 Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis, and Malaria Request
  • FY20 Tuberculosis Request
  • FY20 Child Health and Nutrition Request
  • FY20 Global Partnership for Education Request

We also have four “Dear Colleague” letters – letters of influence, underscoring our appropriations requests and creating real impact. The four letters that are open, each with its own instructions for representatives interesting in signing, is located on our website.

  • House letter supporting maternal/child health, GAVI, and nutrition – closing date is March 22.
  • House sign-on letter supporting Global TB – closing date is March 22.
  • House sign-on letter supporting the Global Fund and PEPFAR – closing date is March 25 at 12 pm ET.
  • House sign-on letter supporting the basic education and the Global Partnership for Education – closing date is *now* March 25.


#ItsTimetoEndTB – March 24 is World TB Day

World TB Day is just days away, and social media is a great way to raise awareness. Check out the social media kit, led by the Stop TB Partnership, online.

Briefings – Invite Your Members of Congress! RESULTS is co-sponsoring TB briefings in both the House and Senate at the end of March to highlight the continuing TB pandemic and discuss what can be done. Invite your legislators and their staff to attend.

Get Published. At your next RESULTS meeting or gathering, write letters to the editor about support for the Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria using our monthly action sheet for March.


Intensives? Skill-building? The International Conference!

Will You Make the International Conference Part of Your Summer?

We’ve freshened up the International Conference (IC) schedule a bit. Extra opportunities for learning intensives. Cool “lightning” talks. But, as usual, you’ll have opportunities to network with advocates from around the world.

Earlybird rates are in effect. Register today for this special event July 13-16 in Washington, DC.

Why the International Conference? “It’s great to connect with volunteers across the country and world. Helps you [to] know you have people by your side (near and far) with the same vision of a better world” – Cecilia van Wijk, RESULTS Indianapolis group leader and RESULTS intern

Will you be there? Now is the time to start saving, start raising funds, start planning. Check out the emerging schedule and make your plans! Consider investing in yourself in this way this coming summer.

Need more inspiration? Check out this brief video which talks about the value of the IC in the words of past attendees!


“Set the Agenda” Campaign Keeps Moving . . .

And Moving . . . The 116th Congress must hear about our poverty-related priorities so that those priorities become the priorities of our legislators.

When you combine meetings with face-to-face meetings, meetings with aides, and the accomplishments at the REAL Change Summit’s Hill Day . . . Over 200 total meetings achieved so far in 2019! Incredible! But this is only the start.

Our “Set the Agenda” aspirations until the end of April . . .

  • Every group/free agent meets with each congressional office they cover.
  • Every group/free agents has at least one face-to-face meeting with a member of Congress
  • Every group/free agents makes an invitation to a new person to join in a congressional meeting.

Next, report!


Chances to Give, Chances to Learn

  • Monthly Giving March. Now through March 28, each new monthly donor added to the mix will gain us a $500 match, up to $10,000! We need just nine more monthly donors to do go unlock the full match. What a remarkable opportunity to help provide a predictable stream of funding for our work together. For more details, go to our online page.
  • March 21, 9 pm ET. Quiet Leadership. Continuing on the third Thursday of each month up until the International Conference, Regional Coordinator Misty Novitch will host an encore of the book club focusing on learning and practicing the coaching techniques explored in David Rock’s book Quiet Leadership. You can find the syllabus online. Questions? Contact Lisa Marchal, Global Grassroots Manager. To join, go to You can also join by phone at (929) 436-2866 or (669) 900-6833, meeting ID 482992263.
  • The REAL Change Fellowship 2019-20 Class Accepting Applications. Share the online application for this emerging young leaders program.


Calendar Notes

Congressional Recess: Week of March 18

March 20, 8:30 pm ET. New Advocate Orientation. If you are new to RESULTS, know someone new to RESULTS, or want to become a RESULTS advocate, please join us for our New Advocate Orientation! During this 60-minute live webinar, you’ll interact with RESULTS staff and other new volunteers, learn more about our advocacy model and issues and get information on how to take action and get connected locally. Sign up here.

March 21, 9 pm ET. Quiet Leadership. Continuing on the third Thursday of each month up until the International Conference, Regional Coordinator Misty Novitch will host an encore of the book club focusing on learning and practicing the coaching techniques explored in David Rock’s book Quiet Leadership. You can find the syllabus online. Questions? Contact Lisa Marchal, Global Grassroots Manager. To join, go to You can also join by phone at (929) 436-2866 or (669) 900-6833, meeting ID 482992263.

April 3, 8 pm ET. RESULTS Action Network Community of Practice. Join other Action Network Managers to learn and share best practices for building and managing a local Action Network. Join the webinar at, or by phone via (929) 436-2866 or (669) 900-6833, meeting ID 427674133. You can also join our Facebook pagerequest to join the group listserv, and find resources online.

April 13, 2 pm ET. National Grassroots Webinar, Global Poverty Campaigns. Join at Or join by phone at (669) 900-6833 or (929) 436-2866, meeting ID 510407386.

April 15, 1 pm ET and 8 pm ET. RESULTS Global Free Agents Webinars (choose one). Join via or, by phone, dial (669) 900-6833 or (929) 436-2866, meeting ID 285681999.

July 13-16. RESULTS International Conference. Grand Hyatt Washington (DC)Check out the information page and register before the May 15 earlybird deadline!

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