Global Poverty Campaigns Weekly Update April 23, 2018

April 23, 2018

Global Poverty Campaigns

Weekly Update | Week of April 23, 2018

Quote of the Week

"I have seen the importance of advocacy and public policy to ensuring good governance in countries around the world. Building advocacy for effecting political change is exciting and relevant for our current context."

– Nancy Morgan, RESULTS Advocate

Quick Action

Take Action: Ask Your Senators to Cosponsor the Reach Every Mother and Child Act

Senate Appropriations: New Letters, Extended Deadlines – Act Now!

1. The State and Foreign Operations Committee of the Senate has called for FY19 appropriations requests by April 26. This means we need to get our requests in to our own legislators well ahead of that date. Ask your senators to weigh in individually with funding level requests on our key issues: child health and nutrition; tuberculosis; the Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria; and the Global Partnership for Education. Use our appropriations action sheet and laser talk designed to help you make your requests to your senators and to enlist others into action as well. 

2. Letter on Maternal/Child Health, Gavi, and Nutrition – Deadline Extended to 12 pm ET on April 24.  Click for the text of the maternal and child health/Gavi/nutrition sign-on ("Dear Colleague") letter open for signatures just for a few hours longer. Sign-on letters carry weight and influence as part of the entire appropriations process. Ask your senators to sign!

3. New Letter on Global Fund/PEPFAR – Deadline is Close of Business on April 24. Click for the text of this letter, new on the scene and open for signatures for a very short time. 

4. New Letter on Basic Education and the Global Partnership for Education – Deadline is 10 am ET on April 26. Click for the text of this letter, the final letter to be available for signatures. 

5. Letter on Bilateral Tuberculosis Funding – Deadline Extended to 12 pm ET on April 26. Click for the text of this brand new sign-on ("Dear Colleague") letter supporting bilateral efforts to stem the tide of tuberculosis globally. Act fast – senators only have a week to sign.  

Keep Track of Senate and House Approps Via Our Website. Take a look at the round-up of the FY19 process in the House and your on-going work in the Senate. The blog is updated regularly. 


LettersGet LOUD Can Add Power to Your Senate Advocacy. Take a look at this fantastic video demonstrating what #LettersGetLOUD can mean for your local group. Organize your community to write letters to Senators related to the appropriations process. See if someone would read their letter aloud and video it, then post it on social media (particularly on Twitter, with the hashtag #LettersGetLOUD). Amplify your Senate appropriations requests with the power of the community by taking these letters with you to Senate meetings you book for the recess starting April 30. Go to our #LettersGetLOUD page for complete support materials.

Reach Act Advocacy and Friends & Family Fundraising as Mother's Day Approaches

Reach Act/#LettersGetLOUD Outreach Guide and Action Sheet Now Available. The Reach Act is an ideal piece of legislation to rally your community around as Mother's Day approaches. Invite individuals and groups within your community who have an interest in maternal and child health to write letters to their representatives and senators, asking for Reach Act cosponsorship. This way, you're including your community in our #LettersGetLOUD effort and maximizing reach and impact for our Reach Act campaign. 

Friends & Family Fundraising Campaign Kicks Off May 3. Additionally, we'll prepare ourselves for a robust Friends and Family Fundraising Campaign on the theme of helping mothers and kids here and around the world. Join the kickoff support webinar on May 3 at 8:30 p.m. ET for all the tools and encouragement you need. Log in to, or dial (408) 610-1042, meeting ID 37000190. 

The 2018 International Conference: What Opportunity is Waiting for You There?

Grab a sneak peek of the conference on our website, then take advantage of the earlybird rate until May 15! Have you registered? 

As Ken Patterson, Director of Global Grassroots Advocacy, has said, " . . . [M]arches are a starting point for creating change, not an end in themselves. Politicians may be moved in the moment, but without well-informed persistence, their attention will quickly shift to other matters." That's why you are needed in Washington this July!

  • Check out the evolving agenda. Workshops, issue briefings, networking, time for fun . . . it's all here! 

  • Nominate Someone for the 2018 Cameron Duncan Media Award. RESULTS is pleased to announce that it is now accepting nominations for the 2018 Cameron Duncan Media Award. This award is given each year to a journalist or editor for outstanding work on issues related to poverty. The award is named in honor of Cameron Duncan, a former associate executive director of RESULTS who devoted his life to fighting poverty. For all the details on how to submit a nomination, go to our websiteNominations extended to April 27.

  • Are You on Twitter? Could you share about the conference? Try this sample tweet, for starters: Join a thriving community of advocates from every corner of the country and around the world as they learn together and head to Capitol Hill. Come to the RESULTS International Conference this summer! #Voices4RESULTS

  • Don't Let Cost Get in the WayApply for 2018 IC Gap Funding for U.S. advocates working on global poverty campaigns – to help make your attendance possible. We want every group represented at the conference, and we'd like that representation to include someone who's never been to the conference before. Could that person be you? 

  • Are You a Young Emerging Leader? Do You Know OneThe REAL Change Organizing and Advocacy Fellowship to Fight Poverty is open for application, but only for another month. This learning opportunity designed for emerging leaders aged 18-30 may be ideal for you or someone you know . . . and the fellowship kicks off at the International Conference! 

  • RESULTS Merchandise. RESULTS now has an online, branded merchandise store! You can choose from a red with the RESULTS logo and a special design for the 2018 IC.

Nominations Open for RESULTS Grassroots Board Member Election

Would you like to take a leadership role in the governance of our RESULTS community? Do you know someone who you think would be a strong voice for guiding our national organization?

We are pleased to announce that we are now accepting nominations for the RESULTS and RESULTS Educational Fund Grassroots Board Member election, which will be held this summer. One Grassroots Board Member will be elected by our volunteers. You can nominate someone who you think would be a strong voice representing RESULTS volunteers OR you can nominate yourself if you want to take a bold new step in leadership. Nominations will close on Sunday, May 14.

For more on qualifications and the nominations process, read more on our website. 

Upcoming Opportunities and Calendar Items 

April 27. Nominations for 2018 Cameron Duncan Media Award Close. 

April 30-May 4. House and Senate Recesses. 

May 3, 8:30 pm ET. Spring Friends and Family Fundraising Campaign Kick-off. Log in to, or dial (408) 610-1042, meeting ID 37000190. 

May 12, 2 pm ET. National Webinar/Conference Call for Grassroots. Login: Or to join by phone only, dial (201) 479-4595, meeting ID 30204806. (View recordings of past webinars on our website.) 

May 14. Nominations for RESULTS Grassroots Board Member Election Close. 

May 15, 9 pm ET. Dialogue: "Intersectionality." Who are you? How does who you are impact your experiences? Please join RESULTS volunteers for a reflection on the many aspects of ourselves – our age, religion, ethnicity, income, gender, and sexual orientation, for example – that impact our work as RESULTS volunteers. We will complete "cultural sketches" of ourselves to understand how our identities influence our values, decisions, behaviors, and opportunities. There is no need to prepare for the discussion – just come open to exploring your identity!  Log in to, or dial (201) 479-4595, meeting ID 33986526.

May 21, 1 pm ET and 8 pm ET. RESULTS Global Free Agents Webinars (choose one). Login: Or to join by phone only, dial (201) 479-4595, meeting ID 35703902.

July 14-17, 2018. RESULTS International Conference.

Resources at Your Fingertips

Subscribe to the Weekly Update

Advocacy Resources (Weekly updates, action sheets, online action alerts, and more)

Global Poverty Campaigns Background

Global Grassroots Calendar

Skills Center 

Fundraising Tools

Report 2018 Actions 

115th Congress Congressional Scorecard: See global poverty actions your members of Congress have taken. 

Contact the Grassroots Board Members of the RESULTS Board. Also, you can view the most recently published minutes from Board meetings on the RESULTS website, as well as download RESULTS’ most recent Annual Report.


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