A continuing resolution creates another opportunity for advocacy

October 4, 2022
by Katie Fleischer, Advocacy Associate

Last Thursday, the Senate voted 72-25 to pass a continuing resolution (CR), preventing a looming government shutdown. On Friday, the House passed the resolution 230-201, ensuring that the government will remain funded through December 16. 

The CR extends the current funding levels for government programs, and also includes some supplemental funding, including $12 billion in military funding for Ukraine. The bill does have some good news for struggling Americans–it provides $20 million for the water crisis in Jackson, Mississippi, $1 billion for heating and utility assistance, and $18.8 billion for the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) in the wake of Hurricanes Fiona and Ian.

However, the final CR does not include the $22.4 billion the Biden administration requested for the global COVID-19 response, or any money for monkeypox response. This lack of global health funding is disappointing and reveals our government’s lack of interest in addressing very real health needs around the world.

What comes next?

The CR not only helps avoid a government shutdown, it also means that we’ll have another chance to advocate for the child tax credit (CTC) in December. Some Republicans were angling to extend the funding until January, so keeping the deadline in December means we have one more chance before the next Congress takes over.

This fall, we’re preparing for an outreach push during the “lame duck” period after the election.  We’ll urge our elected officials to ensure our global health and education funding asks make it into final appropriations bills, as well as pass a bipartisan expansion of the CTC that prioritizes the lowest income families. With Congress eager to pass a spending package in December to pass corporate tax breaks, we have an opportunity to extend the CTC to support low-income families.

Members of Congress are now on the campaign trail until November, so now is a great time to check out our “birddogging” and other outreach resources and bring our issues to town halls, election events, and the media. You can also find resources for talking to conservatives about the CTC here, and a progress tracker for our global policy priorities here.

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