Global Weekly Update October 20, 2014
Your Gavi Media: Way to Go! Keep Going!
So far, in this second half of the year, you've gotten at least 55 media pieces on Gavi, the Vaccine Alliance, and the life-saving effects of vaccines published in media outlets around the country. The Obama administration needs to know what a $1 billion, four-year pledge in 2015 to Gavi's work would mean to the lives of children and families worldwide. And you are telling them! Enjoy this growing list of the powerful pieces you have generated and leverage them by sending them to your legislators as you work to schedule face-to-face meetings with them, or follow up on your conversations with your representatives and senators and link to a relevant media piece as you do so.
If you want to inspire your local paper to write an editorial, you can use elements of our media toolkit to catch the attention of editors. Due to tragic and challenging world events, global health is part of the water cooler conversation, and the strengthening of health systems overall is one of things being discussed. That's a piece of what Gavi, the Vaccine Alliance, is all about. Speak up at this important time!
- Editorial packet
- Sample pitches to your editor
- Laser talk to help you follow up on your pitch a week later
Your Legislators Need to Hear From You About Supporting Gavi
1. October Action Sheet. Our October action sheet, which is also posted on our website, is designed to help you ask your representatives and senators to write the Obama administration directly about supporting Gavi, the Vaccine Alliance, which is saving lives around the world through their critical work of providing vaccines for easily preventable, poverty-related childhood killers. We also have a laser talk to help you make the request and a draft letter your legislator can use. Reach out to your members of Congress, particularly in a face-to-face or town hall meeting. Ask them to be part of a chorus of voices across Congress are asking for a pledge to Gavi of $1 billion over four years at the January 2015 replenishment conference.
Note: Targeted Action Just For House Democratic Leaders. Democratic House leadership has crafted a special letter to President Obama to make the $1 billion request. Many of you have representatives who are specifically on a target list, due to their leadership in the House, who we want to have sign this letter. If that's the case, check with your group leader, as Legislative Director John Fawcett has specifically contacted your group with instructions and help. Then take this action. If you did not receive a note from John, however, please use the October action sheet to ask your representatives and senators to write the Obama administration on their own!
2. House Resolution 688. While Congress won't officially add new cosponsors to any legislation until they reconvene, you can make cosponsorship requests during the recess! Keep information about the resolution, including the current cosponsor list, on hand. Also keep on hand a copy of the Dear Colleague letter that helps introduce the resolution and indicates who the House member should contact to cosponsor. Need even more help? Here's a laser talk to help you make the request!
Grassroots Potpourri: International Webinar, Outreach Help, and More
1. November 8 International Webinar. Instead having of our typical monthly national grassroots call in November, we will instead have the excitement of welcoming many advocates from our international affiliates to a webinar-style event. Mark your calendars for Saturday, November 8, at the special time of 11:30 am ET. Our guest will be Geoff Adlide, Director of Advocacy and Public Policy at Gavi, the Vaccine Alliance.
- Webinar connection: (Please test a few days before the webinar for any set-up instructions.)
- Audio connection: Via online weblink, via toll number (201) 479-4595 or via toll-free number (885) 346-3893. You will need to punch in the meeting number: 26310650#. (Keep in mind that using the online weblink or the toll number will save RESULTS money.)
2. Resources for Reaching Your Community.
- Been thinking about a creative Gavi-related outreach meeting for the fall, but needed a small budget to help? Fill out an application today.
- Plus, you can find some terrific general online outreach print resources on our website as well as our handy outreach guide focused on Gavi.
3. Introductory Calls. Do you know anyone who'd like to hear a bit more on what RESULTS is all about? We have the solution for you. Folks can register for a 30-minute introductory call and easily get the scoop.
4. Are You Our Next Regional Coordinator? Regional Coordinators are the backbone of the RESULTS grassroots support structure that makes us so powerful and effective. If you are ready for a leadership experience that empowers other people and changes the world, consider applying to become a Regional Coordinator.
5. A Path Appears. Nicholas Kristof and Sheryl WuDunn have co-written an inspiring book called A Path Appears which examines what it takes to create real change in the world around us, and RESULTS is humbled to be included in the book. Are Kristof and WuDunn coming to your town on their book tour? Perhaps you could thank them in person! Check out their book's website.
Fundraising Inspiration from Dallas
Join us in congratulating Margaret Smith and RESULTS Dallas in their incredible Thanksgiving Virtual Feast Friends & Family Campaign. They have surpassed both their original goal of $1,500 and their new goal of $3,000, raising $3,585! In just a few short weeks, the group rallied their friends and family to join them in fight to provide funding for nutrition to world’s children. Way to go Dallas! Feel inspired? Support Dallas in their campaign by making a donation, or join them in the campaign and create your own fundraising page by emailing Jerusa Contee.
Working with partners, I’m optimistic that together we will one day live in a world free of vaccine-preventable diseases.
-Trevor Mundel, president of global health at the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation
October 22, 7 pm ET and 8 pm PT. Grasstops Celebration Party. Dial in to (712) 432-3100, passcode 761262. Everyone is invited to the party! Join us as we share little or grand grasstops successes! This is a great time to be inspired by the work of RESULTS activists from across the country as we all reach out to our grasstops champions. As at every party, there will be opportunities for you to network and discover new grasstops groups to reach out to in your community. Come as you are and leave inspired. (Bring your own snacks and beverages!)
October 28, 8 pm ET. Clearing the First Hurdle with Community Grasstops – Connecting Global-Local Poverty Efforts. Dial (712) 432-3100, passcode 761262. Are you postponing a call to a potential grasstops champion because you are unsure how the two of you can work together? Join this 30-minute call to help identify how to take meaningful actions with your grasstops champions.
October 30, 8 pm ET. Finding and Connecting with the Grasstops. Dial in to (712) 432-3100, passcode 761262. If you are new to RESULTS or just having a hard time finding or getting your grasstops champions (community influencers) to be in action with your group, this 30-minute call is for you! Join us as we learn how to discover grasstops champions; connect our global campaigns with local concerns; make your first introduction(s) successful; and utilize both active listening and good follow-up tactics.
October 31, 1 pm ET. RESULTS Introductory Call. Heard of RESULTS and want to know more? Join us for this 30-minute introductory call. Contact us with any questions and RSVP for the call. Dial (712) 432-3100, passcode 761262 to join.
November 8, 11:30 am ET. Special International Webinar (note time). In lieu of our normal monthly national grassroots conference call, we'll join with advocates worldwide for a enlightening webinar related to our Gavi campaign. We'll welcome Geoff Adlide, Director of Advocacy and Public Policy at Gavi, the Vaccine Alliance. Find information on how to connect in this Weekly Update.
November 12, 9 pm ET. RESULTS Introductory Call. Heard of RESULTS and want to know more? Join us for this 30-minute introductory call. Contact us with any questions and RSVP for the call. Dial (712) 432-3100, passcode 761262 to join.
November 17, 8 pm ET. RESULTS Free Agents Call for Global Poverty Advocates. Dial (605) 475-6777, passcode 7378587. Are you a RESULTS activist with our global poverty campaigns, living in a town with no RESULTS group? You are alone no more! Contact Lisa Marchal, Senior Global Grassroots Associate, for more information on this monthly group call.