RESULTS Weekly Update October 22, 2024

October 22, 2024

Quote of the Week

“I wish these lawmakers understood how hard people like me work to do the right thing, to get ahead, to give back — and how many obstacles their decisions put in our way.”

– RESULTS Fellow and Riverside, CA volunteer Brazil Jefferson Advocate in an October 16 op-ed in Other Words

Table of Contents


Election engagement: Don’t forget about talking to candidates

We have spent a lot of time in the last month talking about the importance of media this fall. That has not changed (see more below). But our emphasis on media should in no way take away from the importance of meeting with lawmakers and candidates before the election. Just how influential that can be was illustrated by our volunteers in Pennsylvania.

Despite months of failed attempts to meet face-to-face with Rep. Scott Perry (R-PA-10), volunteers in our Central & Western PA and Philadelphia groups set up a meeting with local aides. When volunteers Mabel Keppeh and Bruce Kessler arrived at the office (others appeared via Zoom), they were surprised to see Rep. Perry in their meeting. After the initial shock wore off, they proceeded to talk to him about the importance of supporting Gavi, the Vaccine Alliance and protecting SNAP from cuts in the Farm Bill. He gave them 30 minutes, asking questions and listening to their requests. They thanked him, left, and are now planning to follow up on their requests in a few days.

None of this would have happened if the Pennsylvania advocates had given up after their requests went unanswered. Their insistence on carrying their message to Rep. Perry’s office resulted in a surprise face-to-face meeting with a lawmaker in a tight re-election race. It is a fitting example of how to make poverty an election issue.

And it’s why we have to keep trying. We know it is hard to get to candidates this close to an election. But it is still worth the effort. As is meeting with staff. Congress has a busy lame duck session after the election and the new Congress will have a lot to tackle next year. Talking to them now gets these critical issues in front of them before the rush of post-election activity.

And while you wait for the meeting or candidate event to arrive, use the media to get the word out, too. Candidates are paying close attention to local media this close to Election Day. They know voters are too. Use that attention to inform them of what you want them to do about child poverty or global health or hunger or housing. You’ve gotten 72 media pieces published in 22 states so far in our Double/50 media campaign. Let’s keep going until we reach our goal of 300 pieces covering all 50 states!

TAKE ACTION: Help us make poverty an election issue by talking to candidates and getting media published today. Use our candidate engagement resources and engagement guide (which has sample questions to ask) to find and talk to candidates. Also, please continue to generate media for our Double/50 media campaign. You can find letter to the editor  templates and hooks for letters and op-eds in the Double/50 Campaign media hooks tracker. And please let us know when you get published by completing our media report form. Thank you!

Quick News on U.S. and Global Poverty

Urge the House to prioritize ending TB. This year, the Senate voted unanimously to pass the End Tuberculosis Now Act through the hotline process. The Senate bill has now been referred to the House. Don’t wait. Ask House members – especially those that have co-sponsored the bill – to push Leadership, Speaker Mike Johnson and Whip Steve Scalise to have the bill be voted on after the election using our online action. Read our recent press release about S.288’s passage and take action!

Push for Congress to support access to vaccines. Please help gather more co-sponsors for resolutions in both the Senate and the House which support Gavi, the Vaccine Alliance in advance of the full pledging conference in 2025. We need more co-sponsors to help us reinforce the Administration’s earlier pledge. Don’t let co-sponsorships stall. Ask your legislators to co-sponsor the Gavi resolutions (S.Res.684 and H.Res.1286). Use our online action today to make your Gavi resolution requests.

Thank you for supporting the CTC. Thank you to all the RESULTS groups who signed on to this CTC letter that was submitted this week to the House Ways & Means Committee. In total, 45 RESULTS groups signed on making up almost 20% of all signers!  Now, you can use the letter to send to your congressional offices to make sure they’ve seen it and that they know what your tax priorities are for 2025. Even if you couldn’t sign your group on, sending the letter is a good way to stay in contact with your tax staff. Let them know you’re paying attention and expect action.

What was the United Nations General Assembly (UNGA) Like? Hear about the UNGA and its work on world health straight from a presenter, our own Dorothy Monza who works on our maternal/child health portfolio. Enjoy her vivid description of her part in the event and share her determination to make change in the context of equity. Read this latest blogpost.


Support our work through the Fall Friends & Family campaign! The air is getting crisp and autumn activities are in full force. That includes our Fall Friends & Family campaign! Why not share your passion for RESULTS by launching a Friends & Family fundraising page? Invite your network to support you in your work to end poverty! Friends and Family fundraisers are easy to set up, customize, and share with your community. Visit to view current fundraisers being held by your fellow advocates and learn how to create a page for yourself or a group!

Register for the National Webinar on November 2. During next month’s National Webinar, we will hear from Dr. Joanne Carter and Board Chair Kul Gautam in conversation. Dr. Joanne Carter is RESULTS’ executive director, and Kul Gautam serves as RESULTS Board Chair. He is also Former Deputy Executive Director of UNICEF. Together, they will explore key questions: What is RESULTS’s vision and mission post-election? How do we continue to raise the profile of our issues and keep building on our successes toward a world free of poverty? Come along for an invigorating webinar on Saturday, November 2 at 1:00 p.m. ET. Register today.

Submit Nominations for Leadership Awards. Nominate a RESULTS grassroots volunteer for the Bob Dickerson Leadership Award. We give this award for extraordinary leadership and commitment to our mission. Nominate a journalist, editor, or grassroots volunteer for the Cameron Duncan Media Award. We give this award for outstanding poverty-related media work. To nominate for a 2024 award, please complete the awards nomination form by Monday, November 4. We will announce nominees and winners in December. For more information, contact Joanna DiStefano.

Upcoming Events

Congressional schedule: Both the House and the Senate are on recess until November 12.

Find these and other events on our website Events Calendar.

Monday, October 28: Global Poverty Free Agents, 7:00 p.m. ET. Contact

Tuesday, October 29: New Advocate Orientation, 8:30 p.m. ET. Registration is open.

Wednesday, October 30: New Advocate Mentor Community Call, 8:00 p.m. ET. Register today for this quarterly call.

Friday, November 1: 2025 RESULTS Fellowship Application Closes!

Saturday, November 2: National Webinar, 1:00 p.m. ET. Guests: RESULTS Executive Director Dr. Joanne Carter and RESULTS Board Chair Kul Gautam. Register for the webinar.

Tuesday, November 5: Election Day. Please vote!

Wednesday, November 6: Motivational Interviewing (continuation of series), 8:00 p.m. ET. Registration remains open.

Friday, November 8, Anti-Oppression Learning Community, 12:00-1:30 p.m. ET. Register today for this important conversation.

Monday, November 11: Veterans Day. RESULTS office is closed.

Thursday, November 14: Outreach and Event Planning Office Hour, 2:00 p.m. ET. Drop in! Join via or call (312) 626-6799, meeting ID 940 0474 8060.

Tuesday, November 19: U.S. Poverty Free Agents, 1:00 p.m. ET and 8:00 p.m. ET. For more information, please contact Jos Linn.

Tuesday, November 19: Together Women Rise Advocacy Chapter, 8:30 p.m. ET. Read more.

Wednesday, November 20: Action Network Manager Calls, 12:30 p.m. ET and 8:00 p.m. ET. Join at or call (312) 626-6799, meeting ID 954 1678 1155. No registration required.

Wednesday, November 20: New Advocate Orientation, 1:00 p.m. ET. Registration open!

Wednesday, November 20: Media Office Hour, 2:00-3:00 p.m. ET. Drop in at or call (312) 626-6799, meeting ID 936 6800 5494. No registration is required.

Thursday, November 28-Friday, November 29: Autumn break. RESULTS office is closed.

Typically, registration ends one hour prior to the start of all webinars and trainings.

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