RESULTS Weekly Update August 6, 2024

August 6, 2024

Quote of the Week

“Investing on Gavi isn’t only a moral imperative, it’s a strategic investment in global health security.”

– RESULTS West Virginia volunteer Edith Martinez in a July 26 letter to the editor in the Charleston Gazette-Mail

Table of Contents

Strengthening democracy is up to all of us

Thank you to Melanie Vant of USAID for speaking with us on the July 2024 RESULTS National Webinar. She did a wonderful job articulating the importance of democracy-building. She noted citizen-driven initiatives creating meaningful change in countries around the world. She also reminded us that the work of strengthening democracy is vital now more than ever, as efforts to undermine it grow. It was an excellent message as campaign season ramps up this month.

We do our part in helping strengthen U.S. democracy by being more active in it. Both the Senate and the House are on recess for the next month. This is our chance to put poverty in front of them as an election issue. The same goes for those who are running against them. Meetings, town halls, media are all effective ways to get candidates’ attention. That’s why we created a new election engagement guide to help you find them and talk to them.

And starting this week, we will be offering weekly coaching sessions to help you make poverty an election issue. RESULTS staff will be available for two hours each week in August to answer your questions on how best to engage with candidates in your area. See below for more details.

It is not cliché to say that, in many ways, democracy is on the ballot this year. It is not only important that we participate, but also how we participate. Voting is essential, but only the beginning. Talking with lawmakers and candidates, following up on conversations, bringing issues up publicly at events and in the media, sharing your experiences with others – this is how we participate. And how we strengthen democracy. The more we do, the stronger it gets. So, let’s get to work.

TAKE ACTION: Start mapping out what actions your will take this month to put poverty in front of candidates as an issue. Our Community of Change page under “Make Elections about Poverty” has helpful resources including an election engagement guide. This guide has how-to’s, specific questions for candidates, and links to recent webinars on election advocacy. And our election office hours start tomorrow (see more below). You can also reach out to RESULTS staff directly with any questions.

Ask representatives to sign global nutrition letter

Last year, almost five million children died before their fifth birthday. Malnutrition was the underlying cause of almost half of those deaths. According to the United Nations, we already produce more than enough food to feed the world. We also need to make sure that people have access to the right types of nutritious foods at the right time. This is why we’re supporting the Nutrition for Growth Summit. Every four years, the host of the Olympics also hosts the Nutrition for Growth Summit. World leaders from governments, businesses, and nonprofits will come together. During the Summit, stakeholders will make pledges and commitments towards ending malnutrition. As a global leader in health, eyes will be on the U.S. If the U.S. shows strong positive signals early, it will inspire increased commitments from others.

TAKE ACTION: A House Dear Colleague letter of support for the Nutrition for Growth Summit is now open for signatures, but it will only be open for the month of August. The United Nations General Assembly in September is a key global moment and opportunity for the U.S. to pledge. We need as many signatures as possible before then. Can you ask your representative to sign before the end of the month? Consider bringing this request into your August recess meetings. Use our new August Action Sheet to take action and to support others to take action as well. Note: Stay tuned for info about a possible Senate companion letter.

Quick News on U.S. and Global Poverty

CTC bill fails in the Senate. Last week, the Senate voted on H.R. 7024, the Tax Relief for American Families and Workers Act, the bill that would have expanded the Child Tax Credit for 16 million children in families with low incomes. Sadly, the bill failed 48-44 (60 votes were needed to move the bill forward). In a press release, RESULTS Executive Director Joanne Carter said: “While we are dismayed that the CTC expansion failed, we are not discouraged. Even now, we are working with our network and congressional allies. We will push for a robust CTC expansion in the 2025 [tax debate], if not sooner.” Your CTC work this year puts us in a great position for next year’s tax debate, and with the potential for greater rewards. Start now by letting your senators know how you feel about the vote and by generating media telling Congress to expand the CTC next year.

Join next week’s Global Policy Forum on malnutrition. Nutrition is one of the principal factors to a strong start in life. Unfortunately, nearly half of all preventable child deaths have malnutrition as an underlying cause. We can and must do better. Join RESULTS for a new Global Policy Forum to learn more about the state of nutrition around the world and how your advocacy will ensure the U.S. plays its part in the global fight against malnutrition. The forum is Thursday, August 15 at 9:00 p.m. ET. Register today.

Keep pushing for Gavi co-sponsors. Twenty-four members of the House have put their names behind a resolution on Gavi, the Vaccine Alliance. This is an exciting start. But we need more supporters in both chambers. These key resolutions will help support the fulfillment of the Biden Administration’s pledge at the recent Gavi pre-pledging conference. At that conference, the Administration pledged at least $1.58 billion over five years. Let’s not let these resolutions languish. Please ask your legislators to co-sponsor the Gavi resolutions currently in the Senate (S.Res. 684) and the House (H.Res.1286). Use our online action today to make your requests.

New data shows positive impact of SNAP. The Center on Budget and Policy Priorities has a new paper showing how the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) helps workers in low-wage jobs. Most SNAP households are working or seeking work. But, because of the insufficient pay and overall insecurity of low-wage jobs, they need SNAP to help make up the gaps. This comes contrary to political rhetoric that tries to paint SNAP recipients as lazy individuals choosing not to work. As you push your members of Congress to protect SNAP from cuts and restrictions in a new Farm Bill (e-mail them directly and/or generate media), please share this data with them


Need election advocacy coaching? Join our weekly office hours in August. To help you take full advantage of our effort to make poverty a campaign issue, we are offering weekly office hours in August to provide you coaching on election engagement. Dial in to ask RESULTS staff on how best to find and talk to candidates, use the media to influence candidates, and other strategies to help you make the most of election season. The office hours begin tomorrow, August 7, 5:00-7:00 p.m. ET. Join anytime during those hours via or call (312) 626-6799, meeting ID 978 7381 1515. No registration needed. For the additional office hours days and times, see our Events Calendar below and online.

Keep up those summer meetings! Thank you to all of you who have gathered in-person this summer to take action. It’s not too late to plan your own gathering. We are promoting them all summer. Take your advocacy on the road (even if it’s just up the road), engage new people, and call on Congress to end poverty. Find resources to help on our Community of Change page. And after your meeting, please let us know how it went by completing our new Outreach Report Form.

Motivational Interviewing begins in September. Want to build bridges with lawmakers? Want to effectively talk to people who disagree with you? Please join us for our updated “Motivational Interviewing: Getting unstuck with your members of Congress” series. We are thrilled to welcome back Dr. Dave Christian, Ph.D., P.C., who has trained in Motivational Interviewing (MI) for years. In six monthly sessions, you will gain skills using MI for effective dialogue with lawmakers you struggle to move into action. We’ll discuss how to use MI in lobby meetings, phone calls, letters, e-mails, and one-on-one. These trainings include new and impactful research conducted on MI, so even if you have taken the MI training before, you’ll learn something new. Register today!

Check out our 2023 annual report! In 2023, RESULTS advocates published nearly 600 pieces of media and met with congressional offices 377 times – more than one meeting a day. We demanded economic justice in the tax code for families and children, stable and affordable housing, adequate nutrition for children everywhere, and access to healthcare and education for the most vulnerable around the world. And we got results! Read the 2023 annual report.

Upcoming Events

Congressional schedule: The House and the Senate are on recess until September 9.

Find these and other events on our website Events Calendar.

Wednesday, August 7: Elections Support Office Hours, 5:00-7:00 p.m. ET. Join via or call (312) 626-6799, meeting ID 978 7381 1515.

Thursday, August 8: Outreach and Event Office Hour, 2:00-3:00 p.m. ET. Join via or call (312) 626-6799, meeting ID 940 0474 8060.

Thursday, August 8: Global Allies (Returned Peace Corps Volunteers) Webinar, 8:30 p.m. ET. Register today.

Wednesday, August 14: Elections Support Office Hours, 12:00-2:00 p.m. ET. Join via or call (312) 626-6799, meeting ID 978 7381 1515. See additional August dates in our online Events Calendar.

Wednesday, August 14: RESULTS Organizing and Advocacy Fellowship Information Session, 6:00 p.m. ET. Register today.

Thursday, August 15: Global Poverty Policy Forum on Malnutrition, 9:00 p.m. ET. Register here.

Friday, August 16: Anti-Oppression Learning Community, 12:00-1:30 p.m. ET. Registration is open.

Tuesday, August 20: U.S. Poverty Free Agents, 1:00 p.m. ET and 8:00 p.m. ET. Contact Jos Linn for more information.

Tuesday, August 20: Together Women Rise Advocacy Chapter, 8:30 p.m. ET. Learn more.

Wednesday, August 21: Elections Support Office Hours, 12:00-2:00 p.m. ET. Join via or call (312) 626-6799, meeting ID 978 7381 1515.

Wednesday, August 21: Action Network Manager Calls, 12:30 p.m. ET and 8:00 p.m. ET. No registration required. Join via or call 312-626-6799, meeting ID 954 1678 1155.

Wednesday, August 21: Media Office Hour, 2:00-3:00 p.m. ET. Join at or call (312) 626-6799, meeting ID 936 6800 5494.

Monday, August 26: Elections Support Office Hours, 5:00-7:00 p.m. ET. Join via or call (312) 626-6799, meeting ID 978 7381 1515.

Monday, August 26: Global Poverty Free Agents, 7:00 p.m. Contact Lisa Marchal for more information.

Monday, September 2: Labor Day. RESULTS offices closed.

Saturday, September 7: National Webinar, 1:00 p.m. ET. Guest: Congressman Derek Kilmer (D-WA). Register for the webinar.

Typically, registration ends one hour prior to the start of all webinars and trainings.

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