RESULTS Campaigns Weekly Update March 17, 2020

March 17, 2020

Quote of the Week

“No one is untouched by this pandemic, and the risks and consequences are even greater for people facing poverty or already pushed to the margins.”

– Dr. Joanne Carter, RESULTS Executive Director

RESULTS Coronavirus Resources

Visit our new coronavirus page, which includes recommendations on remote meetings for grassroots, information about office functioning, updates from Capitol Hill, media messaging for these times, and more. We will update the page as things change so be sure to bookmark it and come back.

Table of Contents

Global Poverty Campaigns Update

QUICK ACTION Ask the Senate to invest in global health

Got Five (Or More) Minutes? Request a remote meeting with Congress.

On April 4, New York Times columnist Nicholas Kristof will speak on our RESULTS United Webinar at 1 pm ET. His appearance is a great opportunity to invite new advocates to join your local RESULTS group. In this time of social distancing, anyone can join remotely. We want to help you maximize this opportunity. First, book a remote meeting with a member of Congress, and then invite a new person (using our laser talk) not only to log in to the RESULTS United Webinar, but to be part of the remote lobby meeting as well. What better way to inspire and empower a new fellow advocate . . . or two? See our Upcoming Events listing for all the login/dial-in information.

TAKE ACTION: Use our lobbying support materials to book your remote meeting with a member of Congress, and then use our laser talk to invite a new advocate to join remotely to both the webinar with Nicholas Kristof and the meeting with your legislator. It’s a winning combination for advocacy and growing your group.

Got Fifteen Minutes? Send your FY21 appropriations requests to your senators

There is currently a Senate letter on maternal and child health/Gavi/nutrition open for signatures but closing soon. (Check our online tracker for updates on signers.) Plus, all Senate members must have their appropriations funding requests in by April 24. What does this mean? It means the Senate needs to hear from you now.

TAKE ACTION: Use our March action sheet to ask your senators to support our global health and education appropriations requests. And use our comprehensive FY21 appropriations page (which includes deadlines, memos/backgrounders on our requests, sign-on letter details, and more) to ask your senator to sign onto the maternal and child health/Gavi/nutrition letter as soon as possible.


Congratulations on your work in the House! House appropriations sign-on/”Dear Colleague” letters have closed, and your work was tremendous.

  • Global Fund/PEPFAR letter – 174 signers (Last year = 147)
  • Basic education letter – 132 signers (Last year = 127)
  • MCH/Gavi/nutrition letter – 183 signers (Last year = 146)
  • Global TB letter – 89 signers (Last year = 77)

Fabulous work, all. Now, onto the Senate! Stay tuned as more letters are released for signature.

U.S. Poverty Campaigns Update

QUICK ACTION Generate letters to the editor on housing impacts of COVID-19

Got Five Minutes?  Tell Congress to prioritize housing in any virus response

Policymakers are moving legislation to protect millions who are impacted directly or indirectly by the coronavirus pandemic. Some leaders are looking to pass a massive economic stimulus bill as early as this week. When Congress acts, any COVID-19 response must include investments in housing assistance, including resources for people experiencing homelessness, emergency assistance for low-income renters, and a moratorium on evictions.

TAKE ACTION: Take five minutes to tell your senators and representative to prioritize the needs of those experiencing homelessness and housing instability in any legislative response to the COVID-19 outbreak. Use our new online action alert to call or e-mail your message today. Also, if you have relationships with housing aides in the House and Senate, reach out to them directly urging their bosses to do the following in any new COVID-19 legislation:

  • Allocate $5 billion in Emergency Solution Grant (ESG) funds can help local communities minimize the number of people living in homeless encampments and identify space, including hotels, for isolation and self-quarantine, and another $5 billion to prevent people from becoming homeless by providing short-term financial assistance and housing stabilization services.
  • Enact a national moratorium on foreclosures and evictions to help renters and homeowners remain stably housed during and after a Coronavirus outbreak.
  • Help with rental assistance and eviction prevention. Low-income renters – living in federally assisted housing or otherwise – will need emergency rental assistance to ensure that they can remain housed during this crisis and not face evictions, and in worst cases, homelessness.
  • Provide emergency funds for public housing and other HUD housing providers. Additional funds are needed to ensure that public housing agencies and HUD housing providers have the resources to keep residents safe and healthy during this crisis. 

Got Fifteen Minutes? We need more voices

The COVID-19 outbreak has upended the lives of billions of people around the world. As people try to negotiate this “new normal”, it is important to remember that your work as advocates for the end of poverty is crucial now more than ever. Low-income housing relief, especially for renters and those at risk of eviction, is critical and must be addressed immediately. Longer-term, we must address gaps in our system that the virus is exposing – too many workers and families living under the threat of eviction and homelessness at the slightest loss of income.

Our effort in March and April to invite new people to become advocates is just as important now as it was a month ago, maybe even more so. We need more voices to remind our leaders that in times of crisis, our strength and safety comes not from picking and choosing, but from standing together. These issues demand action and if COVID-19 has done anything, it has given us the clarity to know that we cannot wait any longer.

TAKE ACTION: Take fifteen minutes to invite people to the Nicholas Kristof webinar on April 4 and virtual lobby meetings during the spring recess, April 6-17 (also, make sure your or someone in your group is scheduling those virtual lobby meetings!). Everything we have planned – the April webinar, planning your April lobby meetings, and the lobby meeting themselves – can still be done online (see our new coronavirus FAQ page for guidance). The updated March Action has tips for messaging and letter-writing in light of the virus outbreak. If you need help with anything, please contact Jos Linn for assistance.


Join housing policy webinar tomorrow. The National Low-Income Housing Coalition for their 2020 Policy Priorities webinar tomorrow, March 18 at 2:00pm ET. It will include new messaging on how to talk about housing. Register for the webinar here.

Join faith community response to coronavirus webinar tomorrow. The faith community will be hosting a webinar for grassroots advocates about the coronavirus outbreak this tomorrow, March 18 at 11:00 am ET. The webinar will update people on what is happening in Congress and what people of faith can do. Speakers include Rabbi Jonah Pesner, Sharif Aly, and Rev. Dr. Leslie Copeland-Tune. You can register to participate in the webinar via Zoom or watch live via Facebook.

Getting candidates on the record training this Thursday. Want to learn how to get candidates on the record on housing issues? Join Our Homes, Our Votes for their monthly webinar on Thursday, March 19 at 3:00 pm ET on how to make housing a priority in this year’s election.

RESULTS Announcements

Reminder – don’t meet in person. While RESULTS has always prioritized in-person interactions in our work, we strongly discourage you from holding in-person gatherings until the COVID-19 threat has passed. Your RESULTS work can continue and be just as effective by switching your in-person meetings, including lobby meetings, to an online or phone format. See our coronavirus FAQ page for more information and feel free to contact us if you need help.

Join follow-up discussion on White Fragility tomorrow night. Join the continued discussion of the book White Fragility. Attendees will discuss how their views of racism have changed since reading the book and explore next steps in their effort to recognize and dismantle systemic oppression. Join tomorrow, March 18 at 9:00 pm ET at: or dial (669) 900-6833 or (929) 436-2866, meeting ID 807 783 478.

Bob Dickerson Award nominations open. For more than 15 years, RESULTS Seattle volunteer Bob Dickerson epitomized the best of what it means to be a grassroots advocate. After his passing in 2015, we created an annual award in his honor. Use our form to nominate a fellow advocate for this year’s Bob Dickerson Award. Deadline for nominations is April 15.

Register for the RESULTS Conference today. This year’s RESULTS International Conference (June 20-23 in Washington, DC) will be like no other. A 40th year celebration of RESULTS with great speakers, helpful workshops, and powerful lobby day on Capitol Hill. Secure your spot by registering today. Need help getting there? Apply for assistance from our Gap Fund. If you have questions about how the COVID-19 outbreak might impact the conference, see the conference FAQ page.

Apply for the RESULTS Fellowship. If you or someone you know is 20-30 years old and is looking for marketable advocacy skills, a top-notch policy education, and the opportunity to lead, apply for the RESULTS Fellowship (formerly named the REAL Change Fellowship). We are taking applications for the 2020-21 class through April 30. Find more info on the RESULTS website and apply today.

Upcoming Events

Congressional recesses. The next full congressional recess is expected April 6-17. Submit your remote meeting requests today.

Tuesday, March 17: U.S. Poverty Free Agents Webinars, 1:00 pm and 8:00 pm ET. Join at: or dial by phone at (929) 436-2866 or (669) 900-6833, meeting ID: 324 294 681.

Wednesday, March 18: Continued book discussion on White Fragility, 9:00 pm ET. To join, log in at: or dial (669) 900-6833 or (929) 436-2866, meeting ID 807 783 478.

Wednesday, March 25: New Advocate Orientation, 8:30 pm ET. Sign up online.

Wednesday, April 1: RESULTS Action Network Community of Practice webinar, 8:30pm ET. To join, log in to or dial in to 669-900-6833, meeting ID: 427 674 133. You can also join our Facebook and e-mail groups.

Saturday, April 4: RESULTS United Webinar, 1:00 pm ET. Guest speaker: Nicholas Kristof. Join at You can also join by phone at (669) 900-6833 or (929) 436-2866, meeting ID: 994 444 828.

Tuesday, April 14: Book Discussion: The Righteous Mind, 9:00 pm ET. Join via Zoom online or dial (669) 900-6833 US or (646) 876-9923, Meeting ID: 655 036 085, Password: 641539.

Monday, April 20: Global Free Agents Webinars, 1:00 pm ET and 8:00 pm ET. Join a great conversation via or, by phone, dial (669) 900-6833 or (929) 436-2866, meeting ID: 464 361 707.

June 20-23, 2020: RESULTS International Conference. Capital Hilton, Washington, DC. Register today! The Early Bird registration deadline is April 20.

Grassroots Resources

Learn about the RESULTS Experts on Poverty.

Do you have a new person in your RESULTS group or info to update? Use our Volunteer Information Form to add them.

Find actions and volunteer resources on our Current Volunteers page.

Please let us know about your recent grassroots successes for lobby meetings, media, and outreach.

If you have a question, comment, or suggestion for the RESULTS/REF Board, please e-mail Steven McGee at [email protected]. View Board minutes and Annual Reports.

RESULTS Staff directory.

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