Global Weekly Update: Oct. 14: Reason to Celebrate!

October 14, 2019

Quote of the Week

“Yesterday I watched a bipartisan group from Congress stand on stage, addressing a room full of world leaders focused on the fight against AIDS, tuberculosis and malaria. The message from Congress? Exactly what what we’ve been pushing for all year.

-Joanne Carter from the Global Fund replenishment conference

Global Fund Replenishment Success

On October 10, President Macron of France announced that the Global Fund to Fight AIDS, TB, and Malaria had received pledges of $13.92 billion, and promised that the final $80 million needed would be raised by early December. On Saturday, October 12, Peter Sands, Executive Director of the Global Fund spoke to RESULTS advocates on our national webinar. Listen to the recording here.

Your efforts have been incredible over the past 18 months. See a summary here. You supported Congress to lead on the US pledge, and they did that on October 9, when four House appropriators, two Republicans, two democrats, announced that the US will contribute one-third of the total need over the next three years!

What’s Next for Our Advocacy?

Though the US made a pledge to the Global Fund, we must still ensure the US delivers on it. We can do this through by organizing and continuing to engage Congress. Here’s the plan:

  1. Celebrate the success of the pledging conference and the US pledge of $4.68 billion over three years by closing the loop with anyone who took action, heard about the Global Fund from you, or has contributed financially to RESULTS–let them know that our advocacy has worked and that they are part of the success! Share the highlights using our blog post.
  2. Identify a handful of people in your personal and/or RESULTS network who are inspired and could take their advocacy to the next level with some support. Offer them an opportunity to take a transformational action. Let them know you’ll support them. Ideas for actions:
    • Help them publish a letter to the editor highlighting the Global Fund success, bipartisan cooperation, and what it means for the world. Use our October Action Sheet or online action.
    • Write a thank you letter to members of Congress who took action on the Global Fund. Our online action is a good tool to ask for cosponsorship or thank members.
    • Contact a Rep. or Senator and ask them to cosponsor the Global Fund resolution or the nutrition resolution. Support them to do this via an in-district meeting or a conference call with the foreign policy aide in DC.
    • Join our new advocacy training series to build their skills as a RESULTS change agent.
    • Help you organize a peer-to-peer fundraiser during the month of November for our Virtual Thanksgiving Feast (more to come soon).
  3. Let us know your plan to grow via our online group planning form for the third trimester.

Want to Grow?

New Volunteer Advocacy Training Opportunity. There are so many “wow” moments in RESULTS—making a call for the first time, getting published, meeting with staff and members of Congress, speaking to a group, getting a response from an office, learning new skills and information through training. Who on your mailing list, in your action network, or in your personal network is ready to experience “wow”? Can your group think of 1, 2, 3, or 4 people you can offer “wow” to? If you can, you can probably grow your group. Here’s a special “wow” offer—let your 1-4 people know that RESULTS will train them to become the change-makers they want to become—for free! They can do this as part of your group, but also through our training series starting on October 17. Check it out here, and offer “wow”.


  • 2020 International Conference. We want to hear from you about the 40th Anniversary International Conference. Please let us know if you have idea for sessions and/or speakers in this online survey by October 18.


Congress is back in session this week. The RESULTS office is closed on October 14 for Indigenous People’s Day. 

Save the Date! The next RESULTS International Conference (celebrating our 40th birthday) will be June 20-23, 2020 at the Capital Hilton in Washington, DC.

Wednesday October 16, 8:30 pm. New Advocate Orientation.

Thursday October 17. Start of New Advocate Skill Training. Find details here on the 5-session series.

Global Free Agents Webinars. October 21, 1 or 8 pm ET. Join a great conversation via or, by phone, dial (669) 900-6833 or (929) 436-2866, meeting ID 285681999. If these times don’t work for you, contact Ken Patterson for support.

Resources at Your Fingertips


Contact the Grassroots Board Members of the RESULTS Board. Also, you can view the most recently published minutes from Board meetings on the RESULTS website, as well as view RESULTS’ most recent Annual Report.

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