Global Weekly Update March 23, 2015

March 23, 2015


Global Poverty Campaigns

Weekly Update | March 23, 2015


Appropriations Finish Line: The Senate

You all have done an outstanding job asking your representatives and senators to weigh in on critical, life-saving appropriations requests and also asking House members to add their signatures to sign-on letters further urging smart, compassionate development funding. What's left to be done this week? Get those final Senate signatures!

Senate sign-on letters can be a great second-mile request. These are the final couple of days to ask your senators to weigh in on our development issues via our batch of sign-on letters covering the Global Fund/PEPFAR, education, and maternal/child health. You can find the texts of each letter on our blog so that you can make your requests. But don't hesitate – the deadline for the Global Fund/PEPFAR and education letters is March 25, and the deadline for the maternal/child health, Gavi, and nutrition letter is March 26.

Remember to check out our blog for a full update on your incredible achievements on the House sign-on letters and an evolving update on your progress on the Senate letters.

P.S. You may be interested to know that our executive director Joanne Carter will among many making the case for strong, strategic global development funding at a congressional hearing on Wednesday, March 25. The hearing will be webcast, so check out the details!

World TB Day is Today

Every year, on March 24, the world marks World TB Day, to mobilize political and social commitment for faster progress towards eliminating TB. Each year there are 9 million new TB cases and TB causes the death of nearly 1.5 million people. Of the 9 million annual cases, 3.3 million people were either not diagnosed, not treated, or officially not registered by national TB programs. Many of those missed will either die, follow some unknown treatment but most will continue to infect others. Major efforts are needed to close this gap! 

Live-stream a broadcast of USAID's 2015 World TB Day Commemoration, to be held at the U.S. Institute of Peace at 6 pm ET today, March 24. One of the honorees is our own Dr. Joanne Carter, RESULTS Executive Director.

Looking Ahead: Budget Action, Maternal/Child Health, and Two Dollar Challenge

1. Watch your inboxes March 25 for a budget-related action you can take. RESULTS is working in coalition with other advocacy organizations to speak up tomorrow, March 25, and call on the Senate to stop any amendments that attempt to cut global development funding during the Senate State and Foreign Operations deliberations on March 26. Watch your inbox for the action alert to arrive, or click to our Take Action page the morning of Wednesday, March 25 to make your voice heard in your senators' offices. Also, watch Twitter for the hashtag #aidsaveslives.

2. Join us for a maternal/child health issue briefing on April 1 . . . no foolin'! As our appropriations work winds down, our maternal/child health and nutrition work will soon ramp up. Gather with other advocates for a briefing on April 1 at 9 pm ET that will provide a great overview of the campaign and will give you powerful information for any Easter recess face-to-face meetings you're booking with your representatives and senators. To join the meeting on April 1, go to To join by phone, dial (201) 479-4595 and enter meeting ID 28221138.

3. RESULTS, Two Dollar Challenge, and Oxfam USA are teaming up for the Two Dollar Challenge the week of April 6-10. The Two Dollar Challenge is an attempt to put us a bit closer in touch with what it feels like to live with seriously restrained resources, as do over 2.2 billion people in the world who live on less than $2 per day. We know that we will never understand completely, but a simulation like this could help us and others bridge the “empathy gap” that Nick Kristof, co-author of A Path Appears, talked about in his recent webinar with us. Check out our comprehensive guide to creating your Two Dollar Challenge.

Friends and Family Incentive Program

This year, you can earn great RESULTS swag by participating in a Friends and Family Campaign (FFC) sometime during the calendar year. That's right! You can earn water bottles, t-shirts, tote bags and fleece pullovers, just for participating in any one of our FFCs in 2015. And to make it even easier to participate, we are offering even more monthly themes to use for your campaigns. Our new themes include World TB Day, Donate Your Tax Refund, Let Freedom Ring, RESULTS 35th Anniversary, Back to School, and many more. Just check out our updated website for details on each monthly campaign and the new incentive program. Then pick the campaign that works best for you, or your group, and let Jen DeFranco of our intrepid fundraising team know how the development team can support your efforts to make your FFC campaign a success. Help us Celebrate 35 years! Our FFC goal for 2015 is $35,000 because it is RESULTS 35th year – 35 for 35!  Will you be part of the celebration by participating in Friends and Family?

A Few Great Opportunities For You

1. What Are Your Plans in July? Why not put DC in your calendar? You can register for the 2015 International Conference today – it will just take a few minutes!

2. Apply to Be a REAL Change Fellow. Help us get ready for the REAL Change 2015-2016 class. Please share the application with your contacts. In order to apply you must be between the ages of 18 and 30 by September of 2015, be able to attend the International Conference, be willing to work on advocacy six hours a week, and attend national conference calls with all fellows. Check out the qualifications and expectations of a REAL Change Fellow and consider applying.

3. Stories for our 35th Anniversary. Did you receive your postcard inviting you to share a RESULTS story for our 35th Anniversary celebration going on this year (and particularly at the International Conference)? Send it in! Don't have a postcard? Submit your story to [email protected]!

Upcoming Events

Going on Now. Applications being received for the REAL Change 2015-2016 class.

March 24. World TB Day.

March 24, 9 pm ET. National Conversation on Global Poverty and Development. What does good development look like? What are the key principles and attitudes required to really provide opportunity vs. aid? Lend your opinion and learn more. Join at meeting URL, or dial (201) 479-4595, meeting ID 28107954#.

April 1, 9 pm ET. Maternal/Child Health and Nutrition Briefing. To join the meeting, go to To join by phone, dial (201) 479-4595 and enter meeting ID 28221138.

April 8, 9 pm ET. RESULTS Introductory Call. The perfect RESULTS primer. Contact us with any questions and RSVP for the call.

April 11, 2 pm ET. National Grassroots Webinar (Global Campaigns).

April 13, 8 pm ET. National Conversation on the Two Dollar Challenge Experience. What did you learn from the Two Dollar Challenge? How do we use the experience to expand our reach and impact on global poverty? Meeting URL: or dial (201) 479-4595, meeting ID 28107954#.

April 27, 8 pm ET. RESULTS Free Agents Call for Global Poverty Advocates. To join, go to or (201) 479-4595, meeting ID 27781074. Are you a RESULTS activist with our global poverty campaigns, living in a town with no RESULTS group? You are alone no more! Contact Lisa Marchal, Senior Global Grassroots Associate, for more information on this monthly gathering.

July 18-21. RESULTS International Conference in Washington, DC. Registration is open, and soon there will be news of support to help you invite and recruit others to attend!


Resources at Your Fingertips

Advocacy Resources (Weekly updates, action sheets, online action alerts, and more)

Global Poverty Campaigns Background

Skills Center

Fundraising Tools

Report Your 2015 Advocacy

2015 Global Congressional Scorecard (See global poverty actions your members of Congress have taken over the past few years.)

Contact the RESULTS Board


Quote of the Week

"Going forward, if we don’t care about TB, especially drug-resistant TB, it will get to a dangerous stage where it will explode. We have to act now. We cannot wait any longer. TB, like Ebola, is indeed a living creature. It starts by crawling, then by walking. We have to stop it from running." – Kedibone Mdolo, nurse and TB survivor

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