Global Weekly Update February 23, 2015

February 23, 2015

Global Poverty Campaigns

Weekly Update | February 23, 2015

Take Action to Meet with Congress about Appropriations for FY16

Face-to-Face Meetings with Congress on Appropriations

Use the February Action Sheet to make your appropriations requests – if possible, face-to-face! Individual one-pagers on each of our requests are available as well, and the springtime will bring a few short recess opportunities during which these meetings could happen back in home states and districts. So now's the perfect time to book face-to-face meetings with the legislators. We know that the Appropriations Committee in the House will begin is work on requests on March 25, and the Senate will begin March 30. This means the time to get our requests to our individual members of Congress is right now before we move on to the next phase of asking for congressional support for our requests through the tool of sign-on letters.

Check out some helpful hints on how to secure that face-to-face meeting you're looking for, or read up on some of the latest findings on how to most effectively message our appropriations requests, using language that will open up the conversation rather than unintentionally erect barriers. Find your legislators through our website, or contact Lisa Marchal, Senior Global Grassroots Associate, if you have questions on how to reach a new incoming legislator.

And remember . . . as we say in RESULTS, the meeting didn't happen until follow-up happens. So don't forget to follow up on your requests!


Building Your Advocacy Circle with the Two Dollar Challenge in April

RESULTS, Two Dollar Challenge, and Oxfam USA are teaming up for the Two Dollar Challenge the week of April 6-10. The Two Dollar Challenge is an attempt to put us a bit closer in touch with what it feels like to live with seriously restrained resources, as do over 2.2 billion people in the world who live on less than $2 per day. We know that we will never understand completely, but a simulation like this could help us and others bridge the “empathy gap” that Nick Kristof, co-author of A Path Appears talked about in his recent webinar with us.

You will soon have a guide for the Two Dollar Challenge that will includes a schedule, some reading and discussion ideas, and some ideas for engaging people around you. To give you a sense of what the challenge itself might look at, check out some of the options. This is a great way to engage individuals and community groups in experience, dialogue, and action. Make plans now!


Why Report Your Advocacy Work?

Over 300 pieces of media, almost 450 congressional meetings, 42 states with advocates hard at work . . . that's what's happening with our grassroots working on our global campaigns. That's YOU making a difference. And we wouldn't have a grasp of that impact were it not for the task of reporting. Report your 2015 advocacy with these (streamlined and relatively painless) updated reporting sheets:

Apply to Be a REAL Change Fellow

This year, REAL Changers have made a big impact, hosting over 40 outreach events and working with the expansion team to start 10 new groups! Help us get ready for the REAL Change 2015-2016 class. Please share the application with your contacts. In order to apply you must be between the ages of 18 and 30 by September of 2015, be able to attend the International Conference, be willing to work on advoacy six hours a week, and attend national conference calls with all fellows.

Check out the qualifications and expectations of a REAL Change Fellow and consider applying. Learn how to become a change-maker who fights poverty at home and abroad. We're looking for you!

Upcoming Events

February 25, 5:30 pm local time/CT. RESULTS Tuscaloosa (Global Campaigns) Interest Meeting. Starbucks at University of Alabama, 1000 McCorvey Drive, U of A-Ferguson Center. Contact Amanda Beals, Grassroots Expansion Manager, for more information.

February 27, 1 pm ET. RESULTS Introductory Call.The perfect RESULTS primer. Contact us with any questions and RSVP for the call.

March 14, 2 pm ET. National Grassroots Webinar (Global Campaigns) featuring Representative Barbara Lee (TX-13). Login/dial-in information coming soon.

March 11, 6 pm local time/MT. RESULTS Tucson (Global Campaigns) group start. Fronimo's Greek Cafe, 3242 East Speedway Boulevard.  Contact Amanda Beals, Grassroots Expansion Manager, for more information.

March 16, 8 pm ET. RESULTS Free Agents Call for Global Poverty Advocates. Dial (605) 475-6777, passcode 7378587. Are you a RESULTS activist with our global poverty campaigns, living in a town with no RESULTS group? You are alone no more! Contact Lisa Marchal, Senior Global Grassroots Associate, for more information on this monthly group call.

March 24. World TB Day.

July 18-21. RESULTS International Conference in Washington, DC. Registration is open.


Resources at Your Fingertips

Advocacy Resources (Weekly updates, action sheets, online action alerts, and more)

Global Poverty Campaigns Background

Skills Center

Fundraising Tools

Report Your 2015 Advocacy

Contact the RESULTS Board


Quote of the Week

“[Bob Dickerson's] passionate and ever present voice for the powerless — especially children — is truly remarkable.” – Congressman Adam Smith

Read more.

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