Global Weekly Update April 7, 2014

April 7, 2014

April 12 National Grassroots Conference Call: Insight from Texas!

Dr. David Chard, dean of the Annette Caldwell Simmons School of Education and Human Development at Southern Methodist University and Obama Administration appointee to the Board of Directors of the National Board for Education, will be our special guest on the April national grassroots conference call. Dr. Chard's domestic and international education expertise, including intersection with the Global Partnership for Education, will shed a unique light on the power and possibility of our education for all campaign. You'll also get a comprehensive legislative and media update, tools you can use, inspiration, and more! Gather with others and dial in to (888) 409-6709 a few minutes before 2 pm ET to join the call on April 12.

GPE Work Heating Up: Media, Outreach Opportunity, and April Action Sheet on Rep. Schakowsky Letter

Your Media Successes. You are hard at work, and it shows. Twenty-five editorials, 30 op-eds, and 150 letters to the editor. That's the amount of media we want to generate nationwide to make a real impact on the run-up to the Global Partnership for Education pledging conference in Brussels in June and to move the needle on what the U.S. will pledge. And we've already begun making progress. Letters to the editor, op-eds, and editorials are all starting to appear in earnest, thanks to your diligent work independently and in cooperation with the current global education editorial meetings tour featuring expert ally Benedicto Kondowe. An updated media tally will appear soon. In the meantime, let us know if you'd like to be a host city for the tour featuring another global education expert in the RESULTS family, Janet Muthoni-Ouko. Is your group interested in setting up a meeting with your editorial board and hosting Janet? She'll be here at the end of April; contact Lisa Marchal, Senior Global Grassroots Associate, right away.

April 30 Outreach Opportunity. If you aren't able to host Janet Muthoni-Ouko in your town, why not gather the community for an outreach meeting with her as your virtual special guest? On April 30, Janet will be speaking to our grassroots about our pursuit of strong support for the Global Partnership for Education. Use our new outreach guide to plan a knockout meeting! Janet is a Governance and Education advocacy expert and has experiencing assisting African countries to establish strong civil society movements for lobbying government and education donors to implement the Dakar Framework for Action. She will be making the same remarks two different times for us, 8 pm ET and 9 pm ET, to accommodate different time zones. Her comments will last 20 minutes, and you can build your own outreach event around her guest appearance. Use our new April action sheet as the central action of your meeting!

April Action: Rep. Schakowsky Letter. The Administration will be making the final decision on the role the U.S. will play at this June’s Global Partership for Education pledging conference, but Congress is using its voice now to urge the Administration to step up and make an ambitious pledge. Congresswoman Jan Schakowsky (D-IL) has initiated a letter to President Obama, open for signatures until May 1, asking for a U.S. pledge of $250 million over two years to the Global Partnership for Education. Use this month's action sheet to request that your representative(s) sign this important letter, using your published GPE media to help make your case and using the action sheet as a central component of your April 30 outreach meeting.

Even More For You. Find a comprehensive collection of these and more resources on our website, including the following:

The 2014 International Conference: Earlybird Rate and REAL Change Deadlines Now April 15!

Lots in Store. We're thrilled that broadcaster/author/advocate Tavis Smiley will be joining us on the first day of the International Conference in Washington, D.C. Great guests like this are just part of the awesomeness you'll experience at the conference. Don't miss the best registration deal we have going (earlybird registration has been extended to April 15)! Check out our emerging agenda and register today!

REAL Change Fellowship. If you or someone you know is interested in a fabulous year-long advocacy learning opportunity, kicked off by attendance at the International Conference, check out the REAL Change Fellowship application, now due April 15!

Going From Strength to Strength: RESULTS Expansion

We are excited to announce that RESULTS keeps growing! Gig Harbor, WA (U.S. poverty group), Portsmouth, NH (U.S. poverty group), and St. Louis (global poverty group) . . . welcome to the fold! Wow! Here are some upcoming RESULTS outreach/training events. If you know people in these areas, please contact Lisa Marchal for more information on how to get them connected:

  • April 10: Boston and Burlington, VT
  • April 13: Spokane
  • April 14: Boise
  • April 26: Southern California
  • April 29: Denver
  • April 30: Evansville, IN

And do you know someone who might want to check out a RESULTS Introductory Call? We hold them twice a month. Invite curious folks to register and hop on!

"Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world."

—Nelson Mandela

(For a complete calendar, see our website.)

1. Next House and Senate Recesses of 2014: Mid-April (Passover/Easter). Schedule face-to-face meetings.

2. April 12, 2 pm ET. RESULTS National Grassroots Conference Call for Global Campaigns featuring guest speaker Dr. David Chard of SMU. Join the call at (888) 409-6709.

3. April 15, 5 pm ET. REAL Change Fellowship Applications Due. DEADLINE EXTENDED.

4.  April 15, 8 pm ET. Monthly Media Support Call. Dial (712) 775-7300, passcode 954747. Get great tips, encouragement, and support from fellow advocates so that you can achieve powerful, effective media work.

5. April 21, 8 pm ET. RESULTS Free Agents Call for Global Poverty Advocates. Dial (218) 486-1611, passcode 7378587 (RESULTS). Are you a RESULTS activist with our global poverty campaigns, living in a town with no RESULTS group? You are alone no more! Contact Lisa Marchal, Senior Global Grassroots Associate, for more information on this monthly group call.

6. April 23, 8 pm. Writing Op-eds on Global Education Training Call. Dial (712) 432-3100, passcode 761262 for this inspiring and informative hour designed to help you reach the goal of landing that op-ed!

7. April 25, 1 pm ET. RESULTS Introductory Call. Heard of RESULTS and want to know more? Join us for this 30-minute introductory call. Contact us with any questions and RSVP for the call. Dial (712) 432-3100, passcode 761262 to join.

8. April 30, 8 pm ET and 9 pm ET (Choose a time). Outreach Opportunity with guest speaker Janet Muthoni-Ouko. Janet is an Muthoni -Ouko is a Kenyan governance and education advocacy expert and ally of RESULTS. Build your outreach meeting around one of these two offered times (Janet will speak for about 20 minutes) and help your community become engaged in our quest for strong Global Partnership for Education support. To join from your computer or mobile device, click this link or copy it into your browser: To join the audio, simply select the internet audio option after joining or call (201) 479-4595 from your phone. If prompted, enter the meeting number 24107291, then press #.

9. May 12, 8 pm ET. Training Call on Having Influential Conversations with Your Members of Congress. Stay tuned.

10. May 14, 9 pm ET. RESULTS Introductory Call. Heard of RESULTS and want to know more? Join us for this 30-minute introductory call. Contact us with any questions and RSVP for the call. Dial (712) 432-3100, passcode 761262 to join.

11. May 30, 1 pm ET. RESULTS Introductory Call. Heard of RESULTS and want to know more? Join us for this 30-minute introductory call. Contact us with any questions and RSVP for the call. Dial (712) 432-3100, passcode 761262 to join.

12. June 21-24. 2014 RESULTS International Conference in Washington, D.C. Earlybird registration EXTENDED – ends April 15!

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