Global Poverty Weekly Update November 14, 2016

November 14, 2016

Global Poverty Campaigns

Weekly Update | Week of November 14, 2016

A Word From Our Executive Director

In this moment of deep uncertainty, I want to say how incredibly grateful I am for our community of activists and allies. Coming out of the election, it's clear how divided our country is – and just how indispensable your work will be to move us forward. 
Whatever your political persuasion, I know many of you are still trying to absorb this election and are experiencing an array of reactions. Finding a way forward, even when the path is not clear, has always been a strength of RESULTS. Over the last months and years and decades, your voices have had enormous impact both in stopping bad policies, and in creating good (and often transformational!) ones that have positively impacted millions of lives. Your voice will be even more important going forward.
We now need to commit to advocate and organize with even greater focus to shape national and global priorities and drive the agenda to end poverty. We need to engage and amplify the voices of advocates in all 50 states as soon as possible. And we need to be organizing in a deeper way in all of the communities where we already are. This means building even stronger relationships with members of Congress, and building new alliances in our communities who can work with us to show greater political support for key priorities, build new champions, and play stronger defense where needed.  

We cannot wait around: as the Administration and Congress begin defining their agendas for their first 100 days in office, we will have our own First 100 Days strategy. This will include the goal of meeting with every member of Congress we cover in those critical first days so that right from the start we are helping set the agenda. 

This isn't just about creating better government policies, but creating a society that is built for all of us, where justice and equity and dignity are not words we throw around but are principles that define us and shape our national agenda. We have to fight back against xenophobia and racism and sexism and all forms of discrimination in our society and in our policies and shape a political agenda that has this at its core. This work cannot wait, and your voice will be essential to making it possible. 
In partnership,
Joanne Carter
Executive Director

Book Discussion with RESULTS Founder Sam Daley-Harris Tonight 

Join Sam Daley-Harris, founder of RESULTS, tonight (November 15, 9 pm ET) as he shares what’s needed to create the political will to end hunger and the worst aspects of poverty. He’ll share lessons outlined in his book, Reclaiming Our Democracy, and from his work with the Center for Citizen Empowerment and Transformation. Find Reclaiming Our Democracy on Amazon. To join: Or dial (201) 479-4595, meeting ID 33573378. Additional date: December 14.

Please Note Special Login Information for December National Grassroots Webinar

December 10, 2 pm ET. National Webinar/Conference Call for Grassroots – Joint Webinar with All Grassroots Advocates. PLEASE NOTE THE SPECIAL LOGIN FOR THE DECEMBER WEBINAR. To join the webinar online, login at If you cannot join online, you can dial in by phone at (201) 479-4595, meeting ID: 32255914#. It will be a great celebration you won't want to miss.

December 1, World AIDS Day: Perfect Outreach Opportunity

"Personal connections make things meaningful." – RESULTS Raleigh group leader Lindsay Saunders

Connect with your community. Now is the time to prepare for the opportunities of a new congress and president in 2017 and invite others to be part of it all. Set a date now for an outreach event on/around World AIDS Day. Connect with your Regional Coordinater as well as Mark Campbell, Global Health Associate, for support with your event including tabling materials requests and a mini-grant application. You can even explore our online outreach resources (scroll down page).

All set with your event idea? Then start inviting! Use our latest laser talk and last month's general outreach support action sheet to make your invitations personal. Then use our November action sheet to write out personal invitations. You can even use this link to set up a free VolunteerMatch ad for your event.

We'll soon have an editorial packet you can use to write media of all types, to ensure that the incoming administration remains committed to the U.S.'s Global Fund pledge.

Education for All Act: Final Push

Before this Congress heads home at the end of the year, they have a chance to make a lasting difference in the lives of millions of children. Even in the wake of such a divisive election, the issue of global education brings together members of Congress from both sides of the aisle. By passing the Education for All Act of 2016, lawmakers can move us a step closer to a world where every child has access to the education she deserves.The Education for All Act (S.3256/H.R.4481) requires the U.S. government to develop a comprehensive strategy to improve access to quality education for children and youth in low-income countries. It will address the barriers that right now prevent kids from getting into school and succeeding once they’re there. This bipartisan bill was passed by the House of Representatives earlier this fall. Now it’s the Senate’s turn to take up the legislation.

Use this new November Action Sheet to write a letter to the editor of your local paper and help get this legislation passed! 

Do Your Reach Act Advocacy Follow-up

With Congress back in session for a short time, this is the weke to follow up on outreach you've done regarding Reach Act cosponsors. Make your follow-up calls this week, and thank you for your diligent work! 

Virtual Thanksgiving Feast: Now through November 24!

Join the Virtual Thanksgiving Feast Friends and Family Campaign (VTF), your last chance to help fundraise for RESULTS in 2016. This peer-to-peer online fundraising campaign is an opportunity to raise funds that support our volunteer advocacy program. Already, the campaign has raised well over $3000. Get your fundraiser started today! 

Grassroots Tidbits

  • REAL Change Fellowship. The 2016-17 REAL Change Fellowship for emerging leaders (age 18-30) is open for applications
  • Share Your Stories with Us. RESULTS has created a new form to gather your advocacy stories to use to inform others about the power of citizen advocacy to share with and empower others. Go to our Voices of RESULTS form today and document your story today!​
  • Join the new RESULTS Volunteers Facebook page. This new online resource is a place where you can share successes, pictures, challenges, best practices, and ask questions in your advocacy work. Click to go online and sign up. 
  • Special note: Share this fantastic PowerPoint showing our progress on putting an end to extreme poverty
  • Please Use the Reporting Forms Below to Catch Up on Your Advocacy Reporting for 2016.

Upcoming Learning and Action Opportunities

December 10, 2 p.m. National Webinar/Conference Call for Grassroots – Joint Webinar with All Grassroots Advocates. PLEASE NOTE THE SPECIAL LOGIN FOR THE DECEMBER WEBINAR. To join the webinar online, login at If you cannot join online, you can dial in by phone at (201) 479-4595, meeting ID: 32255914#.


November 14-24:  Virtual Thanksgiving Feast online fundraising campaign. (Contact Mea Geizhals for more information.)

November 15, 9 pm ET. Join Sam Daley-Harris, founder of RESULTS, as he shares what’s needed to create the political will to end hunger and the worst aspects of poverty. He’ll share lessons outlined in his book, Reclaiming Our Democracy, and from his work with the Center for Citizen Empowerment and Transformation. Find Reclaiming Our Democracy on Amazon. To join: Or dial (201) 479-4595, meeting ID 33573378.

November 18, 1 pm ET. RESULTS Introductory Call. The perfect RESULTS primer. Contact us with any questions and RSVP for the call.

July 22-25, 2017. RESULTS International Conference in Washington DC at the Washington Court Hotel. It's never too early to start planning!

Resources at Your Fingertips

Subscribe to the Weekly Update

Advocacy Resources (Weekly updates, action sheets, online action alerts, and more)

Global Poverty Campaigns Background

Global Grassroots Calendar

Skills Center 

Fundraising Tools

Report Your 2016 Actions

2015 & 2016 Global Congressional Scorecards (See global poverty actions your members of Congress have taken over the past few years.)

Contact the Grassroots Board Members of the RESULTS Board


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