Global Poverty Weekly Update January 14, 2019

January 14, 2019

Quote of the Week

“Our country’s leadership will help the Global Fund’s life-saving work continue, until these three pandemics are under control. With our voices raised, the AIDS-free generation is possible.”

~ Willie Dickerson, in the online edition of the Missoulian on December 27, 2018

Until January 17, Getting House Signatures on a Global Fund Letter to Our Secretary of State

The Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria has saved 27 million lives since 2002. This is stunning progress, but we can’t be complacent and assume it will just continue on its own. An innovative partnership like Global Fund can only be effective with global support.  As the Global Fund gears up for a new pledging cycle, we must insist that the United States show leadership and maintain its robust funding commitment of one-third of the total need.

You can take action on this right now while there’s still time. Tell your representative to add their name to a bipartisan letter calling on the U.S. to make a strong, multi-year pledge to the Global Fund.

Watch the list of signers grow, grab the text of the letter itself, and read more context on our blog entry titled “It’s Time to Call for U.S. Leadership on the Global Fund.”

After Taking Action on the Global Fund . . .

Follow up on your request by Thursday, January 17 using this new laser talk. You can also read up on the Global Fund’s Case for Investment.

Setting the Poverty Alleviation Agenda in the 116th Congress

  1. A New Congress Has Arrived in Washington. Who Will They Hear from First? Let’s Set the Agenda.

Use our most recent action sheet to introduce yourself and your RESULTS group to the new Congress. This is particularly important if your district/state has new legislators.

Here at the first trimester of the year, you are “Setting the Agenda” for Congress. The 116th Congress is just beginning, as is our year of campaigns. How will we impact the priorities of Congress so that the alleviation of extreme poverty is at the top?

Let’s try for the following goals now through April so we can get our voices and our issues heard in the halls of Congress!

  • Every group/free agent meets with each congressional office they cover.
  • Every group/free agents has at least one face-to-face meeting with a member of Congress
  • Every group/free agents makes an invitation to a new person to join in a congressional meeting.

Check out ongoing resources for this effort online on our “Set the Agenda” resource page.

  1. 2019 First Trimester Planning Tools. Hot off the press . . .  planning resources are online! Check out our planning resources in a one-stop shop, the Outreach and Planning page. You’ll find . . .
  • Planning guide for both individuals and groups
  • Online form for submission of your plan for the first trimester.
  • A guide on various roles members of your groups can fill.

Make your plan for yourself and/or with your group now to complete your planning. Think of it as your creative sandbox for the year. How will you and your advocacy colleagues share leadership? What do you dream of learning or accomplishing this year? 

  1. Researching Your Member of Congress.Note January 24 in your calendars, as we will have a 9 pm ET webinar by Allison Gallaher, Regional Coordinator, on researching your member of Congress. This is a perennial favorite, perfect for helping you learn more about both new and new-to-you legislators. Log in to or call (669) 900-6833 or (929) 436-2866, meeting ID 136610114.

Next Up, Appropriations

Soon, we’ll be sharing fresh resources for our FY20 appropriations work (action sheet, issue backgrounder, etc.) And you can mark your calendars now for January 29. That’s the day we’ll have a webinar titled “Appropriations Basics for FY20 and Our Global Campaigns,” 9 pm ET, led by Crickett Nicovich, Senior Advisor, Global Policy & Government Affairs. Join at, or by phone at (669) 900-6833 or (929) 436-2866, meeting ID 261474560.

Special Notes

  1. Take a Look at Our New Website! Our revamped website is live and we think you’re going to love it. Get to know some key features of the new site with the aid of our 5-minute online tour.
  2. Looking to Improve as a Coach? Watch for information on a monthly webinar series that will begin in a few weeks, focusing on learning and practicing the coaching techniques explored in David Rock’s book Quiet Leadership. In the meantime, consider starting to read or listen to the book. Questions? Contact Lisa Marchal, Global Grassroots Manager.
  3. The REAL Change Fellowship 2019-20 Class Application is Open! Check out and share the online application for this emerging young leaders program.

Calendar Notes

January 16, 1 pm ET and 8:30 pm ET. New Advocate Orientation. If you are new to RESULTS, know someone new to RESULTS, or want to become a RESULTS advocate, please join us for our New Advocate Orientation! During this 60-minute live webinar, you’ll interact with RESULTS staff and other new volunteers, learn more about our advocacy model and issues and get information on how to take action and get connected locally. Sign up here.

January 21 Week. Congressional Recess.

January 24, 9 pm ET. Researching Your Member of Congress, led by Regional Coordinator Allison Gallaher. Log in to or call (669) 900-6833 or (929) 436-2866, meeting ID 136610114.

January 29, 9 pm ET. Appropriations Basics for FY20 and Our Global Campaigns, led by Crickett Nicovich, Senior Advisor, Global Policy & Government Affairs. Join at, or by phone at (669) 900-6833 or (929) 436-2866, meeting ID 261474560.

February 6, 8 pm ET. RESULTS Action Network Community of Practice. Join other Action Network Managers to learn and share best practices for building and managing a local

Action Network. Join the webinar at, or by phone via (929) 436-2866 or (669) 900-6833, meeting ID 427674133. You can also join our Facebook pagerequest to join the group listserv, and find resources online.

February 9, 2 pm ET. National Grassroots Webinar, Global Poverty Campaigns. Join at Or join by phone at (669) 900-6833 or (929) 436-2866, meeting ID 510407386.

February 11, 1 pm ET and 8 pm ET. RESULTS Global Free Agents Webinars (choose one). Join via or, by phone, dial (669) 900-6833 or (929) 436-2866, meeting ID 285681999.

February 18 Week. Congressional Recess.

July 13-16. RESULTS International Conference. Grand Hyatt Washington (DC)Check out the information page and mark the dates in your calendar!

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