Global Poverty Weekly Update April 3, 2017

April 3, 2017

Global Poverty Campaigns

Weekly Update | Week of April 3, 2017

Quote of the Week

"I'm passionate about promoting equality and justice for all. Whether you live in one of the wealthiest nations in the world or the poorest, there are high levels of inequality. The more people working together, the better!"

 – Judy Hamilton, RESULTS Charleston (WV)

National Grassroots Webinar and More: Log In and Learn

1. National Webinar/Conference Call for Grassroots featuring RESULTS' 2016 Cameron Duncan Award Winner Tim Nickens, Editor of Editorials for the Tampa Bay Times. April 8, 2 pm ET. Log into the webinar using this link: to join by phone only, dial (201) 479-4595, meeting ID 30204806. Read up on Tim's background and think of questions you might want to ask. And please make your lobbying, outreach, and media report (see bottom of every Weekly Update for forms) so that we can include your terrific work in the year's cumulative summary during the conference call.

2. Advocacy Workshop Guide and April 12 Webinar. We face a unique opportunity at this moment. Countless people are waking up to the fact that apathy and disengagement are no longer an option in our political process. They want to get involved, but they don’t know what to do or how to do it. RESULTS volunteers serve as the model of what an engaged, informed citizen looks like. Sharing that experience with others will bring new people into our groups and strengthen the democratic process. As you may have discovered already, we are supporting you to engage people in your community each month with the monthly Action Sheet by automatically attaching an accompanying sample meeting agenda. But are also finding that community groups are interested in more comprehensive training.

  • So we've created a longer advocacy workshop guide to support you in training others in a broader set of skills. Look for it on our Resources page. 

  • And mark your calendars for "It's Go Time: Tools and Practices for Engaging Your Community in Advocacy" at 9 pm ET on April 12. This webinar will offer more information on how to use the longer advocacy workshop guide and other best practices for community engagement. To join, log in at or dial in at (201) 479-4595, meeting ID 34577774.

3. Race and Advocacy "Book Club" Webinar. April 13, 8 pm ET. Are you interested in exploring the critical relationship between advocacy and anti-oppression? Please join RESULTS for a virtual opportunity for a conversation around the book The New Jim Crow: Mass Incarceration In the Age of Colorblindness by Michelle Alexander. We invite you to this webinar beginning the discussion around systematic oppression in the United States and how it relates to our RESULTS global and U.S. poverty campaigns. Chapters four and five (correction) will be discussed during this installment. To participate, log in at or dial in by phone (201) 479-4595, meeting ID 34326078. Final date: April 27. 

The First 100 Days: Big Recess Ahead! Don't Delay in Requesting Meetings!

Our goal is to have 100% of RESULTS groups and Free Agents meet face-to-face with their members of Congress or meet with local staff in person with participation by DC policy staff. The scoreboard is looking great with completed and scheduled meetings. Check out the tally in real time on our First 100 Days resource page. #First100Days #RESULTS100

1. TIME-SENSITIVE: Book Your Meetings with Your Members of Congress for the upcoming April 10-21 recess. Let us know of your planned member of Congress meetings through our online form. Prep for your meeting using top tips from our Activist Milestones.

2Senate Maternal/Child Health Sign-on Letter Open for Signatures. The Senate "Dear Colleague" letter asks appropriators for robust funding for maternal and child health, Gavi, and nutrition to support ending preventable maternal and child deaths. The deadline for signing this bipartisan letter is now TBD. Check out the letter and ask your senators to sign today!

3. Outreach To Your Community. It's having coffee with someone who wants to know more. It's inviting a new potential advocate to your local meeting, framed as an advocacy workshop by using our monthly action sheets and sample meeting guide – like the March Action Sheet (also in PDF) helping you write a letter to the editor about appropriations. It's all of these things, and in this time of invigorated civic awareness, you and your fellow advocates are perfectly primed to bring interested folks into our critical advocacy workReport an outreach activity using our handy form. Help us get to 500 outreach moments! 

Extra Credit: Ask an interested friend, neighbor, or family member to write a letter to the editor that asks for support for a budget that prioritizes our global anti-poverty programs.

Appropriations and World TB Day Round-ups

1. Appropriations. You all worked diligently and worked well to both submit appropriations requests to your members of Congress and to ask your House members to sign "Dear Colleague" letters which support our appropriations work. What did you accomplish? Read the summary on our blog, offered by Crickett Nicovich, Senior Advisor for Global Policy and Government Affairs. 

2. World TB Day/Week. The week of World TB Day we saw an intense effort to educate and inspire members of Congress. Read about what was done, what was accomplished, and what's ahead in a blog post by TB Advocacy Officer David Bryden

Share the Opportunity: The 2017 RESULTS International Conference

1. Who have you invited? Use our new brochure to invite others to apply for the REAL Change program (which includes IC scholarship monies) or to invite anyone to the IC. Then share your excitement on Twitter or Facebook and boldly ask someone new to join us in DC this summer. 

  • Twitter sample tweet: Feeling a call to action? Join @RESULTS_Tweets this summer in Washington and talk to Congress face-to-face.

  • Facebook sample post: Congress needs to hear from you. This summer, meet with your representatives face-to-face. @RESULTS #Voices4RESULTS

2. Have your seen our new International Conference video? It shows you all the reasons you and those you are inviting should make the investment to join us in our nation's capital July 22-25. The RESULTS International Conference (IC) is a chance to use your voice to change the world. Registration is now open at earlybird rates! 

3. Global poverty advocates: apply for scholarship help – what we call "gap funding"! 

Upcoming Learning and Action Opportunities

Ongoing Until April 30. REAL Change Fellowship. The 2017-18 REAL Change Fellowship for emerging leaders (age 18-30) is open for applications

April 8, 2 pm ET. National Webinar/Conference Call for Grassroots. Featuring Tim Nickens, Editor of Editorials for the Tampa Bay Times. Login: to join by phone only, dial (201) 479-4595, meeting ID 30204806. 

April 10-21. House and Senate recesses. 

April 12, 9 pm ET. It's Go Time: Tools and Practices for Engaging Your Community in Advocacy Webinar. To join, log in at or dial in at (201) 479-4595, meeting ID 34577774.

April 12, 9 pm ET. RESULTS Introductory Call. The perfect RESULTS primer. Contact us with any questions and RSVP for the call.

July 22-25. RESULTS International Conference in Washington DC at the Washington Court Hotel. Registration is open!

Resources at Your Fingertips

Subscribe to the Weekly Update

Advocacy Resources (Weekly updates, action sheets, online action alerts, and more)

Global Poverty Campaigns Background

Global Grassroots Calendar

Skills Center 

Fundraising Tools

Report 2017 Actions

2015 & 2016 Global Congressional Scorecards (See global poverty actions your members of Congress have taken over the past few years.)

Contact the Grassroots Board Members of the RESULTS Board


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