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Event Series Media Office Hour

Media Office Hour

Bring your letter to the editor, op-ed, and editorial questions to this open hour. Join via Zoom at or dial (312) 626-6799, meeting ID: 936 6800 5494.

Appropriations 101

What are appropriations? What are the global campaigns funding challenges and opportunities this spring? How can you encourage your members of Congress to support critical global health and education programs? […]

Event Series National Webinar

National Webinar

These monthly webinars bring together the whole of RESULTS’ national advocate network and will inspire you with stories, information, actions, and energy. Register for the National Webinar to join us! (Registration is open […]

Reconciliation 101

Join us to learn about the reconciliation bill working its way through Congress and what it means for our advocacy. We’ll discuss what reconciliation is, and how it works, what […]

All times Eastern Time (ET)

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