Your commitment to ending poverty can extend beyond your lifetime with a planned gift to RESULTS Educational Fund, our 501(c)(3) tax-deductible arm.* By supporting a healthy, thriving future for RESULTS, you will also help to ensure a more just, equitable, and healthy future for all.
Naming RESULTS Educational Fund in your will or trust, or as a beneficiary of a life insurance policy or retirement account, is a powerful way to magnify your impact, as our advocacy leverages your gift many times. Additionally, these gifts can offer personal and financial advantages to you while providing RESULTS with an invaluable source of support:
Talk to your financial advisor to discuss how a planned gift fits into your financial plans. (See below for the types of planned gifts we can accept and suggested language.) Once you have made your wishes known to your family and counsel, please let us know so we can welcome you as a member of the RESULTS Legacy Society!
Thank you for your support of our life-changing and lifesaving work!
*RESULTS Educational Fund is a tax-exempt organization (Federal Tax ID #95-3747267), and donations are tax-deductible. RESULTS, Inc. is a 501(c)(4), and gifts are not tax-deductible. Certain restrictions may apply when making this type of gift. RESULTS Educational Fund is not a legal or tax advisor. Please consult your tax advisor to discuss your particular situation, including any impact of your state’s tax laws.
Please let us know if you have already made a planned gift to RESULTS so we can thank you and include you in our Legacy Society.
You can arrange a gift of an asset, a specific amount, or a percentage of your account or estate after gifts to loved ones and expenses have been paid. Several options exist to provide a legacy gift to RESULTS:
The following is suggested language for bequests to benefit RESULTS Educational Fund, Inc.:
“I give, devise, and bequeath to RESULTS Educational Fund, Inc., 1101 15th Street NW, Suite 1200, Washington, DC 20005, Federal Tax ID #95-3747267, (either) [the sum of $________ ] (or) [________% of the rest, residue, and remainder of my estate, both real and personal] for sole charitable purposes.”
To discuss your legacy at RESULTS, please contact Melissa Strobel, Director of Development, at or (202) 783-4800 ext. 2.
“When we were doing our wills many years ago, I considered all the organizations I was donating to. I think there’s no better bang for the buck than the money that goes to RESULTS. The leveraging principle was what appealed to me the most.”
Paul Brindle, Michigan