Global Poverty Weekly Update February 8, 2016
Global Poverty CampaignsWeekly Update | Week of February 8, 2016
Quote of the Week"My birthday is May 9. Most years [my mother] and I share the celebration. I remind her that without me she would not enjoy a special day for Moms. She quickly and lovingly reminds me that she too was present on the day of my birth. She and I were very fortunate to be under the care of a great [healthcare] team . . . All mothers want the same future for their children, to be happy and healthy." |
Global Health Heavyweight Joins Us Saturday!Join the February national webinar for grassroots, global campaigns. 2 pm ET on Saturday, February 13. You'll benefit immensely from hearing from our incredible special guest Dr. Mark Dybul, executive director of the Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria. Dr. Dybul is arguably the best voice on the TB/HIV pandemic in the world, so you won't want to miss this webinar. Login information: To join by phone only, dial (201) 479-4595, meeting ID 30204806. And while you're meeting, why not get your January advocacy reporting completed? Appropriations: Don't Hesitate to Take Your Action
The Reach Act: Goals for the End of March. (Don't Stop. We're Getting There!)We are hearing from aides on the Hill that your advocacy for the Reach Act is making an impact. Keep it up! Thirty-two Republicans and 40 Democrats are now on on H.R.3706, the House version of the Reach Act. Such incredible work! Can we get to 100 cosponsors, with a balance of Republicans and Democrats, by the end March? We now have 12 cosponsors on S.1911, the Senate version of the Reach Act, again with a balance of Republicans and Democrats. We want to get to 25 by the end of March. Furthermore, we have generated over 200 pieces of media in 36 states on the Reach Act. We want to get media in all 50 states as soon as we can. How do we get to the 100/25/50 goals? 1. Book meetings with your legislators to discuss the Reach Act and make your requests. 2. Call your representative about the Reach Act. Ask Democrats to bring along a Republican colleague. 3. Or write your senators! Again, ask Democrats to bring along a Republican colleague. 4. Even write your local paper! Have you tweeted out your latest published piece? Other "Don't Miss" Items of Note1. Finish Group Planning. Find the group planning materials on our website. You will also find a link to the Global Grassroots Calendar, which will be updated on an ongoing basis. Please submit your completed group plans to your Regional Coordinator as soon as possible. 2. Growing your Group through Outreach Webinar. February 16, 9 pm ET. A healthy RESULTS group is one that is always looking to grow. New people bring new energy and passion to your work. However, not all of us are well-versed in how to do effective outreach to potential new advocates. Join this training webinar and discussion about how to do successful outreach. You'll learn outreach tips and skills from RESULTS staff, learn about outreach resources available to you, and get answers to your questions about how best to recruit new people. To join the webinar online, go to To join by phone, dial (201) 479-4595, meeting ID 31404402. 3. RESULTS in Politico. RESULTS and fourteen other organizations leading on both domestic and global health placed a striking full-page ad in a major daily paper, Politico, urging full implementation of the US National Action Plan to Combat Multi-Drug Resistant TB. Check out the link to the ad and consider printing and sending it to your senators and representatives! 4. What Are You Doing the Last Week of June? Join us in DC for the 2016 International Conference! Watch for more information as plans unfold. 5. Know An Aspiring Young Leader? We are looking for the next generation of young activists and leaders in fighting poverty at home and abroad. RESULTS will train and guide you to create personal relationships with policymakers in Congress and other branches of government. We’ll train and support you to speak powerfully and engage with the media and your community. RESULTS has proven over the past 35 years that when people like you use their voices effectively, we can make progress towards ending poverty. For more information, see our website.
New Groups and Group Leader Training Mean a Stronger RESULTS!1. Read Up on Our New Group Starts Across the Network! New Hampshire, Delaware, Kansas, Oklahoma . . . RESULTS groups are sprouting up everywhere. Read all about it! 2. Current and Incoming Global Group Leaders: Come To a Fall Training! We have a terrific opportunity for leaders of global poverty campaigns groups to spend a weekend learning about our global health campaigns, sharpening skills and building camaraderie. Slots are still available for our two September trainings. Sign up online. |
Upcoming Learning OpportunitiesFebruary 10, 9 pm ET. RESULTS Introductory Call. The perfect RESULTS primer. Contact us with any questions and RSVP for the call. February 13, 2 pm ET. Join the February national webinar for grassroots, global campaigns. Special guest: Dr. Mark Dybul, executive director of the Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria. Login information: To join by phone only, dial (201) 479-4595, meeting ID 30204806. February 16, 9 pm ET. Growing your Group through Outreach Webinar. A healthy RESULTS group is one that is always looking to grow. New people bring new energy and passion to your work. However, not all of us are well-versed in how to do effective outreach to potential new advocates. Join this training webinar and discussion about how to do successful outreach. You'll learn outreach tips and skills from RESULTS staff, learn about outreach resources available to you, and get answers to your questions about how best to recruit new people. To join the webinar online, go to To join by phone, dial (201) 479-4595, meeting ID 31404402. February 26, 1 pm ET. RESULTS Introductory Call. The perfect RESULTS primer. Contact us with any questions and RSVP for the call. June 25-28. RESULTS 2016 International Conference. Resources at Your FingertipsSubscribe to the Weekly Update Advocacy Resources (Weekly updates, action sheets, online action alerts, and more) Global Poverty Campaigns Background Report Your 2016 2015 & 2016 Global Congressional Scorecards (See global poverty actions your members of Congress have taken over the past few years.) Who Are the New(est) Members of Congress? (scroll down page) |