Together Women Rise August 2023 Webinar
August 16, 2023
We still have a global education crisis for girls around the world, which has been made even worse by interruptions due to the pandemic. We are making some progress on co-sponsors for the READ Act (S.41, H.R.681), but we need to get more Reps. and Senators on the bill as co-sponsors. Ready to take the next step? Check out these resources from our August Rise webinar!
- Webinar recording
- Slides (PPT / PDF)
- Sample email to foreign policy aide requesting co-sponsorship on the READ Act (H.R. 681/ S. 41)
- Sample phone script for follow up
- Sample LTE (Letter to the Editor)
- Share this action with others –
- Rise Grantee – Kaavish: Girls Rising (Pakistan)