RESULTS Weekly Update July 25, 2023

July 25, 2023

Quote of the Week

“Millions of children are left out of the full Child Tax Credit including those from working families with lower incomes. Expand the full credit to as many of these families as possible.”

– RESULTS Baltimore volunteer Jan Kleinman in a July 16 letter to the editor in the Baltimore Sun

Table of Contents

Use August lobby meetings to push for an expanded CTC

We’ve noted that over the last six weeks, the conversation around taxes has heated up in Congress. With both Republicans and Democrats releasing competing tax proposals, momentum is growing to do something.

The Problem Solvers Caucus, a bipartisan group in the House, recently formed a working group for the Child Tax Credit (CTC). Also, several Republicans have introduced new legislation to expand the CTC (Rep. John James (R-MI-10) and Rep. Ashley Hinson (R-IA-2)). While RESULTS does not endorse these new bills, they show that Republicans in Congress are feeling pressure to do something on the CTC. RESULTS advocates have also heard that there are conversations about the CTC happening in the House Ways and Means Committee, after the Committee did not include any CTC provisions in its recent tax plan.

This is the type of news we want to hear. It shows that your advocacy is working. It also shows us that we can help advance these conversations by meeting with members of Congress in August. We need to keep pushing the message that any tax package this year must expand the CTC to more families with low incomes.

TAKE ACTION: Submit your lobby meeting requests for the August recess today. Congress will be on recess all August. Set up lobby meetings to tell them to expand the CTC in any tax legislation this year (and to oppose any tax legislation that does not). The RESULTS website has a sample meeting request letter, a new congressional recess checklist, updated congressional requests, and more. If you need personalized coaching, contact RESULTS staff to set up a lobby prep call or attend one of our Lobby Prep Office hours in August (see Announcements for more details).

The End Tuberculosis Now Act still needs co-sponsors

It’s worth celebrating an extra week. You did some incredible work on the bipartisan House United Nations High-Level Meeting (UNHLM) letter to the Biden Administration, co-led by Representatives Bera (D-CA-6), Salazar (R-FL-27), McCaul (R-TX-10), and Meeks (D-NY-5). This particular letter urges bold leadership at the September 22 UNHLM on tuberculosis and has already been sent to the Administration. We had a stretch goal of 110 signers, and you secured 108! Just remarkable. It was really fun to watch how active you all were up until the last minute the letter was open. You just weren’t giving up!

Now, we turn our attention back to another piece of this TB work, the End Tuberculosis Now Act. This legislation also will enhance the chances that the U.S. will provide key leadership at the UNHLM meeting this fall. But we’re still working to gain momentum on co-sponsorships. The legislation is open for co-sponsorship in both the House (H.R.1776) and the Senate (S.288). You can check to see if your representative and senators have co-sponsored. If they have, please thank them! If they haven’t, please make your co-sponsorship request(s).

TAKE ACTION: Ask your members of Congress to co-sponsor the End Tuberculosis Now Act in both the House (H.R.1776) and the Senate (S.288). The End Tuberculosis Now Act (and the READ Act on global education) are perfect asks for your August recess meetings. The RESULTS website has resources to help you book August meetings, including a sample meeting request letter, a new congressional recess checklist, and more.

Quick News on U.S. and Global Poverty

Common myths about the CTC. RESULTS staff have created a new resource to help you when meeting with lawmakers about the Child Tax Credit (CTC). The resource debunks common myths about the CTC that some skeptics use to thwart expansions of the credit, such as the CCTC discourages work, is a partisan issue or it costs too much. Use it to prepare for your lobby meetings in August.

Appropriations update. In positive Appropriations news, the House included several of RESULTS language requests in their final bill! Along with our funding numbers, advocates submitted report language aimed at improving the equity and impact of the programs we fund. And our requests were well received – your work lead to new sections that direct USAID to take specific steps to prevent childhood deaths and center disadvantaged geographies in their programs. This is just another example of how your advocacy can influence our government and our global health programs. Read our latest blogpost on appropriations negotiations and why there is reason to celebrate the impact of your advocacy as the process moves forward.

The READ Act seeks co-sponsorships. We have 15 different states and the District of Columbia represented by the current co-sponsors for the READ Act (H.R.681, S.41), on global education, but we need that list to grow. We particularly need to gain momentum in the Senate. Don’t hesitate to make your co-sponsorship requests today.

Media hooks for the week. Use the hook ideas below to submit a letter to the editor this week. If you need a template, use our online media actions to edit and submit your letter today.


Join Lobby Prep Office Hours in August. To help you have powerful and effective lobby meetings in August, RESULTS staff will hold a Lobby Prep Office Hour each Tuesday in August, 8:00-9:00 pm ET. Join at any time during the hour to get coaching on congressional requests, insights into your members of Congress, and your questions answered. This is an easy way to make sure you are ready to go for your August lobby meetings. The first office hour is next Tuesday, August 1. Join at: or dial (301) 715-8592, meeting ID: 985 8213 1855 (no registration required). If you prefer more personalized coaching, please contact RESULTS staff to schedule a lobby prep call with your group.

2024 Fellowship application is now open. The RESULTS Fellowship is an 11-month program designed for activists ages 20-35 to harness the power of their voice, sharpen their advocacy and organizing skills, and take action with dozens of dynamic young leaders. RESULTS Fellows advocate at the intersections of poverty and anti-oppression and learn how to work with the media, their communities, and policymakers to create change. Applications are now open online. Application closes October 31. Any questions, please email [email protected]. We also have information sessions about the Fellowship on August 9 and September 13 (register here). Apply to be a part of this transformational experience and become a part of our powerful cohort of activists.

Interested in being a Regional Coordinator? The Regional Coordinator (RC) is a key player in the RESULTS community. RCs are the brilliant network of people who provide training, cheerleading, and support for our network of groups. RCs work directly with RESULTS staff members, receive leadership coaching, coaching on powerful speaking, legislative updates and attend a yearly retreat for skills development. Ideal candidates for this volunteer role have experience in a RESULTS Group Leader role, but we welcome all inquiries. Want to learn more about this unique volunteer opportunity? Contact Lisa Marchal. Let’s chat!

Sophie Collyer and Kenneth Prudencio to join August webinar. We are pleased to announce exciting speakers for August 5 RESULTS National Webinar. For the U.S. Poverty section (1:00-1:30 pm ET), Sophie Collyer from the Center on Poverty and Social Policy will join us to highlight some of their research findings and underscore the need to keep pushing for this Congress to prioritize expanding the Child Tax Credit. For our Global Poverty section (2:00-2:30 pm ET), we’ll welcome Kenneth Prudencio of ASAPSU, our ACTION partner from Cote D’Ivoire. He’ll highlight the importance of our partnership in improving global health through our upcoming Equity and Impact campaign and work with the World Bank. We’ll also continue our discussion on how to make the most of lobby meetings during the August congressional recess (1:30-2:00 pm ET). If you have not registered for the National Webinar in 2023, register today.

Join Grassroots Board Town Hall on August 10. Our newly elected Grassroots Board Members Aaron Carrillo (RESULTS Expert on Poverty) and Allison Gallaher (RESULTS Cleveland) will be featured on the next Grassroots Board Member Town Hall, Thursday, August 10 at 8:30 pm ET. Meet the candidates and learn more about the Grassroots Directors Committee of the RESULTS Board and how they can be a resource to you. All are welcome! To join the meeting, login at this Zoom link, meeting ID: 950 0654 6243, passcode: Grassroots.

No policy forums in August. To keep focus on your August recess lobby meetings, we will not have the U.S. or global policy poverty forums in August. Instead, plan to join one of the Lobby Prep Office Hours being held each Tuesday in August at 8:00 pm ET (see details above). The policy forums will return in September.

Upcoming Events

Congressional schedule: July 24-30. The House and Senate are in session this week.

Typically, registration ends one hour prior to the start of all webinars and trainings.

Thursday, July 27: Event Planning and Outreach Office Hour, 1:00 pm ET. Drop in via or call (312) 626-6799, meeting ID 985 2422 9370.

Friday, July 28: Anti-oppression Learning Community Meeting, 12:00 pm ET. Learn more about this 90-minute gathering and register.

Monday, July 31-Monday, September 4: August congressional recess. Request lobby meetings for the recess today.

Tuesday, August 1: Group Leader Office Hour, 1:00 pm ET. Craving top tips for the Group Leader role? Join any time during the 60-minute session. No registration needed; join at

Tuesday, August 1: Lobby Prep Office Hour, 8:00 pm ET. Bring questions for RESULTS staff about your August recess lobby meetings. Join at: or dial (301) 715-8592, meeting ID: 985 8213 1855.

Thursday, August 3: Event Planning and Outreach Office Hour, 2:00 pm ET. Drop in via or call (312) 626-6799, meeting ID 985 2422 9370.

Saturday, August 5: National Webinar, 1:00 pm ET. Register today.

Tuesday, August 8: Lobby Prep Office Hour, 8:00 pm ET. Bring questions for RESULTS Staff about your August recess lobby meetings. Join at: or dial (301) 715-8592, meeting ID: 985 8213 1855.

Thursday, August 10: Event Planning and Outreach Office Hour, 2:00 pm ET. Drop in via or call (312) 626-6799, meeting ID 985 2422 9370.

Thursday, August 10: Grassroots Board Member Town Hall, 8:30 pm ET. Join at:, meeting ID: 950 0654 6243, passcode: Grassroots.

Thursday, August 10: Global Allies Program, 8:30 pm ET. Read more about this program with the Returned Peace Corps Volunteers.

Tuesday, August 15: Lobby Prep Office Hour, 8:00 pm ET. Bring questions for RESULTS Staff about your August recess lobby meetings. Join at: or dial (301) 715-8592, meeting ID: 985 8213 1855.

Tuesday, August 15: Together Women Rise/RESULTS Advocacy Chapter, 8:30 pm ET. Learn more.

Wednesday, August 16: Action Network Managers webinar, 12:30 pm and 8:00 pm ET. (Choose your time.) Join the 12:30 pm ET session at Join the 8:00 pm ET session at No registration required.

Thursday, August 17: Event Planning and Outreach Office Hour, 2:00 pm ET. Drop in via or call (312) 626-6799, meeting ID 985 2422 9370.

Tuesday, August 22: Lobby Prep Office Hour, 8:00 pm ET. Bring questions for RESULTS Staff about your August recess lobby meetings. Join at: or dial (301) 715-8592, meeting ID: 985 8213 1855.

Tuesday, August 22: U.S. Poverty Free Agents, 1:00 pm and 8:00 pm ET (note the new evening time). Contact Jos Linn for more information.

Wednesday, August 23: Media Office Hour, 2:00 pm ET. Join via Zoom at or (312) 626-6799, meeting ID 936 6800 5494. No registration required.

Thursday, August 24: Event Planning and Outreach Office Hour, 2:00 pm ET. Drop in via or call (312) 626-6799, meeting ID 985 2422 9370.

Friday, August 25: Diversity and Inclusion 101, 12:00 pm ET. Read more about this important 90-minute learning opportunity.

Monday, August 28: Global Poverty Free Agents, 7:00 pm ET. Contact Lisa Marchal for more information.

Tuesday, August 29: Lobby Prep Office Hour, 8:00 pm ET. Bring questions for RESULTS Staff about your August recess lobby meetings. Join at: or dial (301) 715-8592, meeting ID: 985 8213 1855.

Thursday, August 31: Event Planning and Outreach Office Hour, 2:00 pm ET. Drop in via or call (312) 626-6799, meeting ID 985 2422 9370.

Grassroots Resources

Learn about the RESULTS Experts on Poverty.

Find actions and volunteer resources on our Volunteers Hub, including our anti-oppression resources. To join the RESULTS listserv for more RESULTS conversation, send an email to [email protected].

Remember to please report your recent advocacy successes in lobby meetings, media, and outreach activities. Also, use our Volunteer Information Form to add or edit volunteer info and to sign up for updates and alerts.

If you have a question, comment, or suggestion for the RESULTS/REF Board, please e-mail Lindsay Saunders at [email protected]. View Board minutes and Annual Reports.

RESULTS Staff directory and job postings.

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