RESULTS Weekly Update July 18, 2023

July 18, 2023

Quote of the Week

“Nothing makes me feel like a patriotic citizen in July more than helping my members of Congress make the world a better place.”

– RESULTS St. Louis volunteer Cindy Levin in a July 5 letter to the editor in the St. Louis Post-Dispatch

Table of Contents

Incredible work on TB. Let’s keep going!

You are phenomenal advocates. The bipartisan House United Nations High-Level Meeting (UNHLM) letter to the Administration, co-led by Representatives Bera (D-CA-6), Salazar (R-FL-27), McCaul (R-TX-10), and Meeks (D-NY-5), urges bold leadership at the September 22 UNHLM on tuberculosis. And what did you accomplish on this crucial letter? 108 signers! The flurry of advocacy activity up until the last minute the letter was open was just remarkable to watch. You are to be commended. Now this letter is already in the process of influencing the UHNLM meeting that will be held. We want to turn things around on this devastating disease of poverty, and your work will undoubtedly make an impact.

Now, we turn our attention back to the End Tuberculosis Now Act. The legislation is open for co-sponsorship in both the House (H.R.1776) and the Senate (S.288). You can check to see if your representative and senators have co-sponsored. If they have, please thank them! If they haven’t, please make your co-sponsorship request(s). This, too, will enhance the chances that the U.S. will “show up big” at the UNHLM meeting this fall.

TAKE ACTION: Ask your members of Congress to co-sponsor the End Tuberculosis Now Act in both the House (H.R.1776) and the Senate (S.288). After your success with the letter to the Biden Administration regarding the UNHLM meeting on TB this fall, we can build momentum by gaining co-sponsors on this key legislation. The End Tuberculosis Now Act (and the READ Act) are perfect asks for your August recess meetings. The RESULTS website has resources to help you book August meetings, including a sample meeting request letter, a new congressional recess checklist, and more.

Senate hearing highlights importance of your CTC advocacy

Last week, Sen. Michael Bennet (D-CO) chaired a hearing of the Senate Finance Committee. It’s focus was the Child Tax Credit (CTC). Sen. Bennet, long a champion for expanding the CTC, touted the tremendous impact the 2021 CTC expansion in lifting children out of poverty. After the first CTC payment went out in July 2021, 3 million children were lifted from poverty. Parents used their CTC payments for food, housing, and other items to help their children.

For years, the CTC had strong bipartisan support. That ended in 2017 when President Trump and Republicans in Congress passed the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act (TCJA). The TCJA did expand the CTC but primarily for wealthy families (RESULTS strongly opposed the TCJA). When Democrats expanded the CTC in 2021 to include families with low or no income, Republicans unanimously opposed it. (see this chart for comparison of who benefitted from both bills).

RESULTS supports renewing the 2021 CTC, as proposed in both the House’s American Family Act and the Senate’s Working Families Tax Relief Act. But those bills nor a renewal of the 2021 CTC are on the table in this Congress. They don’t have the votes. But there is room for meaningful improvement between the current CTC and what we had in 2021. Fortunately, both parties recognize this and have expressed interest in finding a compromise on a CTC expansion this year.

Sen. Bennet’s hearing helped remind lawmakers of the importance of the CTC. But if lawmakers are to come together for a meaningful compromise on the CTC, it will take pressure from you – their constituents – to make it happen.

TAKE ACTION: Congress will be on recess the entire month of August. Set up lobby meetings to tell them that their constituents want a significant expansion of the CTC as part of any tax legislation this year. The RESULTS website has resources to help you, including a sample meeting request letter, a new congressional recess checklist, updated CTC requests, and more. If you need help, please contact RESULTS staff. And be sure to review our July National Webinar recording for helpful tips to prepare you for lobby meetings in August.

Register for Thursday’s monthly policy forums

Join our July Policy Forums on Thursday, July 20. On the U.S. Forum at 8:00 pm ET, join RESULTS Associate Director for U.S. Policy Michael Santos to continue the conversation on how we can design a viable renter tax credit to prioritize renters in the tax code. On our Global Forum at 9:00 pm ET, we’ll overview a new grassroots campaign focused on equity and impact, including at the World Bank. The World Bank controls billions of dollars. If used well, these resources can drive down poverty.

TAKE ACTION: Join our U.S. and Global Policy Forums this Thursday, July 20. You must register for each forum to attend. Register for the U.S. Forum at 8:00 pm ET and the Global Forum at 9:00 pm ET today.

Quick News on U.S. and Global Poverty

Appropriations update. In positive appropriations news, the House included several of RESULTS language requests in their final bill! Along with our funding numbers, advocates submitted report language aimed at improving the equity and impact of the programs we fund. And our requests were well received – your work lead to new sections that direct USAID to take specific steps to prevent childhood deaths and center disadvantaged geographies in their programs. This is just another example of how your advocacy can influence our government and our global health programs. Read our latest RESULTS blogpost on appropriations negotiations and why there is reason to celebrate the impact of your advocacy as the process moves forward.

The READ Act needs an assist. We have 15 different states and the District of Columbia represented by the current co-sponsors for the READ Act (H.R.681, S.41), on global education, but we need that list to grow. Are your state and your legislators in the mix? Don’t hesitate to make your co-sponsorship requests today.

Join webinar on SNAP work requirements tomorrow. Join the Alliance to End Hunger for a webinar to discuss research and information on work requirements/time limits for the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP), the impact of work requirements on participation and employment, and how work requirements can exacerbate harm. The webinar is tomorrow, July 19, 3:00-4:00 pm ET. Register for the webinar today.

Media hooks for the week. Use the hook ideas below to submit a letter to the editor this week. If you need a template, use our online media actions to edit and submit your letter today.

  • U.S. Poverty: Two years ago on July 15 was the two-year anniversary of the first CTC monthly payments going out, which lifted 3 million children from poverty. Use the anniversary as a hook to urge Congress expand the Child Tax Credit to include more low-income children in tax legislation this year.
  • Global Poverty: Take a look at this stunning photo piece, “A Midwife is like a Mother,” by USAID which highlights aspects of maternal and child health. Use inspiration from this piece for your next letter to the editor.


2024 Fellowship application is now open. The RESULTS Organizing and Advocacy Fellowship is recruiting for its 10th class. Applications are now open online. The RESULTS Fellowship is an 11-month program designed for activists ages 20-35 to harness the power of their voice, sharpen their advocacy and organizing skills, and take action with dozens of dynamic young leaders. RESULTS Fellows advocate at the intersections of poverty and anti-oppression and learn how to work with the media, their communities, and policymakers to create change. Application closes October 31. Any questions, please email [email protected]. Join us for an information session on July 12, August 9, and September 13. Please register for the webinar here. Apply to be a part of this transformational experience and become a part of our powerful cohort of activists.

Media is a powerful tool – get coaching tomorrow. Grassroots media is a vital component of any advocacy campaign. And RESULTS volunteers are among the best media advocates (you have 283 published media pieces in 2023!). If you are stuck working on a letter to the editor, need help finding a media hook, or just want to learn more about using media to influence Congress, join our Media Office Hour tomorrow, July 19, 2:00-3:00 pm ET. Come anytime that hour with your questions. Join via Zoom at: or (312) 626-6799, meeting ID: 936 6800 5494.

Interested in being a Regional Coordinator? The Regional Coordinator (RC) is a key player in the RESULTS community. RCs are the brilliant network of people who provide training, cheerleading, and support for our network of groups. RCs work directly with RESULTS staff members, receive leadership coaching, coaching on powerful speaking, legislative updates and attend a yearly retreat for skills development. Ideal candidates for this volunteer role have experience in a RESULTS Group Leader role, but we welcome all inquiries. Want to learn more about this unique volunteer opportunity? Contact Lisa Marchal. Let’s chat!

Sophie Collyer and Kenneth Prudencio to join August webinar. We are pleased to announce exciting speakers for August 5 RESULTS National Webinar. For the U.S. Poverty section (1:00-1:30 pm ET), Sophie Collyer from the Center on Poverty and Social Policy will join us to highlight some of their research findings and underscore the need to keep pushing for this Congress to prioritize expanding the Child Tax Credit. For our Global Poverty section (2:00-2:30 pm ET), we’ll welcome Kenneth Prudencio of ASAPSU, our ACTION partner from Cote D’Ivoire. He’ll highlight the importance of our partnership in improving global health through our upcoming Equity and Impact campaign and work with the World Bank. We’ll also continue our discussion on how to make the most of lobby meetings during the August congressional recess (1:30-2:00 pm ET). If you have not registered for the National Webinar in 2023, register today.

Meet the new Grassroots Board Members. Our newly elected Grassroots Board Members Aaron Carrillo (RESULTS Expert on Poverty) and Allison Gallaher (RESULTS Cleveland) will be featured on the next Grassroots Board Member Town Hall, Thursday, August 10 at 8:30 pm ET. Meet the candidates, and learn more about the Grassroots Directors Committee of the RESULTS Board and how they can be a resource to you. All are welcome! To join the meeting, login at this Zoom link, meeting ID: 950 0654 6243, passcode: Grassroots.

September and October National Webinar date changes. Due to Labor Day, the September National Webinar will be Saturday, September 9 at 1:00-2:30 pm ET. Due to Indigenous Peoples’ Day, the October National Webinar will be Saturday, October 14 at 12:00-3:00 pm ET. The October webinar will focus on taking a deep look at our U.S. poverty campaigns, particularly how “work requirements” are rooted in and perpetuate oppression. Stay tuned for more details soon.

Upcoming Events

Congressional schedule: July 17-23. The House and Senate are in session this week.

Typically, registration ends one hour prior to the start of all webinars and trainings.

Tuesday, July 18: U.S. Poverty Free Agents, 1:00 pm and 9:00 pm ET. Contact Jos Linn for more information.

Tuesday, July 18: Together Women Rise/RESULTS Advocacy Chapter, 8:30 pm ET. Learn more.

Wednesday, July 19: Action Network Managers webinar, 12:30 pm and 8:00 pm ET. (Choose your time.) Join the 12:30 pm ET session at Join the 8:00 pm ET session at No registration required.

Wednesday, July 19: Media Office Hour, 2:00 pm ET. Join via Zoom at or (312) 626-6799, meeting ID 936 6800 5494. No registration required.

Thursday, July 20: Event Planning and Outreach Office Hour, 1:00 pm ET. Drop in via or call (312) 626-6799, meeting ID 985 2422 9370.

Thursday, July 20: U.S. Poverty Policy Forum, 8:00 pm ET. Register today.

Thursday, July 20: Global Poverty Policy Forum, 9:00 pm ET. Register today.

Monday, July 24: Global Poverty Free Agents, 7:00 pm ET. Contact Lisa Marchal for more information.

Thursday, July 27: Event Planning and Outreach Office Hour, 1:00 pm ET. Drop in via or call (312) 626-6799, meeting ID 985 2422 9370.

Friday, July 28: Anti-oppression Learning Community Meeting, 12:00 pm ET. Learn more about this 90-minute gathering and register.

Monday, July 31-Monday, September 4: August congressional recess. Request lobby meetings for the recess today.

Tuesday, August 1: Group Leader Office Hour, 1:00 pm ET. Craving top tips for the Group Leader role? Join any time during the 60-minute session. No registration needed; join at

Saturday, August 5: National Webinar, 1:00 pm ET. Register today.

Thursday, August 10: Grassroots Board Member Town Hall, 8:30 pm ET. Join at:, meeting ID: 950 0654 6243, passcode: Grassroots.

Thursday, August 10: Global Allies Program, 8:30 pm ET. Read more about this program with the Returned Peace Corps Volunteers.

Grassroots Resources

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