March 2023 Global TB Appropriations Laser Talk from National Webinar

March 3, 2023

Engage: Tuberculosis – an airborne bacteria – now kills more people each year than HIV and malaria combined.​

Problem: COVID, conflict, and other crises have specifically taken a toll on the fight against tuberculosis. This disease drives and exacerbates global poverty, and it targets vulnerable populations. Alarmingly, TB cases increased in both 2020 and 2021. In 2021, 1.6 million people worldwide died from this often-curable disease.​

Inform: The U.S. has been a leader in the fight against TB, and fiscal year 2024 decisions will soon be made in Congress by the committee that funds foreign aid.  ​

Call to Action: Will you write and speak to the leadership of the State and Foreign Operations Subcommittee of Appropriations and ask that they include at least $1 billion for USAID bilateral tuberculosis funding in the FY24 spending bill?  Will you also ask for at least $2 billion for the Global Fund to Fight AIDS, TB and Malaria?​

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