July 2020 Laser Talk: Ask Congress for a Global Response to the Pandemic

July 8, 2020

Engage: I’m calling/writing to ask the Senator/Representative to protect U.S. investments in global health and U.S. leadership during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Problem: COVID-19 is having a devastating impact in low-income nations, and current projections put 80 million children at risk from missing vaccinations and a spike in tuberculosis cases and deaths. Global hunger and malnutrition could also double.

Inform: But increasing U.S. support to existing global health programs to ramp up service, create alternative methods of delivery, and prepare for the production and distribution of a COVID-19 vaccine could make all the difference. We need a global response to the global COVID-19 pandemic when Congress returns from recess on July 20.

Call to Action: Will you please write and speak to Senate/House leadership and ask that they include at least $20 billion for international development in any COVID-19 supplemental bill, including:

  • $4 billion for the Global Fund to Fight AIDS, TB, and Malaria over 2 years,
  • $4 billion for Gavi, the Vaccine Alliance,
  • $2 billion for Anti-Hunger efforts, with at least $500 million for Nutrition?

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