Global Weekly Update September 26, 2011

September 27, 2011

It’s Crunch Time for EFA Work. Keep Up Your Efforts!

With 36 cosponsors, we’re gaining support for the House Education for All Act of 2011, but have to keep up the work over the Congressional recess this week to reach our October 1 goal of 100 cosponsors.

Keep it up!

Current list of cosponsors: Blumenauer, Capuano, Carson, Castor, Connolly, Conyers, Ellison, Filner, Garamendi, Heinrich, Hinchey, Holt, Honda, Jackson, Jr., Johnson, Larsen, Lee, Lewis, Lofgren, Lujan, McDermott, McGovern, McNerney, Moore, Moran, Napolitano, Olver, Price, Reichert, Richardson, Schakowsky, Serrano, Smith, Stark, Woolsey, Yarmuth

If your representative has not signed on, call them this week to remind them about the timeliness of showing support for EFA before the Global Partnership for Education pledging conference in November. You can also write your local paper about the power of education to change and to save lives.

With the help of the editorial packet, we are well on our way to reaching the goal of 70 letters to the editor (one per RESULTS global group), 12 op-eds, and 12 editorials. We’ve had media in Florida, Texas, Washington, Mississippi, and New Jersey and several other states already. Let’s keep going! If you need support materials, you’ll find a wealth of information on our Education for All campaign’s Take Action page or reach out to the grassroots staff for additional help.

Plan Now for World AIDS Day on Dec. 1

December 1 is a global day of action to fight the deadly epidemic that still infects 2.7 million new people and claims two million lives annually. These are sobering numbers, but this year World AIDS Day comes after a string of stunning scientific advances that has fundamentally altered the possibilities in the fight against HIV/AIDS. The end of the AIDS epidemic is within our grasp. Here’s how you can be involved:

  • Plan an outreach event to build HIV/AIDS awareness in your community with local AIDS groups. Use this World AIDS Day resource page and fact sheet to help you plan.
  • Apply for a World AIDS Day Mini-grant. REF offers grassroots groups the opportunity to apply for funding through a grant application process. These grants are awarded for community advocacy activities such as large outreach events, film screenings, and media stunts that promote TB and TB-HIV advocacy. The grants range up to $5000 and must be administered by a current RESULTS partner. Applications are available now and will be reviewed starting Sept. 12. To receive funding by Dec. 1, you should apply early. The deadline for applications is Oct. 31.
  • Have World AIDS Day be your kick off to the RESULTS International Conference July 21–24, 2012. Next year the RESULTS IC will coincide with the International AIDS Conference in Washington, DC, and this presents some amazing opportunities for activism. Read RESULTS/REF Executive Director Joanne Carter’s remarks on why this moment matters.

You’ll Want to Be There: RESULTS International Conference Will Be July 21–24, 2012 in Washington, DC

We are planning for the biggest International Conference in a long time; start thinking now about how to get yourself and community members there to be part of the action!

We are very fortunate that next year the RESULTS International Conference will coincide with the International AIDS Conference in Washington, DC. This presents some amazing opportunities for activism. Read RESULTS/REF Executive Director Joanne Carter’s remarks on the how RESULTS activists can leverage the 2012 conference to build political momentum for ending AIDS. World AIDS Day on December 1 is the official kick-off for a bigger mobilization for next year’s conference.

In the meantime, begin thinking about how you can secure the time and funds to make your participation at the conference possible. Talk with your group leader, your regional coordinator, or RESULTS staff for ideas and assistance.

Do You Know Someone Who Would Like to Know RESULTS?

We are on the lookout for people who might want to meet us! RESULTS advocates and staff are hard at working checking out places all across the country where RESULTS groups could take root.

We are trying to get groups going in the following areas and need your help: Nashville, TN; St. Louis, MO; Portland, ME; Boise, ID; Baton Rouge, LA; New Orleans, LA, and in the states of Montana, Wyoming, and Mississippi.

People are more likely to get involved when they get a personal invitation, and it’s much easier for us to say that you told us to contact them. You’ve got the passion; now, offer the invitation! Contact Ken Patterson or Lisa Marchal if you have leads we could follow. Likewise, invite your friend, co-worker, or family member to register for the next RESULTS Introductory Call on October 12 at 9:00 pm ET. This 30-minute meet-and-greet with offer a taste of what RESULTS is all about. Anyone who is curious is invited! It’s a great first step.

We know that if you get girls into schools and keep them there, you can change the course of a nation.

— Her Majesty Queen Rania Al-Abdullah, June 2007

September 29 and October 13: Two-session RESULTS New Activist Orientation, 9pm ET. (712) 432-3100, passcode 7612622

October 12: RESULTS Introductory Call. Register today!

October 12: RESULTS Nashville Group Start Workshop. Contact Lisa Marchal for more information.

(UPDATED DATE) October 15: Global Conference Call. 2:00 pm ET. (888) 409-6709

October 24: RESULTS St. Louis Group Start Workshop. Contact Lisa Marchal for more information.

November 2 and November 16: Two-session RESULTS New Activist Orientation, 9 pm ET. (712) 432-3100, passcode 7612622

November 12: Global Conference Call. 2:00 pm ET. (888) 409-6709

July 21-24, 2012: RESULTS International Conference in Washington, DC

RESULTS will be moving offices at the end of this week. Our new address, effective October 4 is:
RESULTS/RESULTS Educational Fund, 1730 Rhode Island Ave, NW, 4th Floor, Washington DC 20036

No change to phone numbers; new fax number to be updated soon. Thanks for your patience as we transition September 30 through October 3.

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