Global Weekly Update September 21, 2015

September 21, 2015

Global Poverty Campaigns

Weekly Update | September 21, 2015



Webinar on the Global Goals This Sunday; New Nutrition Data Just Released

1. September 27, 12:45 pm ET. International Webinar. Live from NYC, the Sustainable Development Goals Summit. Featuring Dr. Jeffrey Sachs. Invite those who are curious about RESULTS, who are inspired by the SDGs, who are thinking about what they can do to end extreme poverty . . . get together and be part of this unique webinar. Use the hashtags #AskJeff, #GlobalGoals, and #Telleveryone to light up the Twitterverse during the event.

Meeting URL: Or dial (201) 479-4595, meeting ID 30375010.

2. Global Nutrition Report and Nutrition Scorecard Released September 22. In 2012, the World Health Assembly endorsed global targets to improve maternal and child nutrition by 2025 — an ambitious vision now reflected in the Sustainable Development Goals. The 2013 Nutrition for Growth (N4G) event — where donors pledged $US 4.15 billion for nutrition-specific and $US 19 billion for nutrition-sensitive programs — was an essential step on the long-neglected road to support country-owned efforts to improve child nutrition. ACTION’s scorecard tracks the ambition and delivery of N4G commitments. Overall, it’s clear that donors must meet existing commitments and also considerably increase nutrition investments to meet globally agreed targets. At an August 2016 summit in Brazil, donors must build on N4G momentum with increased commitments. To learn more about what's going on in this realm, go to ACTION's website to review the data, including ACTION's nutrition scorecard. Then tweet about it! Here's a sample tweet: Want to reach the #SDGs? Then fund them. @JeffDSachs @unsdsn #Accountability #GlobalGoals #NutritionReport

Maternal/Child Health Legislation is Gaining Senate Traction. Get That Media Published!

1. Get Published. ​A new September action sheet is available to help you write a letter to the editor calling for Congress to get behind support of maternal/child health (MCH) and the Reach Act. Annual data on the world's progress in tackling maternal/child health is now out, thanks to UNICEF's annual release of their child survival data. And Pope Francis' visit to the United States is taking the media by storm, which provides an incredible hook since poverty is one of his major talking points these days. So if you haven’t yet written a letter or an op-ed yet, what are you waiting for?

For help writing a letter to the editor, you can also use our new action alert highlighting UNICEF data. Share the hyperlink with others who might want to write as well. Share what you've gotten published, too, so others can share and respond to it . . . and so on!

Our MCH media toolkit can help you hone local hooks and insert other relevant MCH facts . . . but the most valuable component is your unique voice, used to craft a personal piece that makes the case for the maternal/child health legislation on which we've been working so diligently. Take advantage of the first few days of fall and get writing!

2. Talk to Your Senators. The August Action Sheet is designed to help you bring S.1911, the Reach Every Mother and Child Act in the Senate, to the attention of your Senate offices. S.1911 works for the end of preventable maternal, newborn, and child deaths around the world. We now have 6 senators, in an even bipartisan split, on the legislation! Phenomenal! Let's keep the momentum going. The bill text is online, and you can also track progress on cosponsorship. (We're first wanting to get 25 cosponsors, 10 of them Republicans, by the end of the year.) Don't hesitate to get into action!

And finally, invite folks who are curious about your RESULTS work and care about global health to come along to any local meetings you book! Request meetings now for the upcoming October recess. And use #Savemomsandkids; that's the Twitter hashtag where a lot of maternal/child health conversation is happening.

Regional Conferences Coming Up

1. Heartland – October 3. Do you live in the Midwest? Then come to Indy for a great time of learning and connection. Contact Lisa Marchal with any questions and register online

2. Northeast – October 17. Join RESULTS Volunteers from CT, NY, NJ, PA, RI, ME, VT, and NH for the Northeast Regional Conference. There will be learning, inspiration, fun, and food. Contact Ken Patterson with questions and sign up for the conference online

World AIDS Day Outreach: Plan an Event With Our Support

  • This year on World AIDS Day (December 1) RESULTS will be kicking off our Global Fund replenishment campaign. Global Fund replenishment will happen sometime early next summer, and we want to build momentum now towards a bold U.S. pledge. We have set an ambitious goal of 50 events nationwide on World AIDS Day. These events will be designed to educate and organize our communities about RESULTS and the Global Fund as well as grow our grassroots base. This is a great opportunity to grow your group and get ready for the replenishment. Sign up to host a World AIDS Day event today.
  • Need top tips and great helps for planning a wonderful World AIDS Day (Dec. 1) outreach event this winter? Stop in to one of our upcoming support webinars! Dates: October 8 (1 pm ET), October 13 (9 pm ET), October 21 (9 pm ET). Meeting URL: Or dial (201) 479-4595, meeting ID 30470802.
  • And to get you excited now about World AIDS Day . . . The Global Fund. 17 Million Lives Saved. Read the breathtaking details about the work the Global Fund has been able to accomplish since its inception in 2002. And be motivated by the call to action: We can't stop now.

Group Leader Training and Social Media Round-up

1. Are you a current or incoming RESULTS group leader for a global campaigns group? Then this opportunity is just for you! These training retreats, to be repeated several times over the next year and highlighting our global health campaign work and group leader best practices, will help both veteran and soon-to-be group leaders sharpen their skills, gain even more confidence in their leadership, and build relationships and rapport with fellow leaders. We just had our first training this past weekend in Washington, DC, and it was fun and inspiring to be with so many great RESULTS advocate-leaders. Go to our information sheet for more details and registration.

2. It’s UN General Assembly Week! Here are a few ways to get involved in the conversation online.

Spread the word about RESULTS and the important role of advocacy in pushing the SDGs forward. Raise your voice online with these sample tweets.

  • What kind of world do I want to live in? A poverty-free one! Join the movement: via @RESULTS_Tweets #2030
  • Now inspired by the #GlobalGoals? Me, too! Join me and raise your voice for a brighter tomorrow: #Voices4RESULTS
  • For the #GlobalGoals to work, we need YOUR voice! Let's turn this vision into reality: #Voices4RESULTS

Or try these sample Facebook posts:

  • Inspired by the @GlobalGoals? Me too! Join me and raise your voice for a brighter tomorrow with @RESULTS.
  • For the @GlobalGoals to work, @RESULTS needs your voice! Let’s turn this vision of a poverty-free world into reality.

You can also tune in to the Social Good Summit September 27-28. It's a two-day conference examining how techonology and new media can further social good. Watch the livestream here: and follow the conversation online with #2030Now.

Upcoming Events

September 25, 1 pm ET. RESULTS Introductory Call. The perfect RESULTS primer. Contact us with any questions and RSVP for the call.

September 27, 12:45 pm ET. International Webinar. Live from NYC, the Sustainable Development Goals Summit. Meeting URL: Or dial (201) 479-4595, meeting ID 30375010.

October 6, 1 pm ET. Webinar on Top Expansion Tips for Your Group. Stay tuned for details.

October 8, 1 pm ET. Support Call to Assist Your World AIDS Day Outreach. Meeting URL: Or dial (201) 479-4595, meeting ID 30470802.

October 10, 2 pm ET. National Grassroots Webinar (Global Campaigns). Login information (no registration necessary): To join by phone only, dial (201) 479-4595, meeting ID 30204806.

October 13, 9 pm ET. Support Call to Assist Your World AIDS Day Outreach. Meeting URL: Or dial (201) 479-4595, meeting ID 30470802.

October 14, 9 pm ET. RESULTS Introductory Call. The perfect RESULTS primer. Contact us with any questions and RSVP for the call.

October 17. Northeast Regional Conference. Join RESULTS Volunteers from CT, NY, NJ, PA, RI, ME, VT, NH for the Northeast Regional Conference. There will be learning, inspiration, fun, and food. Contact Ken Patterson with questions and sign up for the conference online

October 19, 8 pm ET. RESULTS Free Agents (Global Campaigns). Are you a RESULTS activist with our global poverty campaigns, living in a town with no RESULTS group? You are alone no more! To join, go to or (201) 479-4595, meeting ID 27781074. Contact Lisa Marchal, Senior Global Grassroots Associate, for more information on this monthly gathering.

October 21, 9 pm ET. Support Call to Assist Your World AIDS Day Outreach. Meeting URL: Or dial (201) 479-4595, meeting ID 30470802.

June 25-28. RESULTS 2016 International Conference.


Resources at Your Fingertips

Subscribe to the Weekly Update

Advocacy Resources (Weekly updates, action sheets, online action alerts, and more)

Global Poverty Campaigns Background

Skills Center

Fundraising Tools

Report Your 2015 Advocacy

2015 Global Congressional Scorecard (See global poverty actions your members of Congress have taken over the past few years.)

Who Are the New(est) Members of Congress? (scroll down page)

Contact the RESULTS Board

Quote of the Week

"Optimism is a political act. Those who benefit from the status quo are perfectly happy for us to think nothing is going to get any better. In fact, these days, cynicism is obedience."

– Alex Steffen, The Bright Green City


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