Global Weekly Update September 17, 2012

September 18, 2012


It may be true that Congress is wrapping this week until after Election Day, but RESULTS grassroots haven’t taken their foot off the gas one bit.

Rep. Jan Schakowsky’s office initiated a letter to Secretary of State Clinton, asking for $125 million of our global education dollars to be dedicated to the Global Partnership for Education. We tried for 70 signatures . . . and you got 70!

Expect more news on this great achievement (including the full list of verified signers) and what’s next in the near future. Thank you for enrolling your legislators to speak clearly and loudly for the benefit of 61 million children around the globe!

Our Grassroots Are Getting Published to Hold the World Bank Accountable for its Promised Global Education Support

Speaking of our global education work, another facet of our full-court press involves the World Bank. RESULTS Legislative Director John Fawcett recently stated on our blog, “In the 2010 the World Bank pledged a $750 million increase to basic education [over five years]. Through a mathematical sleight of hand, they’ve transformed that pledged increase into a meaningless promise where education funding could actually fall sharply – and they’d still claim success. We don’t think that’s acceptable.”

And you have already begun letting your voices be heard! We’ll have a running record of media hits soon. In the meantime, consider joining us as we reach our goal of eight editorials, 15 op-eds, and 65 letters to the editor, all meant to hold the World Bank accountable for its pledge toward basic education.

If you have 10 minutes, submit an online letter to the editor, and then ask a friend to do the same!

If you have 20 minutes, read more in-depth information about the World Bank’s actions as explained by our September action sheet and then write a letter to the editor.

Want to be really bold? Pitch the idea of an editorial on the World Bank to your editor! Use our fresh World Bank editorial packet to make your pitch.

For further reading, we have a powerful report that more fully explains what’s happening with the World Bank; it is available on our blog.  

You can even use Twitter to tell others about what’s going on! Use @WorldBank to make your request of the World Bank that they honor their $750 million pledge as originally calculated based on 2010 discussions and use hashtags #WorldBank750 and #FuzzyMath to join your tweet with the larger conversation.

For more information on our comprehensive Education for All fall campaign push which includes work on the Education for All Act, influencing Secretary of State Clinton regarding Global Partnership for Education funding, and holding the World Bank accountable for its pledge, listen to the recording of our September national conference call for grassroots which contains some comprehensive information on our Education for All campaign and explore all our resources on our blog, including a laser talk that will help you enlist someone in your community to write alongside you.

One last thing to mention: You can join a newly scheduled media strategy call for our on-going Education for All work. Dial in on Thursday, September 20 at 9 pm ET to (712) 432-3100, passcode 761262. Members of the RESULTS communications team will be on hand to share tips, give great advice, and help you receive support as you reach out to the print and social media worlds on this critical RESULTS campaign. 

Fundraising Continues to Fuel the Movement

Thank you to our wonderful Washington state partners in Seattle and Bremerton/Kitsap! Seattle held a lovely house party with Chris Dunford speaking eloquently and engaging in a lively Q&A with over 20 guests, raising over $5300. Bremerton and Kitsap groups hosted 137 people and have raised $17,500. Congratulations to both groups. Good luck to our Alaska groups in Sitka and Anchorage who will host fundraisers for us this Friday and Saturday!

RESULTS Continues to Expand into New Cities

Do you know of anyone in Ft. Worth, Nashville, Boulder, Hattiesburg (MS), Boise, or Richmond (VA) who might like to hear about RESULTS and maybe be part of a new group? These are just a sprinkling of cities where we’re planting new global poverty-fighting groups, and we don’t want to leave anyone out.

New folks can get a taste of who we are at a RESULTS Introductory Call, or give us the contact information of the interested person and we’ll reach out! Ken Patterson, Global Grassroots Manager, is in the midst of an expansion tour in New England; read his blog post about where he’s meeting potential RESULTS’ers

Energy and persistence conquer all things.

                                – Benjamin Franklin


1. World AIDS Day grant application. Apply now in anticipation of World AIDS Day on December 1. Got a great outreach idea? Don’t let this chance pass you by. And while you’re at it, check out this handy powerpoint to get excited about how your outreach feeds into our organization’s bold 2012-2015 Strategic Plan.

2. September 16-23. RESULTS New England outreach tour by Ken Patterson, Global Grassroots Manager. Ken will be working in New Hampshire, Vermont, Maine, and New York. Read about his tour on our blog, and invite friends to a meeting!

3. September 20, 9 pm ET: Education for All campaign media strategy call. Dial (712) 432-3100, passcode 761262 to join. Gather with members of our communications team to discuss our on-going Education for All campaign media strategy. Share tips, get great advice, and receive support to help yourself and others reach our media goals for this critical advocacy effort.

4. September 21 (1 pm ET), October 3 (9 pm ET) and 19 (1 pm ET): RESULTS Introductory Calls. Please RSVP for the call so we can welcome you. Dial in number: (712) 432-3100, passcode 761262.

5. October 13, 2 pm: RESULTS National Grassroots Conference Call for Global Poverty Campaigns. Dial (888) 409-6709 to join.

6. October 15, Global Free Agents Call. Join this call if you are an activist in a town where there is no RESULTS group (yet). Contact Lisa Marchal for more information. Dial (218) 486-1611, passcode 7378587 (RESULTS) to join the call.

Click for a printable version of the Update.

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