Global Weekly Update October 8, 2012

October 9, 2012

Global National Call, this Saturday October 13: Sarah Beardmore of the Global Partnership for Education to Speak!

Sarah Beardmore, formerly of RESULTS, is currently policy specialist for the Global Partnership for Education secretariat. Sarah will give us the big picture on global education, highlighting the role of the World Bank, the U.S. government, and GPE on getting all kids in school around the globe. She’ll explain why RESULTS’ efforts on the World Bank, the Education for All Act, and increasing the U.S. investment in GPE are all critical to achieving true education for all. Without stong advocacy we will not achieve universal basic education.

We will also hear from Jeff Gerritt formerly of the Detroit Free Press, currently deputy editor of the Toledo Blade, and our 2012 Cameron Duncan award-winner for recognition of outstanding coverage/editorial work on poverty issues. He will offer insights as to why he (and others) dedicate time and ink to poverty issues, and he’ll give tips for the editorial staffs of our own local papers.

There will also be an exciting announcement that you will not want to miss! Gather partners and action network member and join the national call at 2 pm ET by dialing (888) 409-6709.

P.S. Want to get a jump start? Check out our action sheet and companion laser talk and online action for October. Ask your representative to cosponsor the Education for All Act. We’re 75% to our goal of 100 cosponsors!

The World Bank is Meeting This Week – Don’t Ease Up on Our Media Work!

Education for All Campaign Manager Tony Baker is in the midst of a developing dialogue with the World Bank about fulfilling their 2010 funding pledge toward basic education. Read the latest development in that conversation and add your own thoughts. Also check out Tony’s comments on the UN’s launch of its new global education initiative, Education First as well as John Fawcett’s latest thoughts on the World Bank’s decisions.

Your voices are also being be heard on this issue through the media you are generating, and it is making a difference. We have a running record of your growing number of media hits on our blog. Please take media action to help us reach our goal of eight editorials, 15 op-eds, and 65 letters to the editor by the end of October, all meant to hold the World Bank accountable for its pledge toward basic education. Here’s what you can do:

More Background: We have a powerful report that more fully explains what’s happening with the World Bank, an archived webinar to help break down the information, and an archived strategy call to help you discover valuable local hooks for your media piece. All of this is available on our blog.  

Apply for a World AIDS Day Mini-grant to Engage Your Community

World AIDS Day grant applications are now available, and applications are being accepted until October 15! Apply now in anticipation of World AIDS Day on December 1. Got a great outreach idea? Don’t let this chance pass you by. And while you’re at it, check out this handy powerpoint to get excited about how your outreach feeds into our organization’s bold 2012-2015 Strategic Plan. Remember, on RESULTS groups and advocates can apply for the mini-grants, but you can partner with community organizations. A little bit of money can help make a good event great.

Grassroots: Expanding in Reach and Impact


  • October 16: Do you know someone in Charlotte who is passionnate about ending global poverty? Do you live in Charlotte yourself? Then the RESULTS Charlotte global poverty group start meeting should be on your calendar! Tuesday, October 16, 6:30-8:30 pm at The Olive Branch Center (1321 Berkeley Ave.) is the time and place for the meeting. Light refreshments will be served. Questions? Want to RSVP? Need transportation? Contact Katy Windschill, Global Grassroots Expansion Agent, at (763) 242-4939.
  • October 30: Harnessing the Power of Education: RESULTS in Action! At the University of Montana, 7 pm MST. Ken Patterson, Global Grassroots Manager of RESULTS, and Genevieve Chabot of Iqra Fund will discuss the importance of education for girls and will outline how get involved in RESULTS. This free event is sponsored by The Global Leadership Initiative (GLI) at The University of Montana and the Montana World Affairs Council. For more information, contact Lori Saltveit, Global Grassroots Expansion Agent. 


  • Houston partners are hosting their annual RESULTS benefit dinner this Friday with an Every Child Deserves a 5th birthday theme. Dr. Jeffrey Starke of Texas Children’s hospital will discuss his work with us on TB and child survival work with our own Dr. Joanne Carter also addressing our donors. Houston has already collected $55,000 before the event even begins, including several generous sponsorships. 
  • Marianne Williamson will be speaking for RESULTS in Detroit on October 19 at an event called “Consciousness and Activism” where she will be giving us a preview of her upcoming Sister Giant conference. Tickets are on sale online at

Marking Our Successes. Have you reported all your terrific lobbying, media, outreach, and other activities? The end of the year is speeding our way, so don’t wait! Report your lobby meetings through our handy online form, and report your other activities through a different (but equally easy-to-use) form. This data helps us celebrate our success in a more complete way, enables others within and outside the organization know our progress/success, and allow us to put our best foot forward.  

“The world’s troubles are your troubles . . . and there is nothing wrong with the world that better human beings cannot fix.”

-John Sloan Dickey, former president of Dartmouth College

1. October 10 and 24, 9 pm ET: New Activist Orientation. Dial (712) 432-3100, passcode 761262 to join. Are you an activist with RESULTS but still fairly new? Then join our two-session orientation for more in-depth information about who we are and how we work together to become vibrant advocates for the end of poverty. To RSVP, contact Lisa Marchal.

2. October 13, 2 pm ET: RESULTS National Grassroots Conference Call for Global Poverty Campaigns. Dial (888) 409-6709 to join.

3. October 15, 8 pm ET: Global Free Agents Call. Join this call if you are an activist in a town where there is no RESULTS group (yet). Contact Lisa Marchal for more information. Dial (218) 486-1611, passcode 7378587 (RESULTS) to join the call.

4. October 15: World AIDS Day mini-grant application deadline. Apply now in anticipation of World AIDS Day on December 1. Got a great outreach idea? Don’t let this chance pass you by. And while you’re at it, check out this handy powerpoint to get excited about how your outreach feeds into our organization’s bold 2012-2015 Strategic Plan.

5. October 16, 6:30-8:30 pm ET: RESULTS Charlotte Global Poverty Group Start. The Olive Branch Center, 1321 Berkeley Avenue. Light refreshments will be served. Questions? Want to RSVP? Need transportation? Contact Katy Windschill, Global Grassroots Expansion Agent, at (763) 242-4939.

6. October 18: Social Media Rapid Response Team Training/Introductory Call. For full details, including time and dial-in information, contact Laura Ochoa, Publications and Content Manager.

7. October 19, 1 pm ET: RESULTS Introductory Call. Please RSVP for the call so we can welcome you. Dial in number: (712) 432-3100, passcode 761262. 

8. October 30: Harnessing the Power of Education: RESULTS in Action! At the University of Montana, 7 pm MST. Ken Patterson, Global Grassroots Manager of RESULTS, and Genevieve Chabot of Iqra Fund will discuss the importance of education for girls and will outline how get involved in RESULTS. This free event is sponsored by The Global Leadership Initiative (GLI) at The University of Montana and the Montana World Affairs Council. For more information, contact Lori Saltveit, Global Grassroots Expansion Agent. 

9. House and Senate on recess until after the election.

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