Global Weekly Update November 28, 2011

November 29, 2011

Media Before and After World AIDS Day Is Critical to Progress in Ending AIDS

In the same year that researchers demonstrated for us that we can actually break the cycle of AIDS by providing early treatment the Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis, and Malaria is forced in to neutral by a lack of funds. That’s right, instead of the Global Fund making bold plans to scale up treatment for AIDS, TB, and malaria, they were forced to cancel all the Round 11 call for new proposals. The shortfall has been caused primarily by the failure of nations like the U.S. to keep its pledges to the Global Fund. See this blog post for more details and resources.

What can you do? Get your paper to write an editorial. Write a letter to the editor in advance of World AIDS Day (December 1) or after it calling on President Obama and Congress to keep our $4 billion, 3-year pledge to the Global Fund. Here are some tools:

Final Grassroots Conference Call of the Year — Be There!

We have great news! Dr. Seth Berkley, CEO of GAVI Alliance, will be our December 10 conference call guest! Knowing how important our childhood vaccines work has been to us and to the world this year, having Seth with us on the call will be an inspiring way to end the year. Gather your group and join us by calling in at 2 pm ET to (888) 409-6709.

You won’t want to miss this call. Dr. Joanne Carter, our executive director, will join with grassroots to bring reflections on our year, and we will get set to continue our work on HIV/AIDS as anticipate our 2012 International Conference that will synchronize with the International AIDS Conference (taking place in the U.S. for the first time in approximately two decades).

Food for All Summit — A Virtual Gathering on November 30. You’re Invited!

Ken Patterson, Global Grassroots Manager, will be one of the featured leaders of the free, virtual Food for All Summit: Creating a World Where All Are Fed on November 30. Join speakers including Marianne Williamson, journalist/writer Roger Thurow, actor/director Joshua Michael Radnor, Bread for the World’s, Rev. David Beckmann, Ambassador Tony P. Hall, and many others for an informative, inspiring online gathering.

New Community Contacts — After All These Years

Check out this blog post that highlights Steve Arnold’s journey in discovering new community contacts. Steve has been a RESULTS activists for over two decades, and he has often spoken of the challenges of finding new colleagues and activists in Bloomington, Indiana. However, Steve has had a breakthrough for World AIDS Day and has found a whole group of players he never knew was there. Because of his new contacts, they have put together a fantastic event that includes the mayor. He’s made contacts that will make the future of RESULTS Bloomington brighter. Check out Steve’s journey on our blog.

We live in a country where the federal government doesn’t think twice about the fate of impoverished and dying people. Such a government won’t act to save your life or mine. Politicians so brazen and irresponsible need to be voted out of office. In the meantime, I will join the efforts around the world to find new means and new leaders to continue the struggle against the killer diseases. I hope that you will do so too.

— Dr. Jeffrey Sachs, “Washington Leaves Millions to Die,” Huffington Post (November 25, 2011)


November 30: RESULTS Introductory Call. Register today!

December 4: Bremerton (WA) Fundraiser. Contact Beth Wilson for details.

December 10: Global Conference Call. 2:00 pm ET. (888) 409-6709. Guest speaker will be Dr. Seth Berkley, CEO of GAVI Alliance!

December 12: RESULTS Introductory Call. Register today!

July 21–24, 2012: RESULTS International Conference in Washington, DC

RESULTS has moved! Our new address is:
RESULTS/RESULTS Educational Fund, 1730 Rhode Island Ave, NW, Suite 400, Washington DC 20036

No change to phone numbers; new fax number to be updated soon. 

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