Global Weekly Update November 1, 2010

November 2, 2010

Fall Fundraising Update: Tracking Success

Many thanks to all who are participating in Fall Fundraising. Your willingness to spread the word about RESULTS to your inner circle and to invite them to participate financially in our work has always made the difference in helping us maintain the independent voice we need to call on Congress to act powerfully, effectively, and strategically. Your support has allowed us to navigate through economically turbulent times, and to take advantage of in-the-moment opportunities, all while raising the RESULTS profile within the community. Whether you’re holding events or sending donation requests to friends and family, we thank you.

If you’re writing letters, don’t forget to track your success.  Use our Donor Tracking Form (Excel format) (or Word format) to record contact information, date letters were sent, date follow-up phone calls were made, and date and amount of the gift.

When all donation requests have been fulfilled, batch and send them to: RESULTS Educational Fund, Inc., P.O. Box 10413, Uniondale, NY, 11555-0413. Send in your batch of donations no later than Wednesday, December 1. Keep a copy of the Donor Tracking Form for your records and send a copy to Cynthia Stancil at the RESULTS headquarters in DC. The address is RESULTS Educational Fund, 750 First St. NE, Washington, DC, 20002.

If you have questions or need more information, please contact Donna Howard at (202) 783-4800 x124 or [email protected].

Thank you so much supporting RESULTS and RESULTS Educational Fund during our annual Fall Fundraising Campaign. Your work in garnering these resources is critical to our organization!

Upcoming Fundraising Events:

November 7: RESULTS Columbus

November 20: RESULTS San Jose

November 30: RESULTS Twin Cities

December 5: RESULTS Chicago

December 9: RESULTS in Washington, DC

Taking Leadership in Extraordinary Times: the 2009 RESULTS and RESULTS Educational Fund Annual Report

As the global recession continued in 2009, RESULTS and RESULTS Educational Fund (REF) stepped forward to thwart resignation and inspire action. It was a time of challenge and opportunity, but the strength of our grassroots activists and our strategic alliances made a profound difference for millions of people struggling to meet their basic needs. 2009 campaigns ranged from promoting a Global Fund for Education to ensuring that low-income Americans were included in health care reform. As this annual report proves, RESULTS/REF staff and activists have the courage to change the things that are not acceptable and to inspire their leaders to do the same.

Read the annual report today and share it with others. Spread the word!

Who Is ACTION USA? You Are!

This past week partners and affiliates of RESULTS Educational Fund’s ACTION project met in London to assess progress on the project and plot out the next two years. The top line goal of the project is to, “…sustain and increase bilateral and multilateral funding commitments for TB control, including strengthening TB within underlying policy frameworks where needed, and…to mobilize at least $750 million in new resources for TB by 2012.”

Partners from the UK, Canada, Japan, Australia, India, Kenya, France, Mexico, and the US were present to assess and plan. Although there were many from the US ACTION Secretariat at the meeting, John Fawcett and Ken Patterson were there representing you, ACTION US. Many of us don’t think of ourselves as ACTION US, but the work we do on bilateral TB and the Global Fund directly contribute to achieving ACTION’s top line goal of mobilizing $750 million in new TB resources. Consequently, in addition to RESULTS, we all wear the hat of ACTION US.

As ACTION US, you can be proud of what we have accomplished. The London group noted that, according to some figures from the past three years, we have accumulated $418 million toward our goal of $750 million (compared to the 2007 baseline). Of the $418 million, ACTION US has generated $229 million, or 55% of the increase. The $229 million comes from increases in bilateral aid and US contributions to the Global Fund.

This is your success, so take a moment to relish it! Be sure to share it with partners in your community and with potential funders. Congratulations!

Education for All in November: Let’s Keep the Momentum Going!

“Education is the key to unlocking inter-generational deprivation, as it offers the knowledge people need to live healthy, happy lives…”

Archbishop Desmond Tutu, Mary Robinson and Muhammad Yunus wrote these words in a June 2009 letter to G8 leaders. It is a reminder of why we continue to work on securing basic primary education for all children. This month, we’ll once again be working more intently on gaining cosponsors for the House (H.R. 5117) and Senate (S. 3797) versions of the Education for All Act of 2010. Our comprehensive Education for All Take Action page has fact sheets, a running cosponsor list, and other background material that will empower you to ask your own legislators to cosponsor this powerful legislation. Take special note of the November action sheet and mark your calendar for the November monthly conference call which will highlight Education for All. The call will be held at 2 pm ET on Saturday, November 13, and the call-in number is (888) 409-6709.

For me and many others out there who live with the reality of TB and TB/HIV, for us [a] global plan means hope — a hope that countries will take TB seriously, a hope for a future free of TB, a hope for our children and children’s children to have a future free of TB.

— Carol Nawina Nyirenda, South Africa Coordinator for the Community Initiative for TB, Voice of America, October 13, 2010

October: Congressional recess

October–December: Fall fundraising campaign

November 3: Final New Activist Orientation session. (712) 432-3100, passcode: 761262. Contact Lisa Marchal for more details.

November 13: Monthly national conference call for global activists. 2 pm ET. Theme this month is Education for All. Call in to (888) 409-6709.

November 18: Researching Your Member of Congress Training Call. 9 pm ET. Call in to (712) 432-3100, passcode 761262. Have a new representative or senator? Don’t yet know enough about the positions of a continuing legislator? Join Allison Gallaher to learn how to effectively research your own members of Congress for more effective advocacy.

December 1: World AIDS Day. Interested in an event to raise awareness about TB-HIV coinfection? Think of all the possibilities, and then apply for a mini-grant to help your event take off! (Deadline is this Friday!)

Upcoming Fall Fundraisers

  • November 7: RESULTS Columbus
  • November 20: RESULTS San Jose
  • November 30: RESULTS Twin Cities
  • December 5: RESULTS Chicago
  • December 9: RESULTS in Washington, DC

Other Dates

June 19–21: RESULTS International Conference in Washington, D.C., Four Points Sheraton

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