Global Weekly Update May 23, 2011

May 23, 2011

Three Weeks to Win $450 million to Save 4.2 Million Lives

In just three weeks the United States and other donors will gather at the GAVI Alliance pledging conference and decide whether to fund a plan to save over 4 million lives by making new vaccines widely available. Here’s how you can help ensure this pledging moment meets its goal:

  1. Ask your member of Congress to sign the Van Hollen GAVI letter. Rep. Chris Van Hollen is circulating a sign-on letter in the House to USAID Administrator Rajiv Shah in support of a three-year, $450 million U.S. commitment to GAVI. This letter may close as early as noon on Tuesday, May 24. Ask your representative to sign now.
  2. Generate media in support of GAVI. RESULTS activists across the country have had their letters supporting childhood vaccines published in their local papers (check out some examples). Use our online tool to write a letter to the editor of your local paper, and check out this month’s action sheet for some timely news hooks. You can also download our editorial packet and ask your local paper to write in support of a strong U.S. pledge at the GAVI replenishment conference.

Members of Congress Weigh in on Appropriations Priorities

As the House and Senate Appropriations Committees begin deliberating their foreign aid spending bills, members of Congress are asking them to prioritize global health, education, microcredit and other key anti-poverty programs. Thirty-one members of the House signed a bipartisan letter led by Representatives Don Payne (D-NJ) and Don Young (R-AK) requesting $650 million for bilateral funding to fight tuberculosis. Other representatives weighed in with the House Foreign Operations Subcommittee before its deadline, and there’s still time to ask your Senators to support our requests. Check our appropriations resources and ask your Senators to prioritize poverty-focused foreign aid in the fiscal year 2012 budget.

Looking Forward to the 2011 International Conference in Washington, D.C.

Informative plenaries and workshops, time for laughter and connection, training in advocacy best practices, a day on the Hill advocating for the end of poverty . . . it’s all in store for you. We even have an exciting new update, as Mark Dybul will be joining us as a plenary guest. Ambassador Dybul served as the U.S. Global AIDS Coordinator and thus was the leader in the implementation of the President’s Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief (PEPFAR) which began during the Bush Administration. Additionally, Almeta Keys will be at the conference; she is executive director of the Edward C. Mazique Parent Child Center in D.C. and former Head Start parent. It will be a treat to hear from both experts.

Want to either tweet about the conference or follow tweets as they emerge? Use or track the #RESULTSConf hashtag.

Haven’t looked at the emerging conference agenda lately? Check it out online!

Be sure to check out the IC information page on our website, as we have all you need to help prepare for your trip, book and report your lobby meetings, invite your member of Congress to the dynamite reception, and more. Also, stay tuned for information on how to book a time to work with a RESULTS staffer to prep your D.C. lobby meetings.

Webby News You Can Use

Have you heard about This website will tell you all about the Global Poverty Projects “The End Event,” an online, streaming event featuring Prof. Jeffrey Sachs, actress Olivia Wilde, and humanitarian Hugh Evans. This event, to be held May 31, will be an inspiring discussion on our journey to the end of poverty. If you are interested in streaming the event, be sure to register online.

Have you seen The brainchild of photojournalist David Rochkind, this website is a resource for high school students and their educators who are interested in talking about advocacy as it relates to stemming the TB epidemic. RESULTS was asked to collaborate on this project because of our commitment to savvy, accessible advocacy coaching, and you are invited to use and share this empowering resource.

Did you know we have an interactive online grassroots forum? The forum will enable activists to communicate and collaborate more directly. Click on My RESULTS, get your personalized sign-in name, and start collaborating.

May 25: Finale of the current New Activist Orientation series. 9:00 pm ET. Call (712) 432-3100, passcode 761262. Get more information on the next series by contacting Lisa Marchal.

May 30–June 5: Senate recess

June 6–12: House recess

June 11: UPDATE! Joint Grassroots Conference Call. 2:00 pm ET. (888) 409-6709. Our guest will be Ambassador Tony Hall of the Alliance to End Hunger.

June 19–21: RESULTS International Conference

July 9: Global Conference Call. 2:00 pm ET. (888) 409-6709.

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