Global Weekly Update March 14, 2011

March 14, 2011

Let’s Take Budget Concerns to Senators and the Media

We should all be outraged about cuts to the foreign aid budget proposed in the House of Representatives. Are we in such dire financial circumstances in that we have to resort to taking away mosquito nets, TB treatment, and AIDS drugs from the world’s poorest people? The answer is a resounding no as we look at what was left in the budget—subsidies for oil, ethanol, and other less vital spending.  

If enacted, the foreign aid cuts would slow or reverse progress being made on diseases of poverty, child survival, education, and economic opportunity. There are clearly misconceptions on the part of decision makers and the U.S. public when surveys show that Americans think we spend 25 percent of our budget on foreign aid when the true amount is only about one percent. But do we really think that the American people would support cutting bed nets, or AIDS, TB, and malaria treatment if they knew it would cause many deaths?

Let’s take our concerns to our senators and the media. Take action now, often, and in as many ways possible:

  • Call your senator and get your friends to call your senators.
  • Ask your editorial writers to write a piece using our new editorial packet, and use the March Global Monthly Action to write a letter to the editor or op-ed highlighting the heartbreaking and shortsighted choices being considered. Please contact staff if you need assistance making this happen.
  • Read and share Joanne Carter’s piece, Cuts That Kill, in the Huffington Post.

International Conference Registration is Here! Catch Early Bird Savings If You Register by March 15.

Are you looking to hone your advocacy and gather inspirational fuel for your whole year? Then this is the conference for you.

Come meet activists from around the world, get educated about effective solutions to poverty, and speak up on Capitol Hill. Last year we really moved the needle on Education for All, the Global Fund sign-on letter, the Muhammad Yunus Congressional Gold Medal bill, and a Senate letter to the World Bank on prioritizing microfinance. This year we will need every possible voice in Washington as life-saving programs are threatened with cuts.

Register by March 15 to receive the early bird registration fee of $199.

Visit our International Conference homepage to learn more about the conference, register, and get information on how to secure a hotel room. (Act fast on your hotel reservation, as rooms will fill quickly.)

Take Action to Defend Yunus and Grameen Bank

Today, the Bangladesh Supreme Court decided to adjourn for two weeks to review the High Court’s ruling that supported the government’s firing of Prof. Yunus. We now have two weeks to continue mobilizing media and Congress. We’ll post a new blog soon, with updates, but the action from our last blog is still the same — get media, and ask your members of Congress to issue public statements supporting the independence of Grameen Bank. You really can make a difference! Read our last blog post.

Recent grassroots-generated media:

Letter to the editor, Trenton Times

Op-ed, Trenton Times (not online)

Editorial, Deseret News

Letter to the editor, Las Vegas Sun

Congressional Statements:

Sen. Kerry

Rep. Schakowsky

Spring Forward, Plan Ahead for Spring Outreach Opportunities and GCE’s Global Action Week

The ground is starting to bud with new life and your RESULTS groups should be too! Now’s the time to start planning for spring outreach events such as World TB Day, collaboration with the Global Poverty Project, or premieres of the film To Catch a Dollar. Ken Patterson, Global Grassroots Manager has some great ideas for you in his blog post, Outreach is the Only Way To Generate New Voices.

This spring RESULTS will also be participating in Education for All advocacy events with the Global Campaign for Education’s (GCE) annual Global Action Week May 2–6 and during the April congressional recess. GCE will be driving the the Blue Ribbon Campaign that seeks to build awareness and support for the nearly 70 million children globally who are denied the opportunity of even setting feet in a primary school classroom. RESULTS groups can start planning outreach to community groups, grade schools, and scout troops now to support EFA advocacy with resources that GCE has on its website!

We have a new, interactive online grassroots forum. The forum will enable activists to communicate and collaborate more directly. Click on My RESULTS, get your own personalized sign-in name, and start collaborating.

March: Outreach Month! Organize a group outreach workshop or event.

March 16: Final New Activist Orientation session for current series. 9:00 pm ET. Call (712) 432-3100, passcode 761262. To RSVP for the next series (April 13 and 27, May 11 and 25) or to get more information, contact Lisa Marchal. Join us on a future series and get better acquainted with RESULTS!

March 21–25: Congressional Recess

March 24: World TB Day

April 9: Global Conference Call. 2:00 pm ET. (888) 409-6709

May 14: Global Conference Call. 2:00 pm ET. (888) 409-6709 

June 19–21: RESULTS International Conference

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