Global Weekly Update June 7, 2010

June 7, 2010

Take Action in June on Education for All!

Take our June action and ask your representatives to cosponsor the Education for All Act of 2010 (H.R.5117). Take our June action today!

Get Ready for the Summer! Join Our Global Conference Call Saturday at 2:00 pm ET.

The weather is warming up, school is letting out, and it’s time to prepare for your summer requests and meetings with your members of Congress. We’ll also prepare you for the International Conference! Join our Global National Conference Call this Saturday, June 12 at 2:00 pm ET. Call (888) 409-6709.

John Fawcett will give us a detailed legislative briefing and provide ideas about how to participate in the conference whether you are in D.C. or at home. Blair Hinderliter will cover media strategies — ways to leverage your visit to D.C. to become a local story. Ken Patterson and Lisa Marchal, along with grassroots activists, will go through how to best prepare for the conference.

Countdown to June 20! Are You Ready for D.C.?

The 2010 International Conference is less than two weeks away! Get ready by reviewing our IC event page.

NEW: Download and read the 2010 IC Global Legislative Handbook!

It’s a great backgrounder on our issues. Remember, it won’t be available at the conference, so remember to print your own copy if you’d like one to have in D.C. The Domestic Legislative Handbook is also available on our IC event page.

Not everyone in your group attending?

Remember, even if your whole group can’t attend, you can involve everyone by organizing a virtual lobby day from home. Those who can’t make it to D.C. can schedule a meeting with the local district staff on June 22. Then, the D.C. group can have the D.C. staffer conference call with them during the time of the D.C. meeting. And remember: strategize together so everyone is part of the D.C. outreach!

Prepare with D.C. legislative staff BEFORE you come to D.C.

Learn how.

Are all your Hill meetings scheduled?

Contact the scheduler to request a meeting. Download and edit this sample letter to send to their office. See our Activist Milestone: Meet Face-to-Face with Your Member of Congress for additional tips on scheduling and planning your meeting.

When you schedule your Hill meetings for the IC, please let Lisa Marchal know ([email protected]) the following info: 1) Name of member, and if it is a face-to-face, 2) the name of the staffer that will be attending, 3) date, time, location, and who will be attending (include if this is a global, domestic, or joint meeting), and cell phone for key contact person. Lisa can also be contacted at (317) 529-5182.

June 9: Training Call at 9 pm ET, 6 pm PT: Lobbying 101. Making Your Trip to DC Powerful Even if You are New to Advocacy. Call in number: (712) 432-3100, passcode: 761262.

June 12: June Global Conference Call. 2:00 pm ET. Call in at (888) 409-6709.

June 20–22: RESULTS International Conference, Washington, D.C.

July 10: Special Joint Global and Domestic Conference Call. 2:00 pm ET. Call in at (888) 409-6709.

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