Global Weekly Update June 1, 2010

June 1, 2010

Great Work Getting on the International Affairs Sign on Letter!

Congratulations on another terrific appropriations sign-on letter! 37 senators signed the Senate letter to the leadership of the Appropriations Committee requesting full funding for the International Affairs budget for fiscal year 2011. This letter is one of two efforts by the Senate to undo the Budget Committee’s recommendation to slash $4 billion from the International Affairs budget, which would be a terrible blow for poverty-focused foreign aid. This letter had even more signers than the letter to the Budget Committee leadership, which had 31 signers. This bipartisan letter was lead by Sens. Kerry, Lugar, Durbin, and Feinstein.

Signers: Kerry, Lugar, Durbin, Feinstein, Bond, Akaka, Cardin, Casey, Collins, Gillibrand, Lautenberg, Shaheen, Klobuchar, Landrieu, Bingaman, Levin, Johnson, Kaufman, Menendez, Wyden, Sherrod Brown, Lieberman, Tom Udall, Hagan, Merkley, Whitehouse, Mark Udall, Johanns, Leahy, Boxer, Sanders, Mikulski, Specter, Dodd, Begich, Snowe, Franken.

Great work. Thank your senator if he/she signed the letter. If he/she didn’t, perhaps have a conversation with the foreign policy aide to find out why the senator didn’t sign in spite of your requests. It will help you better understand how your senator views the world.

Top Action: What is President Obama’s Plan to Achieve MDG #2? Make Sure He Sees the EFA Act!

President Obama said he would return to the UN this coming September with a plan to achieve the Millennium Development Goals, but so far, he has no plan to assure that all primary school-age children are in school by 2015. But we have a plan — initiate a Global Fund for Education, increase funding around the globe for education, use existing funding more effectively, and require accountability. Much of it articulated in the Education for All Act (HR 5117). By getting your member of Congress to cosponsor the Education for All Act you will be sending a message to the President that Congress has a plan that he can take to the MDG Summit in September. But we need to create momentum. So far there are only 18 cosponsors. We need more action!

  1. Read a summary of the bill to understand it. Call the foreign policy aide and ask your representative to cosponsor.
  2. Read our FAQ on the legislation to be able to respond to any questions the aide or member of Congress has.
  3. Get people in your action network and your community to make calls or take an online action.
  4. Check for the June Action Sheet later this week on our Take Action page, which will focus on writing hand-written letters to your members of Congress on the EFA Act using key points outlined above.

June 12 Conference Call a Chance to Prepare for the International Conference

On June 12 we will gather on the Global National Conference Call at 2:00 pm ET to make final preparations for the RESULTS International Conference. John Fawcett will give us a detailed legislative briefing and provide ideas about how to participate in the conference whether you are in DC or at home. Blair Hinderliter will cover media strategies — ways to leverage your visit to DC to become a local story. Ken Patterson and Lisa Marchal, along with grassroots activists, will go through how to best prepare for the conference. Join us on June 12: (888) 409-6709.

Find more information and guidance about the International Conference here. Remember, getting your member of Congress to take action on the Muhammad Yunus bill (H.R.2000), or the EFA Act (H.R.5117) before the International Conference will give you space for new and powerful requests when you meet them at the International Conference.

The freedom that America stands for includes freedom from want. Basic human rights cannot thrive in places where human beings do not have access to enough food, or clean water, or the medicine they need to survive. The United States has embraced the United Nation’s Millennium Development Goals and is working with others in pursuit of the eradication of extreme poverty — efforts that are particularly critical to the future of nations and peoples of Africa. And we will continue to promote the dignity that comes through development efforts.

— The White House Blog: National Security Strategy, May 2010

June 9: Training Call at 9 pm ET, 6 pm PT: Lobbying 101. Making Your Trip to DC Powerful Even if You are New to Advocacy. Call in number: (712) 432-3100, passcode: 761262.

June 12: June Global Conference Call. 2:00 pm ET. Call in at (888) 409-6709.

June 20–22: RESULTS International Conference, Washington, DC

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