Global Weekly Update January 26, 2015

January 26, 2015

Global Poverty Campaigns

Weekly Update | January 26, 2015


BREAKING NEWS: $1 Billion from the U.S. for Gavi, the Vaccine Alliance!

From our Executive Director, Joanne Carter, who is at the Gavi replenishment meeting in Berlin:

Just a few hours ago, USAID Administrator Raj Shah announced an enormously important U.S. commitment of $1 billion dollars over four years to support Gavi. This is the extraordinary leadership pledge we pushed so hard to secure.

Along with other donor support, and developing countries' own investments, the U.S. pledge will enable Gavi to fulfill its strategy of supporting poor countries to reach 300 million children with immunization by the year 2020, which will save over 5 million lives and build countries' health system capacity.

This historic pledge to Gavi is the largest ever of its kind from the U.S., and emphasizes the enormous importance of equitable access to immunization toward achieving the global goal of ending preventable child deaths. And the commitment goes even further: Administrator Shah stated this morning that the U.S. commitment to Gavi was a part of President Obama's unwavering commitment to the goal of ending extreme poverty by 2030.

Your advocacy work to build support for Gavi over the past seven months was absolutely crucial to getting this commitment. U.S. support for Gavi at $1 billion over 4 years was in no way guaranteed. Right up until last week, the U.S. government was still deciding how much it would commit – with the option of flat-funding support for Gavi a real possibility . . .

[You] generated over 185 pieces of media and counting. That's at least 24 editorials, 30 op-eds, 13 news features, and 118 letters to the editor. You made the case that all children, regardless of where they are born, deserve access to vaccines and the chance to thrive.

Read more about this phenomenal accomplishment online. Congratulations!

Change the Conversation: Building Support for Global Development – January 28

RSVP today for this fantastic opportunity. Tom Black of The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation will be joining us to talk with us about how we can build greater support for global development through targeted, tested, and effective messaging. Over the past year, a group of organizations who care about global equity have been working together on The Narrative Project in order to develop more effective messages on global development. By using qualitative and quantitative research and message testing, The Narrative Project has come up with insights and messaging that we can use as advocates to create a broader base of public support for the global issues that we know are so important. Mark your calendars for January 28, 9 pm ET.

To join the online meeting:
To join by phone: (201) 479-4595, meeting ID 27513770

Contact Colin Smith, Deputy Director of Communications, with any questions.

Kristof of the New York Times + RESULTS on February 14. Invite Your Community!

Nicholas Kristof, New York Times columnist and co-author of A Path Appears, which highlights change-making for the common good and highlights the work of RESULTS, will be our guest for a special outreach event on Valentine's Day! Gather the community for this special webinar at 2 pm ET on Saturday, February 14.

Specific details on the webinar are emerging, but we currently have this helpful outreach guide, which includes help for a flyer you can share, tips for inviting, ideas for the meeting itself, follow-up ideas, and other encouragement. This support is meant to help you "set the table" for a great community event. You may also want to note that the A Path Appears documentary series is currently airing and will continue February 2. Check your local listings for the three-part companion documentary to the book. Since the book mentions RESULTS and the series began January 26, you could consider inviting your outreach guests to watch the series for general context, noting that the topic of education will be touched on in the February 9 installment of the series.

Note: A recording of our recent trainings on preparing for this outreach event will be online soon, right on our website. Stay tuned!

Face-to-Face Meetings with Congress: A Top Endeavor for 2015

We are busy finalizing support materials so that you can begin making appropriations requests of your members of Congress beginning next week. So now's the perfect time to  book face-to-face meetings with the legislators who will be in office in your district and state beginning in 2015. Remember – new and returning members of Congress will be filling the start of the 2015 schedule with meetings. Find your legislators through our website, or contact Lisa Marchal, Senior Global Grassroots Associate, if you have questions on how to reach a new incoming legislator.

Note: A recording of our recent trainings on researching your members of Congress will be online soon, right on our website. Stay tuned!

2015 Group Planning and International Conference

What are You Dreaming of Accomplishing? Use the planning materials provided online and work with fellow advocates to envision and take steps for a fantastic advocacy year. What do you want to achieve? Learn? Change? Plan it, then please submit your plans by February 15.

International Conference Registration is Open. We do things a bit differently at RESULTS.Our conference isn’t run of the mill and neither are we. We don’t just ask for change, we demand RESULTS. Join us in Washington, DC, this July.

Upcoming Events

January 28, 9 pm ET. Change the Conversation: Building Support for Global Development. Tom Black of The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation will be joining us to talk with us about how we can build greater support for global development through targeted, tested, and effective messaging. To join the online training, go to To join by phone, dial (201) 479-4595 and enter meeting ID 27513770 when prompted. RSVP today so we know how many we can expect on the call.

January 30, 1 pm ET. RESULTS Introductory Call.The perfect RESULTS primer. Contact us with any questions and RSVP for the call.

February 2. "A Path Appears" documentary series continues. Check your PBS local listings.

February 9, 8 pm ET. RESULTS Free Agents Call for Global Poverty Advocates. Dial (605) 475-6777, passcode 7378587. Are you a RESULTS activist with our global poverty campaigns, living in a town with no RESULTS group? You are alone no more! Contact Lisa Marchal, Senior Global Grassroots Associate, for more information on this monthly group call.

February 11, 9 pm ET. Training Webinar: Moving New RESULTS Advocates Along the Ladder of Engagement. RESULTS has developed a "Ladder of Engagement" to help us all support one another in deepening our commitment and skill-building toward our collective advocacy goals. Learn more about this helpful tool. To join the online training, go to To join by phone, dial (201) 479-4595 and enter meeting ID 27334410 when prompted.

February 14, 2 pm ET. Special joint national grassroots conference call with New York Times columnist Nick Kristof. A great opportunity for outreach! Check out our online guide that can help you create a super event.

February 23, 6 pm local time/CT. RESULTS New Orleans (Global Campaigns) group start. Fair Grinds, 3133 Ponce de Leon. Would you like to attend? Do you know someone who might love an invitation? Contact Amanda Beals, Global Grassroots Organizer.

March 11, 6 pm local time/MT. RESULTS Tucson (Global Campaigns) group start. Fronimo's Greek Cafe, 3242 East Speedway Boulevard. Would you like to attend? Do you know someone who might love an invitation? Contact Amanda Beals, Global Grassroots Organizer.

July 18-21. RESULTS International Conference in Washington, DC. Registration is open.


Resources at Your Fingertips

Advocacy Resources  (Weekly updates, action sheets, online action alerts, and more)

Global Poverty Campaigns Background

Skills Center

Fundraising Tools

Report Your Monthly Advocacy Actions

Report Your Lobby Meetings


Quote of the Week

I am thrilled to see such a strong U.S. commitment to Gavi and to the health of millions of the world’s hardest to reach children . . . With this pledge, President Barack Obama and USAID Administrator Rajiv Shah are taking an essential step toward the goal of a world free from extreme poverty in the next 15 years.

-RESULTS Executive Director Joanne Carter




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