Global Weekly Update January 24, 2011

January 24, 2011

How Can We Know Where We Are Going without a Plan?

Our mission is to create the political will to end the worst aspects of poverty and to empower individuals to have breakthroughs in exercising our personal and political power. But how many of us would really take on breakthrough challenges in 2011 without some deliberate thinking and planning? How many of our groups could really figure out how to create greater political will to end the worst aspects of poverty without making a plan?

We ask all groups and activists to take time to plan at the beginning of the year to prepare ourselves to do ever-greater advocacy on behalf of those without a voice. And the voiceless need us more than ever as global food prices rise and a budget-cutting mentality takes over Congress. Find a time to plan in January or early February. These plans will guide you and give your Regional Coordinators and staff a way to support you. We have great group planning materials to support you including:

Face to Face Meetings Is How Change Happens

RESULTS is unique in its effectiveness because we take the time to develop deep, trusting relationships with our members of Congress and their staff. Now is the time to set up meetings with the foreign policy aides and our Representatives and Senators. We must tell them eye-opening stories and share with them the critical facts around our life-saving issues. Our power, conviction, and pragmatism must help them see that we can’t cut budgets at the expense of lives. We have set a goal for activists to have 70 face-to-face meetings by the end of March. Will you help us reach this goal?

House Appropriations Subcommittee Assignments

Over the last several weeks, the House of Representatives Appropriations Committee has slowly announced subcommittee assignments. Because Republicans have the majority in the House, they also now chair the subcommittees. As a result, there have been a few changes in assignments with the new Congress and the new power dynamic.

Subcommittee Assignments

Be sure to read Science Speaks: TB and HIV News’ profile of Republicans key to global health funding. This interesting overview is a great primer on these members and their top line views on global health funding.

As we look at our expansion work in terms of the Appropriations Committee, we see opportunities to create and grow new groups in the following areas (with the specific districts of interest listed alongside the state or city name):

Savannah, GA (1)
Boise, ID (1 and 2)
Monroe/Alexandria, LA (5)
Montana (At Large)
Allentown/Bethlehem, PA (15)
Columbus, OH, and surrounding counties (7)
Wyoming (At Large)

If you live in or know anyone who lives in these areas, please contact Mary Peterson, global grassroots associate for expansion, at [email protected] to discuss starting a RESULTS group.

Are You Planning a World TB Day Event? Apply Now for a Mini-Grant!

World Tuberculosis day is closer than you think! As part of your group planning, don’t forget that REF provides you with resources particularly geared to help you make an impact in your community, including funding in amounts up to $5,000 for local TB advocacy events through ACTION supported mini-grants. APPLY NOW! Applications are due February 15. REF World TB Day Mini-Grant Application

Have you witnessed an extraordinary act of advocacy by a fellow RESULTS grassroots partner? Let us know! Share the story with Lisa Marchal. We’d love to celebrate it!

January 25: State of the Union Address

January 31–February 4: Congressional recess

February 2 and 16, March 2 and 16: New Activist Orientation 4-session series. 9 pm ET. Call (712) 432-3100, passcode 761262. To RSVP or to get more information, contact Lisa Marchal ([email protected]). Join us for the series and get better acquainted with RESULTS!

February 12: Global Conference Call. 2:00 pm ET. (888) 409-6709

February 21–25: Congressional Recess

March 8: International Women’s Day

March 12: Global Conference Call. 2:00 pm ET. (888) 409-6709

March 21–25: Congressional Recess

Other Dates

June 19–21: RESULTS International Conference in Washington, D.C., Four Points Sheraton

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