Global Weekly Update January 23, 2012

January 23, 2012

RESULTS Activists Are Already Gaining Ground With Our Global Fund Media Push!

January 28 marks the 10th anniversary of the revolutionary, lifesaving Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria. As the Fund remains under threat, our media advocacy is more important than ever. And you’re raising your voices! Editorials and op-eds are being pitched, and 87 letters to the editor have been sent to papers across the country! We’ve had an op-ed in Albuquerque, and editorial in Salt Lake, and several letters to the editor published.

Here are the actions you can take from simplest to more complex:

  1. Use this action alert to help you write a letter to the president 
  2. Use this alert to help you write a letter to the editor
  3. Ask your paper to write an editorial using our editorial packet
  4. Bring other people together to take action using our action sheet

Here are other resources to help you learn more: 1) “The Global Fund: Then and Now” fact sheet and 2) a recording of the recent national grassroots conference call featuring Dr. Jeffrey Sachs. This is a full-court press: media anywhere and everywhere is welcome and will make a difference. Thank you for lifting your voice now for the amazingly powerful Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria!

World TB Day Mini-grant Applications Now Being Accepted

Check out our online information and application for the 2012 World TB Day mini-grants. These powerful mini-grants could give your group an financial jolt, allowing you to bring to life that outreach event idea you’ve only ever dreamed of until now.

World TB Day can be an incredible opportunity to build community partnerships, media relationships, and educate your members of Congress on the issue of TB. RESULTS Educational Fund’s ACTION Project’s mini-grants program can give your group the resources you need to build public awareness and support for TB in your local community. The deadline to submit your application is 6 pm ET on February 27th. Why not apply today?

What Do Moms, Students, People of Faith Have in Common?

They all attend the RESULTS International Conference! July 21-24, 2012 in Washington, DC.

Don’t take our word for why you should attend. Watch these short video testimonials from different people explaining why they come to our conference. Send in your own video by February 15 to win a free registration

And remember: Register now to get the early bird super discount!

Online Fundraising!

Great news! We are now in the test stages of our RESULTS online fundraising sites! We made two different kinds of fundraising pages to help us decide how to create our Friends and Family Campaign websites. Using the RESULTS Runners team site, brave souls are braving the winter weather to end poverty. Check out long-time RESULTS staffer Jen Maurer asking for sponsors for her 1/2 marathon. Also, see 8-year old Yara’s heartfelt appeal for donors for her 2-mile run. Check out the RESULTS Runners fundraising site online.

Nancy Gardiner has generously “donated” her birthday to our life-saving mission. With this birthday page, she’ll be able to ask her loved ones to give a gift to RESULTS in honor of her birthday! Click here for Nancy’s birthday fundraising site online.

Feel free to visit these webpages as a preview of what we’ll have in store for all partners to use this year. You can experiment with sharing them over social media and even make a donation if you are inspired! Although these sites are a work in progress, contact Cindy Levin with feedback about using them.

Nothing great was ever achieved without enthusiasm.

                                                                                                                – Ralph Waldo Emerson


February 1: RESULTS Introductory Call. 9:00 pm ET. Register today!

February 8: Training call on the details of the new Senate microfinance legislation. 9:00 pm ET. (Details are forthcoming.)

February 11: National Conference Call for Global Grassroots. 2:00 pm ET. (888) 409-6709.

February 13: First session of two-session New Activist Orientation. 9:00 pm ET. Register today!

February 13: Webinar on using our new online fundraising tool. 9:00 pm ET. (Details are forthcoming.)

February 15: Training call on preparing for our Friends and Family Letter-writing Campaign for spring fundraising. 9:00 pm ET. (712) 432-3100, passcode 761262.

February 16: Webinar on using our new online fundraising tool. 1:00 pm ET. (Details are forthcoming.)

February 17: RESULTS Introductory Call. 1:00 pm ET. Register today!

February 18: Webinar on using our new online fundraising tool. 12:00 pm ET. (Details are forthcoming.)

February 21: Friends and Family Campaign begins.

February 27: Second session of two-session New Activist Orientation. 9:00 pm ET. Register today!

July 21–24: RESULTS International Conference in Washington, DC

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