Global Weekly Update January 16, 2012

January 16, 2012

Join Our Media Push to Support the Global Fund As It Marks 10 Years on January 28

January 28 marks the 10th anniversary of the revolutionary, life-saving Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria. As the Fund remains under threat, our advocacy is more important than ever. To support a media push on this issue, we have created an editorial packet, a piece entitled “The Global Fund: Then and Now,” a recording of Saturday’s powerful national grassroots conference call featuring Dr. Jeffrey Sachs, an action sheet, and an action alert; these are all designed to empower you to get yourself, your group, and your networks moving on this issue in a meaningful way. This is a full-court press: media anywhere and everywhere is welcome and will make a difference.  Additionally, we’ll be contacting grassroots advocates who are in particularly key media locations to see about pitching editorials and op-eds.

Thank you for lifting your voice now for the amazingly powerful Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria.

You Could Win Free Registration to the 2012 International Conference!

You can now register for the 2012 International Conference! Join us in Washington, DC, for what we hope will be the most powerful conference so far (July 21–24), particularly because it will coincide with the International AIDS Conference.

We are shooting for 400 attendees this year, and we are committed to having everyone there who wishes to attend. Contact your group leader, your regional coordinator, and/or RESULTS staff if you have questions about the conference and need a hand in making sure you can join us in Washington, DC, this summer.

To help us reach our goal, consider entering our competition! You’ll help promote the conference and maybe win yourself free registration. We’re offering the prize of one free conference registration if you submit the winning video testimonial about the RESULTS International Conference! We want to know why the IC is a great experience and why you think everyone should attend.


  • The testimonial must be less than one minute.
  • Questions you can answer include the following: Why would you invite someone to attend the IC? What difference did the IC make in your life? What’s a high point of your IC experience?
  • Your submission can be filmed on any camera, including a cameraphone, but it must be audible and clear.
  • Send your submission to Jennifer Maurer. In the subject line, please write IC 2012 Video Testimonial.
  • Once submitted, you give RESULTS permission to post your video on our IC event page.
  • RESULTS staff will judge the videos.
  • Deadline is February 15. Winner will be informed by March 1. (If you have already registered, RESULTS will reimburse you. The registration is transferable.)

Good luck!

News You Can Use

Face-to-face meetings never go out of style! Holiday recess may be almost be over for Congress, but you can use our handy activist milestone on securing a meeting to help make your first meeting of 2012 a reality!  Then don’t forget to report on what happens! (The same goes for any leftover 2011 lobby meeting reports or reports of other advocacy actions. Please report all these important activities.)

Group planning materials for 2012 are now online. If you haven’t already, start out the year right by brainstorming and dreaming with your group about what you’re going to accomplish in 2012. And do your group goals include expanding? Did you know that folks who want a RESULTS primer or refresher can review the RESULTS Basics either online on via a CD (which can be requested by contacting Lisa Marchal)?

Finally, we want to note that chances are good your area of the country is having a regional RESULTS conference in 2012. Regional conferences are compact, informative, fun mid-year gatherings of grassroots activists in a particular part of the country. We already know of plans for gatherings in the Pacific Northwest/Canada, Texas, New England, New Jersey, California, and the Midwest. Want to know if your area is having a regional conference this year? Ask your regional coordinator or contact Lisa Marchal. Want to read about how inspiring and powerful a regional conference can be? Check out Anne Child’s blog post about the last time Texans gathered.

Fundraising Update

It is only mid-January and we’re already excited to hear from groups plunging into fundraising plans for 2012! Louisville, San Jose, and Houston are already planning events. Kitsap, Bloomington, and Chicago are preparing to reach out to their colleagues and loved ones for the Friends and Family Campaign starting on February 21. Our ever-creative partners in Albuquerque are even holding a Valentine sale where they will take orders for artistic, hand-made cards. Thank you for this early energy we will build upon.

As your group gathers for your annual planning, please remember to choose a fundraising organizer and get some commitments down on your group calendar. You are always welcome to contact Grassroots Development Associates Cindy Levin (773-236-7758) or Beth Wilson to report your group plans, strategize or brainstorm. We are at your service!

Nothing great was ever achieved without enthusiasm.

                                                                                                                – Ralph Waldo Emerson



January 20: RESULTS Introductory Call. 1:00 pm ET. Register today!

January 23: Senate returns to Washington from holiday recess

February 1: RESULTS Introductory Call. 9:00 pm ET. Register today!

February 8: Conference call on the details of the new Senate microfinance legislation. (Details are forthcoming.)

February 11: National Conference Call for Global Grassroots. 2:00 pm ET. (888) 409-6709.

February 13: First session of two-session New Activist Orientation. 9:00 pm ET. Register today!

Week of February 13: Training and support for Friends and Family Campaign. (Details are forthcoming).

February 17: RESULTS Introductory Call. 1:00 pm ET. Register today!

February 21: Friends and Family Campaign begins.

February 27: Second session of two-session New Activist Orientation. 9:00 pm ET. Register today!

July 21–24: RESULTS International Conference in Washington, DC

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