Global Weekly Update February 6, 2012

February 6, 2012

This Week: Two Powerful Grassroots Calls

On Wednesday, February 8, join us for a training call on the details of the new Senate microfinance legislation. The call will be held at 9pm ET; simply dial in to (712) 432-3100, passcode 761262. RESULTS has been on the forefront of promoting the support of microfinance for the poorest. Come hear about the latest opportunity for us in this key campaign.

Additionally, mark your calendars and gather your fellow activists on Saturday, February 11 for the national conference call for global grassroots. Dial in to (888) 409-6709 a few minutes early for the 2pm ET call. One special aspect of this month’s call will be guest Jigna Rao, health activist and co-founder of the South Asian Total Health Initiative (SATHI), a non-profit program that partners with the University of Medicine and Dentristy of New Jersey to build health awareness in the medical community and in the South Asian community here in the United States. She has a powerful personal story to tell about how her life has intersected with tuberculosis; you won’t want to miss it. So join us for the call and settle in for inspiration, information, and more as we focus on our springtime push advocacy push related to tuberculosis and the Global Fund.

Finally, the February action sheet will be coming your in the next few days, outlining our spring action on appropriations for all of our campaigns. Stay tuned!

Global Fund Media is Cookin’! Take That Inspiration and Apply for a World TB Day Grant!

Two editorials, 4 op-eds, 10 letters to the editor . . . and we’re far from done!

Check out the latest RESULTS blog post on the growing success our global campaigns activists are having in getting smart, impactful media published in support of the Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria. The Global Fund may have marked its 10th anniversary on January 28, but the issue of supporting the fund will remain relevant until the United States and the world addresses the current shortfall. We feel that 20 editorials, with supporting op-eds and letters to the editor, would make a powerful statement to the administration and Congress. So don’t hesitate to pitch an editorial using our editorial packet or send in your own letter to the editor today. (You might even contact the president or meet face-to-face with your legislators about the issue if you have already submitted something to your paper.)

After you revel in the victory and soak up the inspiration, why not consider applying for a 2012 World TB Day mini-grant? These powerful mini-grants can be sued to help build community partnerships, strengthen media relationships, and educate your members of Congress on the issue of TB. Check out the details online and remember that the deadline to submit your application is 6pm ET on February 27th.

Win a Free International Conference Registration! Also, Save 10% on Airfare!

Submit your video testimonial on why you attend the 2012 RESULTS International Conference. The best video will get a free conference registration. The deadline is Wednesday, February 15. Go to our website to see the contest rules and how to submit your video!

AirTran is offering 10% off fares! Please request a copy of the agreement and call to get your discount. Look at the financial assistance section of our IC website for more assistance opportunities.

Remember: Registration is only $150 until April 16. Be sure to register TODAY!

Exciting Changes for Development

The RESULTS/REF development team is happy to welcome our long-time colleague from our legislative team, Jen Maurer, in her new role as Development Manager for RESULTS/REF. We’re so excited about the enormous opportunities for our organization with her taking on this new role. Jen’s policy and organizational knowledge, and strong relationships (with our grassroots, existing donors, and allies across the U.S. and abroad) will, without a doubt, help us grow the organization and our successes.

Friends & Family Toolkits are in the mail and online to help you participate in our letter writing campaign! They contain materials and instructions we’ll need to personally invite folks in our social circles to join us in ending poverty by making a gift. We have the ambitious goal of raising $30,000 with every RESULTS group participating. Also, we have a friendly contest for those using the online tool for Friends & Family this year. The top earner as of March 31 will win a free registration for the 2012 RESULTS International Conference!

A leader’s role is to raise people’s aspirations for what they can become and to release their energies so they will try to get there.

                                                                                                                                                                 — David Gergen


February 8: Training call on the details of the new Senate microfinance legislation. 9:00 pm ET. (712) 432-3100, passcode 761262.

February 11: National Conference Call for Global Grassroots. 2:00 pm ET. (888) 409-6709.

February 13: First session of two-session New Activist Orientation. 9:00 pm ET. Register today!

February 13: Webinar on using our new online fundraising tool. 9:00 pm ET. (800) 741-4032, passcode 796141. To join from your computer, go to URL

February 15: Training call on preparing for our Friends and Family Letter-writing Campaign for spring fundraising. 9:00 pm ET. (712) 432-3100, passcode 761262.

February 16: Webinar on using our new online fundraising tool. 1:30 pm ET. (800) 741-4032, passcode 796141. To join from your computer, go to URL

February 17: RESULTS Introductory Call. 1:00 pm ET. Register today!

February 18: Webinar on using our new online fundraising tool. 12:00 pm ET. (800) 741-4032, passcode 796141. To join from your computer, go to URL

February 21: Friends & Family Campaign begins.

February 27: Second session of two-session New Activist Orientation. 9:00 pm ET. Register today!

March 24: World TB Day

March 31: RESULTS Texas Regional Conference. Contact Anne Child for more information.

March 31: Friends & Family Campaign ends.

July 21–24: RESULTS International Conference in Washington, DC

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