Global Weekly Update February 13, 2012

February 13, 2012

Top Actions for This Week!

1. First, secure those face-to-face meetings with your legislators so that you can make our FY13 appropriations requests. Take a look at our handy appropriations request chart, individual fact sheets for each appropriations request, the February action sheet, and the February laser talk. Together, these resources will give you what you need to make powerful, poverty-fighting asks at your face-to-face meetings or by phone. Want a dose of inspiration before you make that call to the scheduler?  Hear the powerful words of Dr. Jeffrey Sachs from January and of health advocate Jigna Rao from last Saturday; both have been guests on our national grassroots conference calls this year.

2. Next, get a Global Fund media piece placed in your local paper. You have already been hard at work getting media to influence the conversation around fully funding the Global Fund. We must keep going! Our editorial packet and our letter to the editor online action will help you take that next step. Why not send the packet to your paper today or write that letter to the editor you’ve been putting off?  Add to the chorus; it will make a difference.

3. Last, but not least . . . finish your 2012 World TB Day mini-grant application, if you’re interested in applying. These powerful mini-grants can be used to help build community partnerships, strengthen media relationships, and educate your members of Congress on the issue of TB. Check out the details online and remember that the deadline to submit your application is 6pm ET on February 27th.

International Conference Video Challenge Ending Tomorrow. Plus, REAL Change Program and AirTran Discount.

As most of you know, every year RESULTS activists from around the globe gather together for the RESULTS International Conference in our nation’s capital. This year’s conference is July 21-24, 2012 at the DoubleTree Hotel in Crystal City. We are offering reduced registration of just $150 until April 16 and have negotiated a discounted group room rate of $155 per night. The IC offers inspiring, high-level speakers; educational workshops on effective poverty solutions; advocacy skills trainings; and the experience of lobbying on Capitol Hill. All of this happens in an atmosphere of passion, collaboration, support, and fun.

  • REAL Change Scholarship! We urge each RESULTS group to nominate two 18- to 25-year-olds to come to Washington, build their advocacy skills, and put them into practice on Capitol Hill through RESULTS Educational Fund’s Emerging Activist Leaders (REAL) Change Scholarship. The scholarship covers all but $100 of the cost of conference registration, travel to DC, and lodging at the beautiful DoubleTree Hilton. You can access the nomination form and application on our website. The application deadline is May 15 for this unique training opportunity! 
  • Submit your video testimonial on why you choose to attend the 2012 RESULTS International Conference. The best video will get a free conference registration. The deadline is Wednesday, February 15. Go to our website to see the contest rules and how to submit your video!
  • Also, AirTran is offering ten percent off fares! Please download the agreement and call to get your discount. Look at the financial assistance section of our IC webpage for more assistance opportunities.
  • Remember that registration is only $150 until April 16. Be sure to register TODAY!

Microfinance Legislation in Congress Needs Our Help

Both the House and the Senate have legislation moving through related to microfinance, and you can weigh in with your members of Congress. Request their cosponsorship! HR 2524 and S 2027 are smart pieces of legislation that put the poorest first. Are your legislators cosponsors? You can learn more about the new Senate legislation by checking out our blog and by listening to a recent training call, you can check out our online fact sheets about each bill, and you can use our online action alerts to help you call or write to your legislators about cosponsorship.

Preparing for Terrific Fundraising

Our development activities are all about preparation right now. We are setting dates for our events and getting ready for our Friends & Family Campaign launch on February 21. However your group will participate in fundraising this year, we’re grateful for your dedication and want to give you all the support you need!

Quick tip for event planners: keep in mind that this year’s elections could figure in heavily with the activities of both volunteers and donors. Houston and Chicago are working toward August and September dates to avoid late fall when many donors will be tapped for campaign donations and busy with political activities.

For Friends & Family fundraisers: please join one or more of our training sessions this week to help you build your personal fundraising website and/or help you write a compelling letter or email to inspire the folks in your life to give. Details on these calls are listed below. We hope that at least one partner from every group will participate because we’re giving free, transferrable registrations to the International Conference to the highest earning online group and online individual!

Instructions for building your online fundraising page:

  1. Go to our main online fundraising page.
  2. Click on Friends & Family registration for RESULTS partners.
  3. Click on the link enabling volunteers to register.

Thank you so much for your dedication to supporting and growing our organization!

  1. February 16: Webinar on using our new online fundraising tool. 1:30 pm ET. (800) 741-4032, passcode 796141. To join from your computer, go to URL
  2. February 18: Webinar on using our new online fundraising tool. 12:00 pm ET. (800) 741-4032, passcode 796141. To join from your computer, go to URL

Vision is the art of seeing what is invisible to others.

                                                                                    – Jonathan Swift


February 15: Training call on preparing for our Friends and Family Letter-writing Campaign for spring fundraising. 9:00 pm ET. (712) 432-3100, passcode 761262.

February 16: Webinar on using our new online fundraising tool. 1:30 pm ET. (800) 741-4032, passcode 796141. To join from your computer, go to URL

February 17: RESULTS Introductory Call. 1:00 pm ET. Register today!

February 18: Webinar on using our new online fundraising tool. 12:00 pm ET. (800) 741-4032, passcode 796141. To join from your computer, go to URL

February 21: Friends & Family Campaign begins.

February 27: Second session of two-session New Activist Orientation. 9:00 pm ET. Register today!

March 8: Researching Your Member of Congress training call. (Note: You will want to be in front of a computer with internet access for this call.) 9:00 pm ET. (712) 432-3100, passcode 761262.

March 24: World TB Day

March 31: RESULTS Texas Regional Conference. Contact Anne Child for more information.

March 31: Friends & Family Campaign ends.

July 21–24: RESULTS International Conference in Washington, DC

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