Global Weekly Update December 10, 2012

December 10, 2012

Top Action: Weigh In on Budget Talks — Protect Poverty Solutions!

Take Action:

  • 15-minute action: Before you eat another holiday cookie, take the December action to preserve funding for poverty-fighting solutions during “fiscal cliff” negotiations. We cannot balance the budget at the expense of smart, compassionate, poverty-fighting solutions that assist children and families around the world. Check out the December action sheet and raise your voice for the preservation of foreign assistance!
  • 5-minute action: If you don’t want to write a letter, use our December laser talk to call your rep. and senators. You can use the Capitol Switchboard number: (202) 224-3121, or find contact information on our website.

Learn About the Budget: RESULTS will host a special conference call this Thursday, December 13, at 9 pm ET to update RESULTS volunteers and allies on the budget showdown. The call will include training on how to create a laser talk. This call could also be a great follow up for coalition partners and guests from recent outreach events who want to hear the latest on the “fiscal cliff” and how they can impact the debate. To participate, call: (712) 432-3100, passcode 761262.

Also, if you missed the December Global Grassroots National Conference Call, you can listen to it online later this week! The call featured former Senator Robert Bennett of Utah who is a new member of the RESULTS Educational Fund board. Senator Bennett provides great advice for get acquainted with the new Congress and how to think more strategically about establishing relationships with our new members. We also heard from many of you as you celebrated World AIDS Day outreach successes.

World AIDS Day Outreach Success Stories Are Pouring In!

In addition to news on the fantastic media work you did around World AIDS Day, you can read this latest blog post by Allyson Goldsmith, Outreach and Advocacy Associate, on all the hard work that our grassroots did to mark World AIDS Day with outreach events, including almost 40 screenings of the poignant AIDS documentary How to Survive a Plague. With half of the groups reporting, over 618 people attended your events. You did that. Thank you! Together, we are truly marching toward an AIDS-free generation.

Start Filling 2013 Calendars with Some Great Plans!

Do you have a fresh, new 2013 calendar that is just waiting to be filled with some cool stuff? We can get you started!

  1. Your RESULTS Group’s First Meeting of 2013! Why not plan it now? January is the time for group planning, and materials will be available soon.
  2. First Global Grassroots National Conference Call of 2013: Saturday, January 12, 2 pm ET. Dial in a few minutes before the call. The number to use is (888) 409-6709.
  3. First RESULTS Introductory Call of 2013: Wednesday, January 9, 9 pm ET. Please RSVP for the call so we can welcome you. Dial-in number: (712) 432-3100, passcode 761262.
  4. First RESULTS Free Agents Call for Global Poverty Advocates: Monday, January 14, 8 pm ET. (Bumped from normal date due to Martin Luther King, Jr. Day holiday.) If you live in a town where there’s no global poverty advocacy group, join the call. You’ll get the support and encouragement you need for your advocacy. Dial (218) 486-1611, passcode 7378587 (RESULTS).
  5. RESULTS International Conference in Washington, D.C.: July 20–23, 2013. Dr. Muhammad Yunus and author/activist Marianne Williamson are already set to join us. Mark your calendar now!

You can find other great events in the Upcoming Events section in the sidebar of this update.

Help us Finish Strong in 2012 Fundraising!

Thank you very much to our RESULTS partners in Olympia, WA; they held the last fundraising event of the year, raising over $2200 at a house party full of celebrations. And thank you to all of our volunteers who hosted fundraising events in 2012. Not only did you raise critical funds for us, but you built support and awareness in your communities as you told your own advocacy stories to your friends and neighbors. Some groups even recruited new partners at their events, making us stronger!

The year isn’t quite over and our online fundraising sites can still help you participate in our 2012 fundraising in fun ways:

Be sure and contact Cindy Levin if you’d like help setting up a personal fundraising page.

Most of the important things in the world have been accomplished by people who have kept on trying when there seemed to be no hope at all.

— Dale Carnegie

  1. December 12 (second session of two), 9 pm ET. Final New Activist Orientation for 2012. This two-session orientation is ideal for those who are activists with us but who are still relatively new and would like more information on RESULTS’ history and methods. Contact Lisa Marchal to RSVP and dial in to (712) 432-3100, passcode 761262.
  2. December 13, 9 pm ET. Call on Year-end Budget Showdown. This call could also be a great follow up for coalition partners and guests from recent outreach events who want a chance to hear the latest on the “fiscal cliff” and how they can impact the debate in a way that preserves funding for poverty solutions, both here and abroad. Dial (712) 432-3100, passcode 761262 to participate.
  3. December 14, 1 pm ET. Final RESULTS Introductory Call of 2012. Please RSVP for the call so we can welcome you. Dial-in number: (712) 432-3100, passcode 761262.
  4. January: Individual and Group Planning. More information to follow soon.
  5. January 7, 9 pm ET. RESULTS Website Tour. More information to follow soon.
  6. January 9, 9 pm ET. First RESULTS Introductory Call of 2013. Please RSVP for the call so we can welcome you. Dial-in number: (712) 432-3100, passcode 761262.
  7. January 12, 2 pm ET. RESULTS National Grassroots Conference Call for Global Poverty Campaigns. Dial (888) 409-6709 to join.
  8. January 14, 8 pm ET: RESULTS Free Agents call for global poverty advocates. (218) 486-1611, passcode 7378587 (RESULTS). Are you a RESULTS activist with our global poverty campaigns, living in a town with no RESULTS group?  You are alone no more! Contact Lisa Marchal for more information on this monthly group call.
  9. July 20–23, 2013 — RESULTS International Conference in Washington, DC. Dr. Muhammad Yunus and author/speaker Marianne Williamson are already set to join us. Mark your calendar now!

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