Global Weekly Update December 1, 2014

December 1, 2014

Global Poverty Campaigns

Weekly Update | December 1, 2014

        Take Action – Ask Reps./Sens. to Cosponsor Gavi Resolutions

Top Action: Ask Your Senators and Representative to Support Gavi, the Vaccine Alliance

This week is critical. Congress already has its eyes on the end of session, but there is still time for life-saving work to be done.

There are resolutions in both the House and the Senate supporting Gavi, the Vaccine Alliance. Gavi is an international partnership supporting low-income countries in delivering vaccines to the poorest, most vulnerable children.

Since 2000, Gavi has brought together both endemic and donor countries with vaccine producers and civil society to increase access to vaccines, saving 6 million lives. Now Gavi is launching an ambitious plan to immunize 300 million more children by 2020, saving over 5 million more lives. Gavi will invite world leaders to pledge their support for the plan in January, just a few weeks away. The U.S. must plan for bold leadership now. 

Got 20 Minutes? 

Use the November Action Sheet to request Gavi support. Ask your legislators to cosponsor H.Res. 688 and S.Res. 578 on Gavi and child vaccines. We have 75 names names on the House resolution and the Senate resolution just recently launched. These are bipartisan resolutions with momentum, but we need your help to get us to our goal of 115 cosponsors on the House version and 30 on the Senate version. We can do this. Let's keep going!

Want to do more? There is also an opportunity for legislators to write to the Obama Administration directly about their support for global immunization.

December 13 . . . Will You Be Part of It?

National Grassroots Conference Call Features Special Guest Double-Header. Gather your community on Saturday, December 13 at 2 pm ET. That's the date of our national conference call for global grassroots . . . the final one of 2014. (888) 409-6709 is the number to use for the conference call. Plan to get together with others and join in!

As we continue to focus on our Gavi campaign, we'll be excited to hear from We'll welcome long-time RESULTS supporter and Cameron Duncan award-winner Jay Evensen of the Deseret News. We'll also hear from Dr. Rebecca Nantanda of Makerere University College of Health Sciences in Uganda, member of the Uganda Paediatric Association, and Head of Department at Kadic Hospital Bukoto. Dr. Nantanda will be on the final leg of her media tour, sharing the importance of Gavi support alongside our grassroots advocates.

Make Your Holiday Media Plan. Keep Gavi in the News!

At least 5 editorials/columns, 5 news pieces, 13 op-eds, and 66 letters to the editor . . . and climbing! At this time of year, schedules at your local paper can be a bit unusual, and writers and editors may well be looking for fresh ways to highlight the spirit of the season. What could be more uplifting than stories about the chance to save the lives of children around the world? So make your holiday Gavi media plan today.

First, mark your calendars for Gavi Media 101. Are you itching to get your first letter to the editor printed? Do you have an op-ed ready to place? Do you just need some great ideas to catch the attention of the gatekeepers to get your message through? This webinar is for you!

  • Wednesday December 3 at 9 pm ET – join us for a webinar on pitching the Gavi message and making it local. To join: or call in at (201) 479-4595, meeting number 27071730.

Then make sure your community is talking about global immunizations – and that your legislators know the conversation is happening.

  • Ask the editor of your local newspaper to write about Gavi. Let him/her know that one of the best ways to provide protection from diseases like Ebola is to help poor nations strengthen their healthcare systems, which Gavi does. Send them this great, short background document. Learn more about working with editors on our site.
  • Engage your action network (friends, family, colleagues who want to support you and our child vaccine work) in writing letters to the editor. Use our handy online tool – share it via e-mail/Facebook/Twitter and follow up with those you know are taking action to see how it went and if they got published. If you want ideas, draw from media other volunteers have already generated.
  • Think about how a grasstops person of influence in your community (pediatrician, nurse, etc.) could partner with you to co-write a powerful op-ed on Gavi. There's nothing like local expert voices breaking down the issues and helping it hit home.

RESULTS on Book TV; 'Tis the Season to Give

Our Founder on C-SPAN. RESULTS founder Sam Daley-Harris was recently a guest of C-SPAN's Book TV and spoke about RESULTS and the 20th anniversary edition of Reclaiming Our Democracy: Healing the Break Between People and Government. Watch video of his appearance online.

Giving Tuesday Was This Week. Are You Inspired to Give? Make a donation to RESULTS or RESULTS Educational Fund. Your gift will help build paths out of poverty and empower everyday citizens to raise their voices for change. We're accepting matching gifts so you can double your impact!​

Quote of the Week

". . . [W]e don’t have to be cynical, we don’t have to feel hopeless, and we don’t have to be discouraged and feel turned off by politics and government, or be cynical about our ability to make a difference. Instead, we can be turned on, lit up, and in action – and we can really turn things around."

– Sam Daley-Harris, founder of RESULTS


Upcoming Events

  • December 3, 9 pm ET. Gavi Media 101. Join us for a repeat installment webinar on pitching the Gavi message and making it local. Join in at or call in at (201) 479-4595, meeting number 27071730.
  • December 10, 9 pm ET. RESULTS Introductory Call.The perfect RESULTS primer. Contact us with any questions and RSVP for the call.
  • December 13, 2 pm ET. National Conference Call for Global Grassroots. For our continuing Gavi focus, we'll welcome long-time RESULTS supporter, Jay Evensen of the Deseret News and Dr. Rebecca Nantanda of Makerere University College of Health Sciences in Uganda, member of the Uganda Paediatric Association, and Head of Department at Kadic Hospital Bukoto. Dial (888) 409-6709 a few minutes before the hour to join.
  • December 15, 8 pm ET. RESULTS Free Agents Call for Global Poverty Advocates. Dial (605) 475-6777, passcode 7378587. Are you a RESULTS activist with our global poverty campaigns, living in a town with no RESULTS group? You are alone no more! Contact Lisa Marchal, Senior Global Grassroots Associate, for more information on this monthly group call.
  • December 25-January 1, 2015. RESULTS is closed for the winter holidays.
  • July 18-21, 2015. RESULTS International Conference in Washington, DC.


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