Global Weekly Update August 22, 2011

August 22, 2011

Top Action: We Need 100 Cosponsors of the Education for All Act

If we can generate 100 cosponsors on the bipartisan Education for All Act of 2011 (EFA Act, H.R.2705) by October 1, we know it will have a powerful impact on the Administration, and hopefully push the President into action on global education. Support for the EFA Act of 2011 will let President Obama and his staff know that Congress wants them to form an effective U.S. global education policy to put all kids in school. It will also let them know that Congress and the people support investing our global education dollars into the Education for All Fast – Track Initiative (FTI). Education changes the world for all of us, making us more secure, prosperous, and healthy. Please take action. So far we have eight cosponsors.

Ask your member of Congress to cosponsor the bipartisan Education for All Act of 2011. The best way to assure your rep. cosponsors is to utilize a three-pronged approach which includes:

  1. Making the request at district or town hall meeting. August is a good time for a meeting, as Congress is in recess.
  2. Making the request to the foreign policy aide. Our EFA call alert and/or EFA laser talk are handy for that.
  3. Contacting the Representative’s office via e-mail or phone using our action alerts. So far, 22 activists have taken action online. Can we generate 100 online actions by next week?

Every email, call, letter, and face-to-face encounter matters. Please take one or more of the above actions. We provide guidance to those who want to act. Please contact a group leader, regional coordinator, or staff member to guide you if you need assistance. You an also share ideas with fellow partners in our website forum.

Let Us Help You Write a Letter to the Editor on Education for All

From August through October we want to generate the political will to move the president and his administration to make a 3-year pledge totaling $375 million to the Education for All – Fast Track Initiative (FTI) at the November 6–8 pledging conference. In addition to generating cosponsors on the Education for All Act of 2011, we want to generate editorials, opeds, letters to the editor, radio and other kinds of media. Here’s what you can do:

  • If you want to write a letter to the letter, use our LTE action alert writing tool. It gives you something you can easily edit and turn into a letter to the editor. It even gives you the names and contact information of your local papers. It’s very easy to use. Give it a try.
  • If you want to write an op-ed or pitch an editorial, contact Ken Patterson, Lisa Marchal, or Blair Hinderliter.
  • To learn more about Education for All and FTI, use our online resources.

Dr. Yunus Asks You to Remain Persistent on Microfinance and Effective Assistance

Dr. Yunus was recently in the U.S. and took a few minutes to thank RESULTS activists and offer us a bit of courage in our work.

Show your courage. Have you asked your reps. to cosponsor the Microenterprise Empowerment and Job Creation Act of 2011 (H.R.2524)? The bill reauthorizes previous microenterprise legislation (PL 108-484) and provides means and incentives for USAID to direct substantially more microenterprise resources to the very poor.

Expanding RESULTS Takes a Team Effort

We want to expand RESULTS to all 50 states and two-thrds of congressional districts by 2015. We need contacts in order to do that. If we all take some time who think about the kind of connections we have around the US, one thing will lead to another, and we’ll find people ready to become powerful. Below is where we are concentrating our energy now. Who do you know? Contact Ken Patterson or Lisa Marchal with any ideas.

  • Fort Worth and San Antonio, Texas
  • St. Louis, Missouri and Nashville, Tennessee
  • Vermont, Maine, Rhode Island

Poverty is unnecessary.

— Muhammad Yunus

August 8–September 5: Congressional recess (a great time for a face-to-face meeting with your legislator back in your district).

August 30: RESULTS Introductory Call. 9:00 pm ET. Register today!

August 31: Training Call on Developing Advocacy Partnerships. 9:00 pm ET. (712) 432-3100, passcode 761262. Join in this call to examine ways you can partner with others in your community who have a commitment to our issues and might be interested in working collaboratively with you and your group.

September 9: Last day to vote for Grassroots Board Members

September 10: Global Conference Call: Focus on Education for All. 2:00 pm ET. (888) 409-6709

September 16–18: Millennium Campus Network Conference for college students interested in the MDGs

October 8: Global Conference Call. 2:00 pm ET. (888) 409-6709

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