Global Weekly Update April 18, 2011

April 18, 2011

Congratulations on Protecting Key Accounts! Let’s Keep Going!

We’re still sorting through and unpacking the FY11 budget deal, and many of the finer details may not be available for some time. However it does appear that foreign aid has escaped the drastic cuts originally proposed in the House-passed budget bill, H.R.1. The general trend is essentially flat funding from FY10, with the cuts proposed in H.R.1 largely reversed. Particularly notable is $1.05 billion for the Global Fund, which is level funding from FY10, and a $50 million increase over the President’s FY11 request. The Global Fund had been slated for a 40 percent cut in H.R.1. We also know that education will be funded at the 2010 level of $925 million.

There is no doubt that the calls to members of Congress, letters to the editor, op-eds, and editorials decrying the drastic cuts in H.R.1 helped sway this decision. Given the draconian alternatives on the table, this compromise is a remarkable achievement and a testament to the bipartisan support that still exists for global health and development programs. Our Coastal CT group asked the foreign policy aide at a recent meeting to comment on why the foreign assistance budget was not cut a much as other parts of the budget. He said that it was because the international assistance community was so organized in its advocacy that every member of Congress in every state received calls to a point that foreign aid became more than a Democrat or Republican issue. It became a human issue.

Here are the actions you can continue to take:

  • Speak to your representatives and senators about our specific appropriations requests (education,GAVI, microfinance, Global Fund, bilateral TB). Choose one issue that he or she cares about and ask him/her to speak to the heads of the Foreign Operations Subcommittee of Appropriations in support of our funding levels.
  • The 2010 Ryan budget passed by the House last week dramatically cuts foreign assistance in similar and worse ways than did H.R.1. Once again, we will need the Senate to be the firewall against these measures. Mobilize your action network to call your senators. Ask your senators to oppose cuts proposed to foreign assistance by the Ryan budget.

It’s a Great Time for Face-to-Face Meetings with Legislators

With Congress currently on recess through April 29, we all have the opportunity to try to catch our legislators back in their home districts. Have you or your group meet face-to-face with your senators or representative? You can do it! You could discuss FY12 budget challenges and FY12 appropriations, utilizing great talking points from Joanne Carter’s recent blog posting or our piece titled “Why Foreign Aid Matters.” You could also choose to discuss he upcoming Education for All Act of 2011. Take advantage of RESULTS tools to schedule and plan your meeting, and then don’t forget to report what happened.

Be Part of the Blue Ribbon Campaign for Education for All

Very soon, RESULTS will participate in Education for All advocacy events with the Global Campaign for Education’s (GCE) annual Global Action Week May 2–8 and during the April congressional recess. You should get involved! GCE will be driving the Blue Ribbon Campaign that seeks to build awareness and support for the nearly 70 million children globally who are denied the opportunity of even setting feet in a primary school classroom. RESULTS groups can still plan outreach to community groups, grade schools, and scout troops now to support EFA advocacy with resources that GCE has on its website.

The International Conference Is Only Two Months Away!

Join us in Washington, DC, June 19–21 for RESULTS/REF 2011 International Conference. Get to know your fellow advocates, learn new advocacy techniques and tools of the trade, and speak to Capitol Hill about the imperative of ending poverty.

Workshop topics slated for the conference will include social media and advocacy, fresh leadership skills applicable to anyone, and the helpful practices of power-mapping and community-mapping.

College Students: Apply for the Campus for Change Program! This scholarship program covers the full cost for travel, accommodations for four nights’ hotel, conference registration fee, and other conference costs. Students accepted receive additional advocacy training the Saturday before and Wednesday after the conference. As a participant you will be reimbursed up to $150 of your placeholder fee. The deadline for application has been extended to April 30.

Register today before registration rates go up and the hotel group block closes on May 3.

Visit the IC information page on our website to find out the latest details, as we update it regularly. On the page, you’ll find information on the Karen McQuillan Memorial Fund that provides limited conference scholarships, conference sponsorship opportunities, the Campuses for Change program, the call for nominations for the Cameron Duncan Media Award, and much more. Check it out, as deadlines are approaching.

Coming on your own and need a roommate? No problem! Visit our discussion forum, as a discussion thread has been started for the purpose of helping you solve your dilemma!

We have a new, interactive online grassroots forum. The forum will enable activists to communicate and collaborate more directly. Click on My RESULTS, get your personalized sign-in name, and start collaborating.

April 18–29: Congressional recess

April 27: Continuation of the current New Activist Orientation series. 9:00 pm ET. Call (712) 432-3100, passcode 761262. RSVP for the remainder of the series (April 27, May 11, and May 25) or get more information, by contacting Lisa Marchal.

May 14: Global Conference Call. 2:00 pm ET. (888) 409-6709

June 19–21: RESULTS International Conference

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