Global Weekly Update April 16, 2012

April 16, 2012

Education for All Global Action Week is April 22-28!

Every April, the world focuses on the need to get kids in school. This is a priority we share with our families and our neighbors in the U.S., in addition to those who live worlds away from us.

International Global Action Week is April 22–28, and we are partnering with our U.S. poverty RESULTS advocates to take an organization-wide look at how we can outreach to our communities on this important issue. This is a particularly good time to identify nearby influential voices and grasstops leaders who care about education.

Take Action:  

1. Mark Global Action Week for Education (April 22-28) on your calendar.

2. Check out our tips on building a coalition of community allies and start brainstorming with other activists about people and organizations who care about educating kids and might be interested in collaboration. Local school board? Teachers union? Girl and Boy Scout troops? Head Start center? PTA? Education department at the local college? Who is in your neighborhood working for education? These groups may not know about RESULTS and our commitment to early childhood education here and around the world, and they might love to learn about us and consider collaborating.

3. Research the contacts at the organizations of your choosing and make a few calls to set up meetings! Coalition-building is relationship-building around common visions and goals. It takes time to talk about those common goals and develop ideas on how you and other like-minded groups can work together. Now is a great moment to start taking that time.

4. Check out our emerging Education for All Outreach Kit for the April action sheet, a relevant laser talk, education fact sheets, inspiring videos, and other outreach resources.

5. Glance at the international Global Action Week website for a splash of inspiration

April is a fantastic time to begin building coalitions and relationships with grasstops for future education campaign work as we form our strategy to support the Global Partnership on Education. Through coalition-building, ou might find a new ally, op-ed co-writer, donor, or RESULTS member. Contact your group leader or regional coordinator for more assistance during this important Global Action Week, and thanks for your creativity!

Grassroots Tools: Four Items You Will Want to Know About!

  • Want a fresh approach to an action for Global Action Week for Education? Try (and share) our latest action alert which emphasizes the link between education and microfinance. S.2027, the The Microfinance and Microenterprise Enhancement Act of 2011, needs cosponsors. This request can fit nicely in your Global Action Week for Education outreach activities – ask your senator for cosponsorship and ask your newest RESULTS allies to do the same!
  • This Thursday evening at 9 pm ET, Legislative Director John Fawcett will offer an overview of our global poverty campaigns for the second quarter of 2012. Dial in at (712) 432-3100, passcode 761262 for insights on our focus and strategies for the the next three months of our global poverty advocacy.  
  • Are you a new RESULTS partner? Join our two-session RESULTS New Activist Orientation in May! See the calendar of events for full details.
  • Do you know someone who is hearing about RESULTS for the first time? Invite them to a RESULTS Introductory Call, a snappy, 30-minute meet-and-greet call during which new folks can get a taste of who we are. We offer two of these calls each month, and anyone can RSVP online to get all the details.  

Friends & Family Campaigns Concludes, Fundraising Events Heat Up  

$23,673!  As RESULTS Executive Director Joanne Carter announced on Saturday’s national conference call, that is the total raised as of March 31 during the 2012 Friends & Family Fundraising Campaign. Congratulations! We know that we tried some new things with this year’s campaign (different time of year, new technology) and you all jumped in head first to make it a success. Thank you to everyone who participated and all who donated. Last week, we recognized our volunteer trailblazers in this year’s campaign. We also want to salute our RESULTS staff members who also participated in the campaign. These folks helped raise $8,000 of our total to date. The partnership between our volunteers and staff in these efforts is one of the many signature traits of RESULTS. We thank all of you!

But we’re not done yet. Some individuals and groups still have donations coming in, inching us closer and closer to our $30,000 goal. If you have still have donation checks at home, please send them ASAP to: RESULTS, Attn: Cynthia Stancil, 1730 Rhode Island Ave NW, Ste 400, Washington, DC 20036. Also, Friends & Family webpages will remain live until April 30 to catch any late donors (so you still have time to follow up).

As we move forward, we also have an exciting array of RESULTS fundraising events shaping up this year. Thank you to the Atlanta, Bremerton/Kitsap (WA), Chicago, Denver, Houston, Tacoma, San Jose, Seattle, and Sitka (AK) groups who are actively working with grassroots coaches to create exciting and memorable fundraising events in 2012. We look forward to more groups doing events as well. If you are interested in organizing a fundraising event this year, please contact Cindy Levin.

 Three Things You’ll Want to Know About the RESULTS International Conference

 1. The earlybird deadline for registration has been extended to April 30! For two more weeks you can register for only $150! Register here today!

 2. Our agenda is updated regularly. David Beckmann of Bread for the World/Alliance to End Hunger and singer/humanitarian Yvonne Chaka Chaka are just a few of the luminaries who will be with us. Will you?

3. You can help an enthusiastic, go-getting young adult (18-25 years of age) apply for a scholarship to attend the conference through the REAL Change program.

“When the world says, ‘Give up,’ Hope whispers, ‘Try it one more time.’”

                                                                         -Author Unknown

March-May: Global Poverty Project 1.4 Billion Reasons presentations

April 19: Overview of Global Campaigns (and Q&A) for the second quarter with John Fawcett. 9 pm ET, (712) 432-3100, passcode 761262.

April 20: RESULTS Introductory Call. 1 pm ET. Contact us with any questions and RSVP for the call.

April 22-28: Global Action Week for Education

April 24-27: RESULTS expansion and outreach events in the northeast. Contact Ken Patterson if you know folks in that part of the country who might like to meet RESULTS!

April 28: RESULTS Northeast Regional Conference. Contact David Burns for more details.

May 2: RESULTS Introductory Call. 9 pm ET. Contact us with any questions and RSVP for the call.  

May 7 and 21: RESULTS New Activist Orientation, 9 pm ET. New activist with RESULTS? Then join our two-session orientation to learn the basics of who we are and how we work together to become vibrant advocates for the end of poverty. To RSVP, contact Lisa Marchal. To call in, dial (712) 432-3100, passcode 761262.

May 12: National grassroots conference call for global campaigns. 2 pm ET. Dial (888) 409-6709 a few minutes before the call. (Check out our conference call archive, too!)

May 15: RESULTS Free Agents domestic poverty group call. Contact Jos Linn for more information.

May 18: RESULTS Introductory Call. 1 pm ET. Contact us with any questions and RSVP for the call.

May 21: RESULTS Free Agents global poverty group for activists in towns without RESULTS groups. 8 pm ET, (218) 486-1611, passcode 7378587. Contact Lisa Marchal with questions.

July 21–24RESULTS International Conference in Washington, DC


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