Global Poverty Weekly Update September 9, 2019

September 10, 2019

Quote of the Week

I have been impressed with the urgency of doing. Knowing is not enough. We must apply. Being willing is not enough. We must do.

~ Leonardo da Vinci


Dynamic National Grassroots Webinar on Saturday, September 14 at 2 pm ET

It’s almost here, the October 10 Global Fund replenishment. But we still have time. We have time – and the opportunity – to influence the U.S. pledge through H.Res. 517 and media publication. But have the weeks slipped by without a plan for action and impact? Let this webinar be your jump start. After you’re inspired by our speakers on why we do this work, you’ll have time and space on the webinar to make your plan.

And, wow, we have some terrific voices lined up for this webinar, to illuminate and inspire.

  • Shakila Enayatzade, advocate with the Northern VA group. Shakila struggled with TB herself, and we’re grateful to her for sharing her story.
  • Liz Clerkin, RESULTS Cleveland group leader, sharing a tale related to her travels to Zambia.
  • Dr. Carol Sibley, malaria expert researching drug resistance. Excited to have her on as well.

Saturday, September 14 at 2 pm ET are the date and time. To join the webinar online, log in online at or by phone at (669) 900-6833 or (929) 436-2866, meeting ID 510407386.

Closed captioning link:

Global Fund: Urgent Action Required

Overwhelming support for the Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis, and Malaria (Global Fund) replenishment on October 10. That’s what the world needs. And that’s precisely what the U.S. needs to demonstrate. We need to ensure that the House and Senate continue their bipartisan leadership to secure a U.S. commitment for one-third of the $14 billion needed by the Global Fund over the next three years. We must signal to the world that the U.S. will continue to lead, and that leadership must be a clarion call to others.

Congress is finished with the long recess and is back in Washington. Will you make your Global Fund requests and follow up on the ones you made in August? Keep reading for the support you need.


Take Action on House Global Fund Resolution 517. H.Res. 517 calls for continued U.S. leadership on Global Fund, which will help save and additional 16 million lives over the next three years and move the world closer to ending AIDS, tuberculosis, and malaria once and for all. So far, 25 names are on the resolution. How high can that number climb? Can we get 2/3 of the House on the resolution?

  • Got 10 minutes? Use our online action to write to your representative, calling on them to cosponsor H.Res. 517. Then send the action to a friend. And follow up with your representative by phone after a couple of days.
  • Got more time? Use our August Action Sheet (Word version) to engage others in writing letters to your representative and senators on the Global Fund resolutions. (Note: Senate resolution is expected to be introduced in September.)
  • Extra credit. Set up a meeting with your members of Congress or attend a town hall meeting. Check their websites and call their offices to find out when they are holding town hall meetings.

Fill in the Global Fund Media “Heat Map.” 182 pieces of media so far! Media on the Global Fund in all 50 states will put positive pressure on Congress to take action on U.S. Global Fund leadership.

  • Use the resources on our blog to generate letters to the editor, op-eds, editorials, and other media in support of the Global Fund replenishment. Let’s get published in all 50 states—check out the map and help us fill it in!

Organizing for Action, Organizing for Impact

People are hungry for meaningful actions they can take to make the put poverty in the past, to make the world healthier and more equitable. Every time you and your fellow advocates gather to take action, you have an opportunity to draw others into advocacy as well. The opportunities listed below will not only help you think through how to leverage your actions for greater impact but also how to use your action-taking moments as organizing moments.

1. Use Local Media to Move Legislators into Action on September 12, 8:30 pm ET. 

As RESULTS works to use media to influence Congress on both our global and U.S. poverty issues this fall, join this media training webinar to learn the skills you need to get letters to the editor published. Learn what papers look for in media submissions, what you need for a powerful letter, and how to increase your chances of getting published. Join at or dial either (929) 436-2866 or (669) 900-6833, meeting ID 422081397.

2. ‘Wow, I got published!’: Making Media a Transformational Experience on September 19, 8:30 pm ET (Encore presentation).

We can use RESULTS campaign actions to create transformational experiences for new advocates that will inspire them and lead them toward longer-term engagement with our RESULTS Groups. Join us on this webinar to get practical guidance on using organizing practices and our media actions to spur deeper engagement. Join at, or dial (929) 436-2866 or (669) 900-6833, meeting ID 586201507.

3. Orientation and Advocacy Training Series Launches in October. Our terrific Expansion team is prepared to offer you a comprehensive new volunteer orientation and advocacy training experience. Once a new advocate has attended a new advocate orientation, there will be an invitation to attend a 6-week training designed to help new advocates brush up on advocacy skills, dive into current campaigns, and become familiar with support tools RESULTS has available to assist them in their advocacy. Each of these sessions drills down into how you can take your advocacy expertise to the next level with RESULTS. Check out all the information on the 6-week training piece on our website. This new opportunity begins October 17. Spread the word!

Calendar Notes

Next Congressional Recess: Sept. 30 (for two weeks).

Save the Date! The next RESULTS International Conference (celebrating our 40th birthday) will be June 20-23, 2020 at the Capital Hilton in Washington, DC.

Use Local Media to Move Legislators into Action. September 12, 8:30 pm ET. As RESULTS works to use media to influence Congress on both our global and U.S. poverty issues this fall, join this media training webinar to learn the skills you need to get letters to the editor published. Learn what papers look for in media submissions, what you need for a powerful letter, and how to increase your chances of getting published. Join at or dial either (929) 436-2866 or (669) 900-6833, meeting ID 422081397.

National Webinar for Global Poverty Campaigns. September 14, 2 pm ET. To join the webinar online, log in online at or by phone at (669) 900-6833 or (929) 436-2866, meeting ID 510407386.

Global Free Agents Webinars. September 16, 1 or 8 pm ET. Join via or, by phone, dial (669) 900-6833 or (929) 436-2866, meeting ID 285681999. If these times don’t work for you, contact Ken Patterson for support.

New Advocate Orientation. September 18, 8:30 pm ET. If you are new to RESULTS, know someone new to RESULTS, or want to become a RESULTS advocate, join us for New Advocate Orientation! During this live webinar, you’ll interact with RESULTS staff and other new volunteers, learn more about our advocacy model and issues, and get information the next step – a 6-week advocacy training designed to get you in-the-know, connected locally, and in action! Sign up here.

‘Wow, I got published!’: Making Media a Transformational Experience (Encore presentation). September 19, 8:30 pm ET.  Join at, or dial (929) 436-2866 or (669) 900-6833 meeting ID 586201507.

Action Network Community of Practice. October 2, 8:30 pm ET. Do you want to engage more people in your community? Do you have people who want to take action but are not ready to be volunteers yet? Then join the Action Network Community of Practice. This group works together to identify the best ways to recruit, organize, manage, and inspire our local Action Networks. We meet on the first Wednesday of the month at 8:30 pm ET. Join in at or dial (929) 436-2866 or (669) 900-6833, meeting ID 427674133.




Contact the Grassroots Board Members of the RESULTS Board. Also, you can view the most recently published minutes from Board meetings on the RESULTS website, as well as view RESULTS’ most recent Annual Report.

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