Global Poverty Weekly Update September 26, 2016

September 26, 2016

Global Poverty Campaigns

Weekly Update | Week of September 26, 2016

Quote of the Week

"Diseases like tuberculosis, HIV and malaria require us to acknowledge our global citizenship, because they know no borders."

– from global health op-ed by RESULTS Arkansas advocate Abigail Akande in the Arkansas Times.  


Don't Hesitate to Take Action on the Reach Act This Week

October means a congressional recess this year. And when they go, they won't be back until after the November elections! Bow is the time to take action on the Reach Act (H.R. 3706). The great news? We are awaiting word that we officially have met the goal of 200 cosponsors on H.R. 3706 – an achievement reached in no small part due to your hard work! So what's next this week?

  • Follow up with congressional offices to see if they've promised to cosponsor the bill but aren't yet showing up in the official record. (Check online.) Make sure they have contacted Rep. Reichert's office to become a cosponsor.
  • Follow up with offices for which you don't have an answer regarding cosponsorship of this notably bipartisan bill. Let them know that there are 198 cosponsors (including the original lead) on the bill, too!
  • If your representative is already a cosponsor, ask him/her to speak to Rep. Ed Royce, Chair of the Foreign Affairs Committee, requesting that the committee move the Reach Act this year. Find out when your representative will make the request of Rep. Royce. Here is a laser talk you can use to make this request.
  • If you don't get the job done before Congress goes on recess, find your representatives and senators in your state and district. Go to their town halls and ask for face-to-face meetings, so when they come back after elections, they are ready to act by the end of the year.

Find Reach Act resources online.

Your Incredible Global Fund Media Work

  • Have you seen the full list of 2016 Global Fund media you generated in 2016? 61 letters to the editor, 14 op-eds, 12 news pieces and features, and seven editorials. Take a look today. 
  • From our Executive Director, Joanne Carter: The replenishment conference of the Global Fund just concluded in Montreal, and I had the honor of being there with colleagues from around the world. You, our dedicated volunteers, were there with me in spirit. The outcome of the conference itself was just over $12.9 billion in resources for the fight against AIDS, tuberculosis, and malaria over the next three years. This is a huge demonstration of global support and, especially, an incredible testament to the power of advocacy! Click to read more of Dr. Carter's reflections on the Global Fund replenishment held on September 16. 

 Global Grassroots Priorities for the Balance of This Year

  • Face-to-face meetings and townhall: Book during the long October recess to move the Reach Act and build relationships. Make a meeting appointment today! 
  • Expansion: RESULTS will be in Manchester, New Hampshire, on October 17 with additional stops in Portland, Maine, and Philadelphia. Let our excellent expansion staff know if you have contacts in those areas as they work to grow our grassroots presence.
  • Outreach: We want to support you to build robust groups for the new President and Congress. Plan your outreach dates and times, and we'll support you. Be in touch with your regional coordinator. 
  • Fundraising: Gear up for the November 14-24 Virtual Thanksgiving Feast.
  • Mark Your Calendars . . . July 22-25, 2017 is the date for the RESULTS International Conference. We'll have a new president and a different Congress. Timing couldn't be better to be in DC!

P.S. Don't forget to mark October 8 in your calendars, as that's our next national grassroots webinar!

What Does Music Have to Do With Changing the World?

"Advocacy is Like Jazz: Face-to-Face Meetings and the Building of Champions." Read about it on our blog, then make those October recess face-to-face meetings and townhall stop-ins happen! 

Upcoming Learning and Action Opportunities

September 30, 1 pm ET. RESULTS Introductory Call. The perfect RESULTS primer. Contact us with any questions and RSVP for the call.

October 8, 2 pm ET. National Webinar/Conference Call for Grassroots. Login: Or to join by phone only, dial (201) 479-4595, meeting ID 30204806.

July 22-25, 2017. RESULTS International Conference in Washington DC at the Washington Court Hotel. It's never too early to start planning!

Resources at Your Fingertips

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Advocacy Resources (Weekly updates, action sheets, online action alerts, and more)

Global Poverty Campaigns Background

Global Grassroots Calendar

Skills Center 

Fundraising Tools

Report Your 2016 Actions

2015 & 2016 Global Congressional Scorecards (See global poverty actions your members of Congress have taken over the past few years.)

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