Global Poverty Weekly Update May 29, 2017

May 29, 2017

Global Poverty Campaigns

Weekly Update | Week of May 29, 2017

Quote of the Week

"We know what to do – are we willing to put in the effort?"

– Longtime RESULTS Snohomish volunteer Willie Dickerson

National Webinar (June 10), Action Sheet, and Laser Talk: Global Partnership for Education

1. National Grassroots Webinar on Saturday, June 10 at 2 pm ET. Gather with your group, gather with fellow advocates . . . our focus this month will be supporting the vital Global Partership for Education. We're so pleased to have Sarah Beardmore, former RESULTS Education for All Manager and current Senior Strategy and Policy Specialist in the Secretariat of the Global Partnership for Education. To join, log in at to join by phone only, dial (201) 479-4595, meeting ID 30204806.

2. Action Sheet and Laser Talk. We have a brand new action sheet supporting your advocacy for the Global Partnership for Education (GPE). Use the action sheet as a centerpiece for an upcoming local RESULTS Education and Action meeting. The focus of this action sheet is writing a letter to your members of Congress – your representative and both your senators – that you can bring to DC with you to the International Conference and hand deliver. Write a single letter addressed to all of your legislators and make several copies, one for each office. Or write individual letters. Just write! Not attending the conference and need someone to deliver your letters? Ask your group leader or contact Lisa Marchal, Senior Global Grassroots Associate, directly for assistance. You can also pair the action sheet with our new laser talk and make a call to your members of Congress about GPE, too. 

Protecting the Global Development Budget

1. Write Your Paper About the Budget. Last week, the White House released a national budget that includes extreme, unprecedented cuts to foreign aid. It spells bad news for the fight against global poverty. But Congress holds the purse strings, and they make the final decision on our budget. Congress must say no to these cuts. They urgently need to hear from you! It's not an exaggeration to say millions of futures are at risk. One of the many things on the chopping block is the chance for millions of children to achieve their dream of, and right to, an education. A staggering 263 million children and youth are out of school globally. The White House’s response: eliminate the main account funding education. We need these appalling cuts to make headlines. Take a few minutes to write a letter to the editor, then encourage your friends and family to write their own. Together we can stop this – but only if we act now!

2. Editorial Packet on the FY18 Budget. Want to see your local paper write their own piece about preserving global development assistance funding in the FY18 budget? Then pitch the story to your editors and local writers! Send this editorial packet to your local editor, asking them to issue a call for the preservation of this vital funding. 

Senate Appropriations Letters: An Update

1. Senate Global Fund/PEPFAR and Maternal/Child Health "Dear Colleague" Letters. 

*PLEASE NOTE* Closure dates on these letters are very dynamic and have been changing. For the most up-to-date closure dates and signer lists, please consult our appropriations blog

Speak Up! Friends & Family Fundraising Campaign Success

Congratulations to all of the Speak Up grassroots fundraisers! Together, the Speak Up campaign raised over $9,250 and gained support from over 150 donors. Beyond that, grassroots fundraisers shared RESULTS’ mission, an update on our work during the First 100 Days campaign, and individual accomplishments with their communities amplifying our impact across the country. All of this is a critical part of building our movement of passionate, committed everyday people using our voices to end poverty.

Will You Be There? The 2017 RESULTS International Conference

Join us in our nation's capital July 22-25 for the RESULTS International Conference. Check out the current list of speakers as well as the current menu of workshops that will be available at this year's International Conference. Who have you invited to attend? Can we cover all 50 states? 

1. Read More About It. Enjoy the latest blog post outlining the excitement and learning that await you. Grow your knowledge with us in DC!

2. Get Help Getting There. Global poverty advocates: apply for scholarship help – what we call "gap funding." And check out our conference FAQ for cost-saving tips on flights and more. 

3. Share It. Use Twitter or Facebook to showcase your enthusiasm and boldly ask someone new to join us in DC this summer. 

  • Twitter sample tweet: Feeling a call to action? Join @RESULTS_Tweets this summer in Washington and talk to Congress face-to-face.

  • Facebook sample post: Congress needs to hear from you. This summer, meet with your representatives face-to-face. @RESULTS #Voices4RESULTS

Upcoming Learning and Action Opportunities  

May 29-June 2. House and Senate Recesses. 

June 10, 2 pm ET. National Webinar/Conference Call for Grassroots. Login: to join by phone only, dial (201) 479-4595, meeting ID 30204806.

June 14, 9 pm ET. RESULTS Introductory Call. The perfect RESULTS primer. Contact us with any questions and RSVP for the call.

July 22-25. RESULTS International Conference in Washington DC at the Washington Court Hotel. Registration is open!

Resources at Your Fingertips

Subscribe to the Weekly Update

Advocacy Resources (Weekly updates, action sheets, online action alerts, and more)

Global Poverty Campaigns Background

Global Grassroots Calendar

Skills Center 

Fundraising Tools

Report 2017 Actions

2015 & 2016 Global Congressional Scorecards (See global poverty actions your members of Congress have taken over the past few years.)

Contact the Grassroots Board Members of the RESULTS Board. Also, you can view the most recently published minutes from Board meetings on the RESULTS website, as well as download RESULTS’ most recent Annual Report.


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