Global Poverty Weekly Update June 17, 2019

June 18, 2019

Quote of the Week

“I’ve seen optimism because I grew up in communities of recovery where people put their lives back together and find tomorrows that they didn’t think would be there. That fundamentally changed my life and is so much of where my hope comes from.”

~ DeRay Mckesson, newly announced keynote speaker for the 2019 RESULTS International Conference ~

Join us for the conference this year!

Write on the Global Fund: 26 States Have Seen Publication

Let’s Fill in the Global Fund Media “Heat Map”! Your media work – particularly on the Global Fund – is really piling up across the country. Let’s leverage the power of it in DC.

Where have we been published? Check out the Global Fund media map – our “heat map” showing all the spots around the country where you’ve been published once, five times, more than 10 times . . . it’s terrific!

Can we fill in the blank spots on the heat map? Here’s how:

Once you get published, work with your fellow advocates to send to DC a stack of printed letters and editorials on the Global Fund that you helped generate in your home state. Show how the issues we care about are being talked about back home.

Not sure how to get your letters and printed media to your state’s delegation for the International Conference? Contact us – we’ll help!

International Conference: Prepping for DC, Connecting Back Home

By now, you’ve heard that we will welcome DeRay Mckesson to the International Conference! DeRay is an educator and civil rights activist focused on issues of innovation, equity, and justice. He has recently published a new book of reflections on his life and activism, On the Other Side of Freedom: The Case for Hope. His award-winning podcast Pod Save the People dives deep into justice, culture, social issues, and politics. DeRay was named one of the World’s Greatest Leaders by Fortune Magazine in 2015 and as one of the 30 Most Influential People On The Internet by Time Magazine in 2016.

But there is even more to be excited about:

  • Get to Know Your Neighbors! Emails have gone out to state delegations of those who have indicated they will be participating in Advocacy Day. As you book your meetings with your members of Congress for that day on the Hill, you have also been invited, via those emails, to book times to meet with our policy staff to discuss smart advocacy strategy. Need assistance? Contact your Regional Coordinator or a staff member and we’ll help you out.
  • Include Those at Home. Use the June Action Sheet to encourage letter-writers at home. How cool to hand-deliver a batch of letters to your senators and representatives! Or arrange to have folks dial into your Advocacy Day meetings. Folks at home can even set up an in-district follow-up meeting for the August recess. What other ideas can you think of?
  • Living Our Values as We Conference Together. Check out our powerful Call-in/Call-Out Guide, a resource for when we encounter language or situations that don’t reflect or help us live out the anti-oppressive, inclusive values to which we aspire. There will even be an Anti-Oppression Training: Call-in/Call-Out on July 9, 9 pm ET. We’ll review why anti-oppression work matters for our advocacy and discuss methods of responding to oppressive behavior using the RESULTS Call-in/Call-out Guide. This guide is meant to help us find meaningful alternatives and better ways of being in conversation and community that affirm the dignity and contributions of all. Join online via Zoom at Or call (929) 436-2866 or (669) 900-6833, meeting ID 837139277.

Ready, Set, Go! Want to be as ready as you can to maximize your conference experience? We have a comprehensive IC Resources page that offers so many helpful pieces as you prep, including . . .

All the Information. Our main conference site is It’s all there for you. And there’s still time to register!

Fast Facts

  1. No National Grassroots Webinar in July – enjoy the summer break!
  2. The Reach Act on maternal/child health was reintroduced in the Senate recently through the leadership of Senators Collins (R-ME) and Coons (D-DE), and it now has a bill number – S.1766. You can follow the progress of the bill online.
  3. We offer closed captioning during our monthly national grassroots webinar (global campaigns). You can access the captioning via this link:
  4. If you go to our website and click on “Current Volunteers” in the upper right-hand corner, you’ll get a list of fantastic, pertinent resources just for you to aid you in doing your advocacy and organizing work. Need an action sheet? Want a training playback recording? Need to look up information on a legislator? It’s all there!

Calendar Notes

Next congressional recess coming up in August.

June 19, 8:30 pm ET. New Advocate Orientation. If you are new to RESULTS, know someone new to RESULTS, or want to become a RESULTS advocate, please join us for our New Advocate Orientation! During this 60-minute live webinar, you’ll interact with RESULTS staff and other new volunteers, learn more about our advocacy model and issues and get information on how to take action and get connected locally. Sign up here.

June 20, 9 pm ET. Regional Coordinator Misty Novitch hosts the final installment of our book book club focusing on learning and practicing the coaching techniques explored in David Rock’s book Quiet LeadershipCheck out the syllabus beforehand. To join, go to You can also join by phone at (929) 436-2866 or (669) 900-6833, meeting ID 482992263.

July 4. RESULTS Office Closed in Observance of Independence Day.

July 9, 9 pm ET. Anti-Oppression Training: Call-in/Call-Out. We’ll review why anti-oppression work matters for our advocacy and discuss methods of responding to oppressive behavior using the RESULTS Call-in/Call-out Guide. This guide is meant to help us find meaningful alternatives and better ways of being in conversation and community that affirm the dignity and contributions of all. Join via Or call (929) 436-2866 or (669) 900-6833, meeting ID 837139277.

July 10, 8 pm ET. RESULTS Action Network Community of Practice. Join other Action Network Managers to learn and share best practices for building and managing a local Action Network. Join the webinar at, or by phone via (929) 436-2866 or (669) 900-6833, meeting ID 427674133. You can also join our Facebook pagerequest to join the group listserv, and find resources online.


July 13-16. RESULTS International Conference. Grand Hyatt Washington (DC)Check outthe information page.

*ADJUSTED DATE* July 22, 1 pm ET and 8 pm ET. RESULTS Global Free Agents Webinars (choose one). Join via or, by phone, dial (669) 900-6833 or (929) 436-2866, meeting ID 285681999.




Contact the Grassroots Board Members of the RESULTS Board. Also, you can view the most recently published minutes from Board meetings on the RESULTS website, as well as view RESULTS’ most recent Annual Report.


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