Global Poverty Weekly Update June 13, 2016

June 13, 2016

Global Poverty Campaigns

Weekly Update | Week of June 13, 2016

Quote of the Week

"Lots of people have gotten hopeless. When you realize that you can make a difference, it's like, 'Whoa.' This is all about citizen empowerment."

– Ed Greville, RESULTS PG County, inspiring his community in the Baltimore Sun, September 2015 


Special Schedule Change Note for July

On July 9 , we'll be joining the U.S. Poverty campaign advocates at the time of their usual monthly webinar/conference call – 12:30 pm ET. So our national grassroots webinar/conference call that day will be a joint "all call" with our whole national advocates network. It will be a wonderful time of sharing and celebrating across the network. Please note and plan for this one-time schedule change. We will have connection information soon. 

Be Part of It Even If You Aren't in DC: 2016 RESULTS International Conference

"You know, everything that you wish or desire to dream (in) your life, it's very possible." – Loyce Maturu, Global Fund advocate and invited speaker for our International Conference, in the Brattleboro Reformer

Come to the International Conference to connect with advocates from all around the world. Come help us push the Reach Act toward passage. Come voice your support for robust replenishment of the Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria at the September 16 replenishment meeting in Canada. 

The House will be on recess while we're in DC, which means a particular opportunity to make Senate meetings happen—even face-to-face meetings! Meet the powerful schedulers in the offices of your representatives and senators in person. Then land that in-district or in-state meeting back home, too. Learn, and make a difference!

1. Would You Like Some Prep Tips? Take a look at our handy International Conference Checklist to make the most of this month leading up to the conference. You can also check out the conference FAQs for some great information. 

2. What's Special About Coming to DC? You have the chance to look the scheduler in the eye, connect, and ask them to help you find a time to meet face-to-face with your member of Congress back in the district. You can deepen your relationship with House foreign policy aides or other congressional staff during a more relaxed point in the year. You can potentially go a bit deeper in conversation with legislative staff who specialize in our issues and request specific action. You can work now to set up a face-to-face meeting with a senator. What a great opportunity we will have!

3. International Conference Q&A. Get your questions answered! June 17, 2 pm ET. Sign up online. 

4. Invite to the Lobby Day Reception. Invite your legislators and key aides to the reception that will cap off our conference. Click to find an invitation you can share. 

5. Financial Assistance Available. Learning, connecting, making change, having fun, making memories. That's what's in store for all of us in DC during International Conference! If you want to come to the International Conference but are finding it difficult to gather all of the resources necessary to attend, let us know what your need is via our online form. We’ll do our best to support you.

6. Information on Setting Up Lobby Day Meetings. 

  • Group leaders have received more information encouraging the set-up of your group's Lobby Day (Tuesday, June 28) meetings, including setting the meetings with DC offices, booking a time to chat and prep with our policy staff, and details on the evening reception.
  • You can then let us know about the lobby meetings you've scheduled in DC by clicking through to our handy form.
  • Policy briefings you can read up on prior to the conference are also located on our website. 
  • 114th Congressional Scorecard (under "Key Online Tools") to help you research your member of Congress.
  • New to this process and have questions? Don't hesitate to contact Lisa Marchal, Senior Global Grassroots Associate. We're working to make sure all participating in Lobby Day are well connected to fellow attendees and all the resources needed for everyone to feel excited and set for success. 

7. Media Advisory/DC Correspondent Meeting Request. We have a media advisory that can be used right before or right after the conference. This advisory is ideal for community, campus, and neighborhood papers. We also have a meeting request for advocates from cities that have DC correspondents. You could request a meeting with the correspondent while in DC! Find both the sample advisory and the sample request on our conference resources page

8. Pre-IC and Post-IC Intensives. We are offering two extra opportunities to gain skills and have an impact at the 2016 IC. Below are the details on each of the workshop. Please join us! Both workshops will take place at the Washington Court Hotel, the same location as the RESULTS International Conference. If you are interested, check out this online application form and details.

Pre-IC WorkshopGlobal Health Network Building. Friday June 24, 3-6 pm ET, then dinner.

Post-IC Workshop: We’re All in This Together: Global Fund Op-ed Writing Workshop. Wednesday June 29, 8:30 am-1:30 pm ET, including lunch.

9. Want to Find a Roommate for the Conference? Subscribe to the IC Help-Share Group by sending an email to [email protected]. Then send a message requesting a roommate or offering room space. If you have questions on how the group works, contact Lisa Marchal, Senior Global Grassroots Associate. 

10. How Can You Be Part of the Action If You Can't Attend? 

  • Check out the blog on Friday, June 24 for a link to select live-streamed sessions during the conference.  
  • Write a letter to your representative and/or senators supporting the Reach Act and send it with someone who is attending from your area to be personally delivered. 
  • Arrange to call in to a meeting your fellow advocates will be holding with legislative offices in DC. 
  • Book a face-to-face meeting with your representative for the August recess, since the House will not be in session during the conference. 
  • Follow the official RESULTS Twitter account during the conference, @RESULTS_Tweets, and join in with tweets of your own.  

Calling on Congress to Move the Reach Act

You did it! We have surpassed our goal of 150 cosponsors on H.R. 3706, the Reach Act . . . and the number is still climbing! Absolutely marvelous work.

Also, you have gotten 304 media hits on the Reach Act coast-to-coast. Again, spectacular! So, the next moves: 

1. Keep placing media, as we need to gain media hits in Colorado, Kentucky, Nevada, New Hampshire, North Dakota, Oklahoma, and Wyoming. Check out our updated editorial packet and make that pitch to your editors or write and submit your letter to the editor.

2. Ask your members of Congress to encourage the leadership of the House Foreign Affairs and Senator Foreign Relations Committees to work on the Reach Act (H.R. 3706/S. 1911). Use our laser talk or our latest action sheet to make that request.  

3. Help that cosponsor number keep climbing. Ask your representative and/or senators to join the list of cosponsors today!

Check out the resources mentioned and more on our maternal/child health issue page as well as on our media toolkit page

Acting on the Call Panel Discussion

On June 21, a high-level panel (including RESULTS Executive Director Joanne Carter) will launch USAID’s annual report, Acting on the Call,  in Washington, DC. They will discuss how to achieve the ambitious goal of ending preventable child and maternal deaths in an equitable way. You can invite your House members to this fantastic event using this invitation. 

Road to Rio Fundraising Challenge

We need to kick our "race" into high gear, and we know we can do it! The money we raise will benefit the advocacy work we are already doing. This campaign is a fun and easy way for us to all be fundraisers and celebrate the global collaboration of the 2016 Summer Olympics being held in Rio de Janeiro. This is the first time we are coordinating with RESULTS affiliates in the UK and Canada on a collective fundraising effort. You can get started by setting up your personal friends and family page here: you need help setting up a page, contact Grassroots Fundraising Associate Jen DeFranco

What's more, through the incredible generosity of one of our board members and his family, between now and June 26, if we collectively raise $35,000 through the Road to Rio Fundraising Challenge, an additional $15,000 contribution will be donated.

Place Your Vote! 

RESULTS & RESULTS Educational Fund is looking to fill one grassroots board position to serve a term of three (3) years beginning in July of 2016. (There are four grassroots board seats in total.) Grassroots board members represent the volunteer body on the Board of Directors and on the Executive Committee of the Board. It is the responsibility of the Board of Directors to work with the Executive Director in shaping the direction of RESULTS, advising on major policies for the organization, and providing fiduciary oversight. The Executive Committee of the Board is the primary governing body of the organization. Members meet frequently by conference call and are in communication via e-mail and telephone calls. Members must be able to participate at this level and are expected to chair or serve on a Board Committee(s) as well as participate in fundraising for the organization. Grassroots board members play a particular role in representing grassroots perspectives on the board.

Our grassroots board candidates include Tadeo Melean Weiner (Kansas City U.S. poverty group), Maxine Thomas (Indianapolis U.S. poverty group) and Charles Wallace (Austin global poverty group).

You may vote for one candidate. Remember voting ends Tuesday, July 5 at midnight ET. Click here to view candidate bios and statements. After you've reviewed the materials, click here to vote.  

Upcoming Learning and Action Opportunities

June 17, 1 pm ET. RESULTS Introductory Call. The perfect RESULTS primer. Contact us with any questions and RSVP for the call.

June 25-28. RESULTS 2016 International Conference. 

Next House Recess: Begins June 27

​Next Senate Recess: Begins July 1

July 9, 12:30 pm ET. National Webinar/Conference Call for Grassroots – Joint with U.S. and Global Campaigns. Login information available soon.

Resources at Your Fingertips

Subscribe to the Weekly Update

Advocacy Resources (Weekly updates, action sheets, online action alerts, and more)

Global Poverty Campaigns Background

Global Grassroots Calendar

Skills Center 

Fundraising Tools

Report Your 2016 Actions

2015 & 2016 Global Congressional Scorecards (See global poverty actions your members of Congress have taken over the past few years.)

Who Are the New(est) Members of Congress? (scroll down page)

Contact the RESULTS Board

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